Friday, October 3, 2008
ساجد نے مجھے اچھا چوتیا بنایا۔
ساجد نے مجھے اچھا چوتیا بنایا۔ اب اس کے پاس میری آواز کی ریکارڈنگ موجود تھی جس میں میں اس سے خود کو چودنے کے لئیے کہہ رہی ہوں اور اسے دھمکا رہی ہوں کہ اگر اس نے مجھے نہیں چودا تو میں کیا کروں گی۔ مجھے ساجد کے ہاتھوں بلیک میل ہونے کا زیادہ دکھ نہیں ہوا۔ کیونکہ اس بلیک میلنگ کی آڑ میں ساجد نے بار بار مجھے چودا۔ اکثر رات کو وہ گیٹ چھوڑ کر میرے کمرے میں آجاتا اور مجھے چود کر واپس چلا جاتا۔ مگر پرابلم تب شروع ہوئی جب اس نے مجھے ایک دن اپنے ایک دوست کے پاس جانے پر مجبور کیا۔ میں نے اس کی بہت منتیں کیں مگر وہ نہ مانا اور ایک دن میں آفس سے اس کے ساتھ اس کے دوست کے گھر پہنچی۔ مکان دیکھ کر ہی میں سمجھ گئی تھی کہ یہ ساجد کے دوست کا گھر نہیں ہے کیونکہ وہ ایک بنگلہ تھا۔ ساجد نے کسی سیٹھ سے پیسے لے کر مجھے وہاں سپلائی کیا تھا۔ اندر پہنچی تو ایک موٹا خبیث بڈھا میرا انتظار کر رہا تھا۔ بڈھے نے ساجد کو باہر جانے کا کہا تو میں نے کہا کہ اگر ساجد باہر گیا تو میں کچھ نہیں کروں گی اور جو کچھ کروں گی وہ ساجد کی موجودگی میں ہوگا۔ بڈھا بہت خوار تھا فورا مان گیا۔ بڈھے نے مجھے کپڑے اتارنے کو کہا۔ میں نے اپنی شلوار اور کرتا اتارا بریزر کھولی اور بالکل ننگی کھڑی ہوگئی۔ بڈھے نے اپنے کپڑے اتارے تو اس کا دو انچ کا لنڈ بالکل ساکت پڑا تھا۔ میں نے بڈھے کو بیڈ پر لٹایا اور اس کا دو انچ کا لنڈ اپنی چوچیوں کے بیچ میں دبالیا۔ بڈھے کی مرادانگی بالکل زیرو تھی اور میری چوچیوں میں لنڈ آتے ہی اس نے میرے مموں پر ہی منی نکال دی۔ پھر میں نے واش روم میں جاکر اپنا جسم دھویا۔ باہر آئی تو ساجد نے ایک نئی کہانی سنائی کہ اب بڈھا چاہتا ہے کہ ساجد مجھے اس کے سامنے چودے۔ میں تو ننگی ہی تھی ساجد نے بھی اپنی جینز کی پینٹ اور ٹی شرٹ اتاری اور اپنا لنڈ میرے منہ میں دے دیا۔ ہم لوگ بیڈ پر تھے۔ ساجد لیٹا ہوا تھا اور میں اس کی ٹانگوں میں بیٹھ کر اس کا لنڈ چوس رہی تھی کہ بڈھا پیچھے سے آیا اور میری گانڈ کا سوارخ چاٹنے لگا۔ تھوڑی دیر لنڈ چوسنے کے بعد میں لیٹ گئی۔ بڈھے نے فرمائش کری کہ میں اس کے اوپر ایسے لیٹوں کے میری چوت بڈھے کے منہ پر آجائے میں لیٹ گئی تو بڈھے نے ساجد سے کہا کہ اب وہ میری چوت میں اپنا لنڈ ڈالے۔ ساجد نے میری ٹانگیں اٹھائیں اور اپنا لنڈ بڈھے کے منہ پر ٹچ کرتے ہوئے میری چوت میں ڈال دیا۔ بڈھا اپنی زبان سے میری چوت اور ساجد کا لنڈ چاٹ رہا تھا۔ ساجد نے جلدی جلدی مجھے چودنا شروع کردیا اور جب اس کی منی نکلنے والی تھی تو اس نے اپنا لنڈ میری چوت سے نکالا اور میری پھدی پر اپنی منی کا فوارہ چھوڑ دیا۔ میری پھدی سے ہوتی ہوئی ساجد کی منی بڈھے کی زبان پر گری جسے اس نے فورا چاٹ لیا اور میری پھدی بھی چاٹ کر صاف کردی۔ اس کے چدائی کے بعد ساجد سے جان چھڑانا ضروری ہوگیا تھا اور میں نے ساجد سے جان چھڑانے کا طریقہ بھی سوچ لیا تھا۔ میں نے اپنے ایک پرانے ٹھوکو کو فون کر کے اس سے پوچھا کہ کس طرح ساجد سے پیچھا چھڑایا جاسکتا ہے۔ ساجد میرا چوکیدار ہے جسے بلیک میل کرنے کے چکر میں میں خود بلیک میل ہوگئی تھی اور اب وہ میرے جسم کی کمائی کھانا چاہتا تھا۔ میرے دوست نے کہا کہ مجھے ایک سیاسی جماعت کے غنڈوں سے رابطہ کرنا چاہئیے۔میں نے اس سیاسی جماعت کے کارکنوں کا پتہ لگایا اور ان میں سے ایک لڑکے کاشف کو ریستوران میں لنچ پر بلالیا۔ لنچ کے دوران میں نے اسے بتایا کہ میرے چوکیدار کے ہاتھ میری کچھ ثبوت لگ گئے ہیں جن کی وجہ سے وہ مجھے بلیک میل کر رہا ہے اور میں چاہتی ہوں کہ میرے راستے کا کانٹا نکل جائے۔ اس نے کہا کہ وہ میرا کام کردے گا مگر شرط یہ ہوگی کہ مجھے اس کے لنڈ کی پیاس بجھانا ہوگی۔ میں تیار ہوگئی اور اس نے مجھے ایک ایڈریس دیا کہ یہاں پہنچ جانا یہیں ساجد کو بھی بلوالیں گے اور تمہارے سامنے اس کو مار مار کے معافی منگوائیں گے اور تمہاری آواز کا ٹیپ بھی نکلوائیں گے۔اگلے دن میں اس ایڈریس پر پہنچی وہ ایک خالی مکان تھا اور ایک ویران علاقے میں تھا۔ کاشف وہاں چند لڑکوں کے ساتھ میرا انتطار کررہا تھا۔ کچھ دیر بعد ایک کار آکر رکی اور اس میں سے کچھ لڑکے ساجد کو بالوں سے کھینچتے ہوئے باہر لائے۔ پھر انہوں نے ساجد پر خوب لاتیں اور گھونسے برسائے اور اس سے وہ کیسٹ بھی لے لی۔ اس کے بعد کاشف بولا۔ سبین تمہارا کام ہوگیا اب میرا کام کرو۔ یہ کہہ کر اس نے سب لڑکوں کے سامنے اپنی پینٹ کی زپ کھولی اور اپنا سات انچ لمبا لوڑا باہر نکالا۔ میں گھٹنوں کے بل بیٹھ گئی اور اس کا لنڈ چوسنے لگی۔ اس نے کہا نہیں ڈارلنگ پہلے کپڑے اتارو اور پھر میں نے اتنے سارے لڑکوں کی موجودگی میں کپڑے اتار دئیے۔ اور ساجد کا لنڈ چوسنے لگی۔ یہ سین دیکھ کر سب لڑکوں کے لنڈ ان کی پینٹوں میں پھنسنے لگے اور آہستہ وہ سب اپنے لنڈ باہر نکالنے لگے۔ اور مٹھ مارنے لگے۔ تھوڑی دیر بعد کاشف نے مجھے ایک میز پر بٹھایا اور میری ٹانگیں کھول کر اپنا لنڈ میری پھدی میں ڈال دیا اور دھنا دھن میری چوت چودنے لگا۔ کاشف کا لنڈ کسی راکٹ کی طرح کام کررہا تھا وہ پورا لنڈ باہر نکالتا اور پھر ایک جھٹکے سے میری پھدی میں ڈالتا۔ ان جھٹکوں سے میرے ممے اچھل رہے تھے اور میں اپنے ہاتھوں سے انہیں دبا رہی تھی۔آس پاس کھڑے لڑکوں میں سے ایک نے ساجد کے منہ پر گھونسا مارا اور ساجد کے منہ سے خون نکلنے لگا اس لڑکے نے اپنا لنڈ ساجد کے منہ میں ڈال دیا اور ساجد اس کا لنڈ چوسنے لگا۔ اتنے میں ایک اور لڑکے نے ساجد کی پینٹ اتاری اور اس کی گانڈ میں اپنا لنڈ گھسیڑ دیا ساجد پہلے ہی زخموں سے چور تھا بیچارا کچھ نہیں کرسکا۔ایک طرف کاشف مجھے چود رہا تھا دوسری طرف دو لڑکے ساجد کی گانڈ مار رہے تھے۔ اور باقی لڑکے مٹھ مار رہے تھے۔ ان میں سے ایک لڑکے کی منی نکلنے والی تھی اس نے جلدی سے قریب آکر اپنی منی میرے منہ پر ڈال دی جبکہ کاشف بدستور میری پھدی زور زور سے چود رہا تھا۔ باقی لڑکے بھی باری باری آکر اپنی منی میرے منہ مموں اور پیٹ پر ڈالتے رہے۔ اور آخر کار کاشف نے بھی میری چوت میں اپنی منی چھوڑ دی۔ ساتھ ہی میں بھی ٹھنڈی ہوگئی۔ سب لڑکوں اور کاشف نے مل کر ساجد کے اوپر پیشاب کیا اور پھر ہم سب کپڑے پہن کر اپنی اپنی گاڑیوں میں بیٹھ کر ساجد کو وہیں چھوڑ کر چلے گئے۔اس دن کے بعد میں نے ساجد کو پھر کبھی نہیں دیکھا۔ ہاں کاشف اور اس سیایسی جماعت کے لڑکوں کے ساتھ میں اکثر چدواتی رہی اور ان سے اپنے دوسرے کام بھی نکلواتی رہی۔
Wife Banged By Hubby Business Partner
As the door bell rang, Sandy cursed the visitor. She was halfway through her bath. Just then her hubby john had left and her 5 year old son had gone to her mother's house for vacation for 15 days to Pune. She was all alone in that palatial house. The previous night they had gone for a party and John had really troubled her almost whole night after taking hot rinks. They had attended the official party as John and his partner Vijay had bagged a major contract in Singapore. Since it was a big achievement for John, Sandy also dressed up with interest. That night everyone complimented Sandy for her beauty. She had worn a flowing white gown with a open back. A single thin platinum chain with a big diamond pendant and diamond earrings had increased the glow on her face. Her long hair was covering her white skin on the back. The gown had a slit on either side only up to her knees and her cleavage was slightly visible through the cut on her chest was being covered by the big pendant on her chain. The sleeveless arms were tender looking with a diamond bracelet and white colour fancy watch. She was looking like an actress in that outfit.God had given her beauty and brains together. When John's partner of the firm, Vijay shook her hand, his eyes were wide open, and he had taken little extra time squeezing her hands purposely. He was a tall and strong man in his 30s. She had not got many occasions to see him often. Whenever he came to their house she was busy with their only son and had hardly exchanged greetings. John said Vijay had organized the party fully. It was only for the known circle of the office. It was in the garden of Vijay's big house. There was an attractive floor created surrounding the fountain which had awaked female statue in the middle. Everyone sat around the stage, sipping hot drinks and junk food. There were trees around the place. The party had a dance bay sexy dancer. The dancer had entered the floor with full frilled red colour gown to start with. But as the dance progressed she had stripped slowly. The first one to get out of her body was the velvetyfurr that she was wearing on her gown. She removed it and threw to the audience. There was a huge applaud from everyone. Next Sandy saw 4 strong black men entering the stage. The dancer was pretending to escape from them. After some drama she was carried and thrown in to the fountain water. Her hands were tied above the naked marble statue. Then the water started to flow from the fountain on to her body. The song had got more erotic. In no time the gown got wet fully anther fair skin was visible from the gown. She was wearing a black lacy very small bra and panty inside. Her body was shown inch by inch on the huge screen projected on a side screen. As the camera moved on her full body there was full silence with everyone looking at the stage only. Again the four black men came and in full view of the audience her gown was removed and thrown to the crowd. One man even cut off her shining neck piece and threw it off. The scene got very wild with everyone staring at her marvellous body in two pieces. The bra and panty were too small just covering enough. Again her body was shown from full close up. Sandy could see John getting aroused at that view. John, Sandy and Vijay and their secretary were sitting in place. All the staff of John were seated a bit far around the stage. From four corners drinks were thrown on the dancer's body and the four black men licked her body. She was making all sexy moves and looked like she had personally got involved in the act. Sandy was wondering unto what extent the show will go on. She was surprised also as to how can such parties be held in open. Then the dancer was released from the rope and as the music continued she stripped each of the 4 black men with their colourful trousers and pants. Now even those muscular men were only in their small underwear's. She was being squeezed between them. They did lots of gymnastics together exposing different positions of kamasutra indirectly. In one of the positions she was standing in the middle of the 4 men. Two came from behind and caught hold of her hands on either side. She was pinned to the glittering floor. As everyone saw two other blackish licked her body from head tote, taking more time on her private parts. Though they were doing it on top of her bikini piece it was almost naked to see. One of them took her boob through the bra in his mouth and sucked it erotically. The other spent time on licking her naval. The guys we repressing her boobs too. Everything was shown very clearly on the screen. Suddenly Sandy felt two strong hands caressing her back. To give more effect there was bright light only on the stage. All the lights in the garden, bungalow and near the gate were also switched off. Rest all part of the garden was in utter darkness now. She looked at John, he was busy sipping the whisky and seeing the erotic dance on the floor. He had even forgotten that she was sitting next to him. She tried to turn back and see. It was Vijay who was behind her, at the back of her chair. When she saw him he grinned at her. She wouldn't want to create ascend there so she just removed his hands and sat quietly. After sometime suddenly his hands got inside her gown from behind, through her naked back, slid onto the gown and rested on her boobs, sending waves of shocks inside her body. She just rose up on her chair. As she tried turning John this side, John only shouted at her 'Don't disturb' and continued to see the stage. Smiling at her helplessness, Vijay bent down, kissed her on her cheeks and pressed the boobs once very hard and went off. She was relieved but still her body was trembling with the fear. On the stage, two men had slid their hands inside her bra and two others inside her panty and were squeezing and rubbing her. Looking at that scene anyone could have got aroused. John's hand was pressing his downtick over his pants. but everything was being done with the cloth on. That was more erotic. As the big scene splashed her face from close-up, she looked more sexy enjoying the hand job she was getting. The men had placed their big hands on her boobs and we repressing it in rhythm with the music. While one man licked her naval, the other man slid his fingers inside her pussy and was finger ****ing her in full view of the crowd. Now suddenly they stopped the music and microphone was placed near her mouth. She had lost control on herself. She had half closed her eyes and moaning. Her 'ahhhhhhhhhhhh. .ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ' were too loud now. Sandy saw once all around. Al most all theme had dragged their partners close to them and under the cover of the dresses were busy either squeezing or finger ****ing their partners. She saw that Vijay was sitting right next to her and while looking at Sandy he had slid his hands inside the blouse of their secretary, who was very much drunk and was squeezing her boobs. It was quite dark so nobody could be sinfully. Just then Vijay called one of the guys and said something to him. He nodded his head and went back to that female dancer. As everyone looked they lifted her up and asked her to remove their undoes. She was surprised and said 'No. never I have never got fully naked on the stage…no full sex here. may be in the room. no sorry'. But the four strong men took hold of her and threw her again in the fountain water. Now the skimpy two piece got stuck to her body. One person caught hold of her hair, lifted her head and poured whisky into her throat. As she drank it the crowd started cheering them. Now she was slowly stripped off the remaining two piece from her body and were thrown on Vijay. He took them, while giving a naughty look at sandy, smelt them. She just turned her face the other side. Now the girl was fully naked. They started fingering her and pinching her nipples. In no time she got aroused fully and one by one removed their shorts with her own hands. They spread her legs and placed neither side of the naked statue. She was asked to gather hands to the back of the statue too. As the close-up showed, her boobs were standing out with erect nipples and pink shaven pussy fully exposed to the crowd. The 4 black bodies went close to her and the next moment was the sex act in full swing on the stage. Women placed themselves on her either side and placed their hands on her boobs, started teasing her with the circling and patting of nipples. They were pulling the nipples and leaving. The other two sat down and were licking her legs. Then slowly one tongue reached hiragana as the tongue went inside her sensitive area she let out a loud moan surprising the whole crowd. One man took a chair and rose up, gave his dick in her mouth. It was too much for everyone out there. By now, most of them under the cover of darkness had either started masterburating or had lifted the dresses oftheir partners. John was silently playing with Sandy'pussy from under the table. She was praying thatnobody sees them. But Vijay had seen her beautifullegs almost exposed. On the stage the grunts of the dancer were gettingmore and more louder. Now the two men on her sides hadtaken her each boob in their mouths and were suckingthem loudly. The microphone was clearly giving awaythe sounds. Her full body was occupied with one decking her mouth, two pairs of hands on her either of hobnobs, and a deep tongue ****ing by another man down there. There was another loud noise from her as sheorgasmed to the public view. The man getting the blowjob, caught hold of her hairs, and pressed himselfstill deep inside her mouth and started mouth ****ingher fast. Now the man down got up, standing straighthe entered her pussy in one straight push and kept hislegs on her either side, allowing the others the spacetoo. She was literally sandwitched with these guys.Sandy turned around and saw that now Vijay had pulledoff the sari of his secretary. She was in her smallsleevless blouse, with her petticoat risen to herwaste, legs fully spread and Vijay was pulling out hisfly to enter her. His eyes were fixed on Sandy but. Itwas looking as though he was imagining Sandy and****ing his secretary. Sandy face turned red and shesat back with closed eyes. John with his finger workmade her to come there itself. The female on the stage was getting the rough ****ingin her mouth and pussy, rough pressing on her boobs.The guy in her mouth ejaculated full load in to hermouth and withdrew. The juice flowing down her mouthto her boobs was too erotic. She threw her headsideways and was enjoying the deep ****ing on thestage. There were other ohhhhhhhh and ahhhhhhhhhhhhsin the garden with many more pairs getting into sexact. The area was getting filled with sex. Some hadmoved to the back of the trees. But still only thestage had light rest all in dark. After sometime, theguys brought out that female to the floor from thefountain. She was finding it difficult to stand. Oneof the guys slept down on the floor, she was pushedroughly on him by the others. She was lifted andplaced on him. One guy helped in her pussy slippingdown on the erected dick of the sleeping man. She satfully on him and the man pulled her mangoes roughlyand she fell on him. Two men lifted her waste a bit,and the free man just placed his long and thick toolbehind her and she cried out loudly, as he pushedhimself hard into her ass hole. Only one inch went inand she gave out huge cry. Immediately one man wentinfront of her and forcibly pushed his dick in hermouth, stopping her from crying. The crowd startedclapping for them. Encouraged by this, the man pushedhis monster again inside her. In the third attempt hestabbed her asshole fully and waited for sometime. Nowshe had a dick in her pussy, asshole and mouth. Theylifted her a bit to give full view of her hangingmangoes to the crowd. The fourth man, who had alreadycum once in her mouth sat next to them and startedpulling her nipples, milking them. As they started****ing her with full understanding, the noise startedcoming from them. Bang….bang…bang… it was a fierce****ing in public view. With each banging, her boobswere shaking. Everyone was looking at the giant screengetting the close up of the scene. The huge giantcocks were sliding in and out of her holes. Vijay now roughly pushed his secretary down on thegrass, ripped open her blouse, roughly pulling hertits out, and started ****ing her roughly. He was likea wild animal. That sight of him made Sandy to getcomplete scared of him. Only Sandy and John were closeto them and could see them. John seemed to be carelessabout this. Sandy could hear moans and grunts from thepeople. Vijay was fiercely moulding his lady's breastshurting her a lot. He had not undressed but had onlybrought out his dick through the zipper and was****ing her. John had put two fingers inside Sandy'spanty and vagina and was ****ing her in full speed andhis other hand was inside his pants jerking himself. On the stage, the guy in her mouth came first andwithdrew himself. By now that female was too hot andwas shouting loudly. Now as her mouth got free shestarted talking…'ahhhhhhh… ohhhhhhh…u cheaters…****ingme in public. Yes..**** me more..hard.. harder….u blackmonsters… haaaaaaa…ram my myass…ahhhhhhhhhhh' ..Sandy was feeling too shy with thisscene. The guy who was pressing her boobs came infrontof her, moved a bit front and asked the guy below tohold her boobs together and started boob ****ing her.Her face was pressed against his scrotum. They allwere banging her in full speed. As Sandy neared her orgasm again, she bit her lipshard to control her screaming. Vijay had his partnerin full noise as she supposedly came and there weresimilar grunts from the stage. When sandy saw thestage, the men were ready to erupt in all her holestogether. All the members shouted, creating a bignoise, came one after the other and fell on eachother. John got up and went behind the trees, to shagoff. Vjay had finished as was getting up and finallyzipped back and came and sat again next to sandywiping his face. John was not satisfied. He forcedSandy to get up and said 'bye' to all in a hurry andpushed Sandy into the car. As they passed the dias,Sandy could see that the dancer was thrown on thefloor, fully naked with closed eyes, her hand spreadeagle. As she saw, Vijay was getting up and going nearthe dancer. Many other men too were trying to get nearher. Sandy understood that the poor dancer was in fora more group banging there. May be she will get paidmore too for this extra service.John was so hot from the scene that he did not evenallow Sandy to remove her sandals when they enteredtheir house at around 1 in the night. He closed thedoor and pulled her close to him, giving a wild kiss.Undressing her quickly he had taken her on the livingroom carpet, banging madly, then making her bendagainst the sofa, he had ****ed her hard in doggystyle. That night he had ****ed her three more timesin speed before she slipped into deep sleep at around3 in the morning. Next day John was suppose to fly toSingapore for a conference. His flight was at 5 in theevening.. They both slept till 2 in the afternoonuninterrup ted and when she opened her eyes, she hadJohn's hand on her naked breast, under the blanket ontheir big bed. His long leg pressed against her rightthigh, a satisfied smile on his face. She kissed himlovingly as she tried to get up. He woke up with hermovements and refuse to allow her to get up. Justrolled her up above him and pulled her down to hisface to lock her lips, below his hands adjusted hisrock hard dick against her vagina and pressed it updeep into her cunt. Sandy smiled and said 'Darling …useem to be too much sexed up because of that dancer'.John said 'yes..also I have to starve without sex forthe next three days'. and started jerking under her.She also started co-operating and ended up havinganother wild ****ing session. She never said no to himany time in their married life. Finally at 3 she gotup and wore a nighty. John left home at 4. Sandy's face became red remembering his mischief theprevious night. Leisurely she decided to take a longbath after treating her skin with olive oil and hairwith henna. She was lazily lying in the bathtub withher eyes closed when she heard her door bell ring. Shejust neglected the door bell. It stopped for sometime.But instead her phone started ringing. They had anintercom near the bathtub. It was John. He said he hadleft a file at home which was urgently needed byVijay. He asked her to keep it aside as someone mightcome to pick it up shortly. She said ok. She finishedher bath after sometime. Wrapped herself in a babypink long robe and walked to her room. Her cheeks hadturned a bit red with the hot water bath. She hadremoved all her jewellery except the ring on herfinger. She took cream and applied it all over herslender body and removed the towel from her hair. Thelong black hair fell on her back increasing herbeauty. For sometime she gently combed the wet hairand lightly dried it with the hair drier. As she wasabout to change her robe to a dress, the door bellagain started ringing..but this time continuously. Unable to hear that sound, she jumped to the door andopened it but moved backwards surprised at seeingVijay near the door. Literally pushing her inside,Vijay barged into the house. He sat on the sofa andasked her 'Did John tell u about the file?". Slowlyshe said 'yes, but I forgot to ask him where it is'.Vijay looked at her from top to bottom. With a smilehe said he can find it himself. Oh. God!. She waslooking so fresh like a greek goddess". Thought Vijayto himself. Vijay and John were close friends.and had started thefirm recently. Both had freedom in each others house.But till now Sandy had never faced him alone this way.She had not got many chances to meet him also as shehardly attended the parties. Not knowing what to doshe switched on the TV and went inside the kitchen toget Tea for him. After sometime when she came out withthe cups Vijay came out of their bedroom.. He said hewants her to help in searching that file. She askedhim to have Tea first. She was feeling very awkward asshe was not wearing anything inside the silk robe andVijay was getting the glimpse of her body indirectly.The material was tightly hugging her boobs and flowingdown. They both had Tea in silence and Vijay got upand asked her to follow him to their room. John hadthe files piled up in the shelf. She started searchingone by one. It was already 6:30 in the evening and wasgetting dark outside. Vijay simply sat on their bedand asked her 'looks like you took bath very latetoday..why got up late"?. Her face became redremembering everything. She said 'yes. We got uplate". He was saying 'no' to all the files that sheshowed. Add to the problems electricity went offturning the room in to pitch dark. She got scaredcompletely. She said 'I will get the candle' and triedto turn back, lost her balance as Vijay gave his legin her way to make her fall on the bed.. As soon as shefell, he came over her without giving her time torecover, pinned her hands down to the bed on both thesides and started kissing her madly. She was trying tofree herself. In that fight, her gown got spread outand her legs got exposed fully. Keeping her mouthlocked with his lips, vijay untied the belt on herrobe, and spread the gown fully. Now her naked bodywas on offer on the silky robe platform. His massivebody had overtaken her slender, soft body. After 10mts of deep kissing when she opened her eyes theelectricity had come. Now she was fully naked infrontof him..all fresh from the good bathing session, likea rose on the pink bed. She immediately tried to coverherself. 'Vijay was very fast in undressing himself.She was too scared and did not know what to do at all.The fact that there was nothing to hide from him nowas he saw her fully naked already, made her to looseher strength. She just turned her back and slept on the bed closingher face. Vijay ran his hands on her smooth and silkyback. He realized her whole body trembling. He fell onher back, his strong naked male body pressed hardagainst her back, she jumped back when his rock harddick touched her ass. He bent over forcibly and kissedher cheeks. She was asking him to leave her. 'Noway…yesterday night itself I wanted you very badly.The ****ing I gave that girl was all for you. Butsince John was there I did not do anything. But I sawJohn giving a good finger job to you". Her arms feltthe tight grip as his strong hands pulled her to facehim. She closed her eyes out of helplessness, but wastrying her level best to free herself. Unable totolerate her resistance, Vijay tied her hands to thebed with the blanket and the robe. Took his hanky andstuffed inside her mouth. Still her legs werestruggling to free. He did not get anything to tie herlegs. So he placed his heavy body on her. When hegained full command over her body he went slow on herbody. Still sitting on her legs, he bent down andkissed her forehead, eyes, cheeks, neck and came downto her beautiful, milky boobs. He forgot himselflooking at their beauty. Every part of her body wasperfect. The lovely fragrance of the cream sheapplied, was driving him crazy. The two small rose buds each placed on her melons madehim excited to the tip. He ran his tongue on themslowly. Immediately the nipples got erected. He feltvery happy and took those buds in his fingers,pinching and stroking. He slowly pressed his nose onthose tips and played for sometime. He was looking attheir beauty. Then he cupped them together and put hishead between them and felt their softness. He took histime in playing with them. He knew he had enough timeand being an expert he was not in a hurry to finishthe act. One by one he took in his mouth and suckedthem to his hearts content. He was such an expert thather body was under heavy sensation. There was somequality involved in his each act. Her soft skin wastempting him further. After licking them for longtime, suddenly he got an idea. He got up a bit andpressed her boobs together again and placed his 10'long cock between them. That was completely new toher. Her body started responding to him. Her handstried to reach her own love spot. But since they weretied Vijay was busy boob ****ing her. As her bodyarched out of excitement, the boobs went up more erectand straight. Vijay bent down again and again to suckthem and bite them. After sometime, he withdrew hisdick from there and came down to her cunt. He lookedat her pink cherry for sometime and at once his mouthfell on those sensitive lips. Parting those lovelylove lips he directly hit her clit. She was alreadyexcited. In no time he was able to get her into one ofthe longest orgasms of her life. As her body shook forseconds erupting in his mouth, he drank all her juicehappily. It was then that he realized that she hadstarted responding to him. He removed the hanky fromher mouth and said 'I don't think u need this now' andthrew it aside. She was sweating fully. There weredrops of sweat lined up on her forehead and thecleavage between her love mountains. He licked itpassionately. She closed her eyes unable to face himdirectly. He planted a deep kiss on her trembling pinklips, untied her hands and started squeezing thosesoft hands with his own on to the bed. When his hairybody touched her soft skin, both of them felt athundering sensation all over. The act which appeared to be a rape had become a moresensitive and romantic sexy session. His rubbing madeher body active again. He placed her hands on his backand whispered 'Hug me tightly darling'. Pressing herclose to him, he simply rubbed his strong body to herlovely body. Both of them forgot the time around themas Vijay rolled over the bed hugging her tightly. Nowit was too much for Vijay. He got up, lifted her oneleg up with his hand, widened the pussy lips with hisfingers and with a deep thrust pushed all his 10' atonce into her. Oh….that was such a wonderful feelingfor her..though it pained heavily to take him fully atonce. Her body jumped up with the pain and she huggedhim tightly to bear that pain. With only her one legspread wide, he was able to pin her down with hisenergy and give heavy strokes to her. She complainedof the pain due to that position. But he was gettingimmense pleasure in that position. So he continued tobang her. His hands pressing her soft globes hard, hisballs banging against her buttock, occasionally hebent down to lock her lips with his fierce kiss. Herhands clutched the bed tightly for grip, to stopherself from moving up with his strong thursts. Herbody was paining with his immense strength, deeppenetration and hard pressing of boobs. She told'Please Vijay…be slow, it is paining me..please." . Hedid not listen. 'Noway…since yesterday you havetempted me so much. I could not even sleep properly.John is so lucky to get such a lovely wife'. It wasonly when he decided to change the position that hebrought her leg down, for sometime just ****ed her inthe missionary style, allowing her body muscles torelax a bit. His hands had moved below her back andhad hugged her very tightly to reach her depth in hervagina. His one hand moved down and squeezed her asscheeks roughly. His rough hands were so big and heavy. His bigmoustache hurting her soft skin on her face wheneverhe kissed her on lips or boobs. She once again camewith a shudder. So much was the impact that she almostwent unconscious with that orgasm. He felt very happylooking at her lovely face getting sweat lines. 'Oh..ur such a sweet heart', he kissed her again and again.In that passion he continued to **** her more strongerand deeper, he bit her lovely lips as he ejaculatedheavily inside her. For 3-4 mts his tool keptthrobbing inside her, filling her fully with hisjuice. She was tired, motionless, with drowsy eyes shetried seeing the time. it was showing around 9. in thenight. Tired she just slipped into sleep without herknowledge. After a long time, suddenly she opened hereyes. The room was bright with all the lamps lit. Shehad a blanket on her naked body. May be Vijay hadcourtesy to put it on her. As her eyes turned, she sawhim sitting on their study table infront of thecomputer, looking at something curiously. He had acigarette in his hand. He had only worn the underwearand nothing else. She got up a bit to see what he wasseeing. She was stunned at what she saw. It was thevideo recording of their steamy sex session. May bewhen she was in the kitchen to prepare Tea, he hadfixed it up in their bed room. Oh God!. Her faceturned blue with fear. The scene was clearly showinghis fierce banging with her leg lifted. Her 'ohhhhhhhand ahhhhhhhhhhs could be heard too. The camera wasshowing more of her, and mostly his naked back only.She closed her face with both her hands inembarrassment. Vijay turned back hearing her movementsand came up to her on the bed. 'Never mind,darling. .dont worry, I will not publish this outside.For my own pleasure it will be there with me. But Imust say you are a wonderful piece of meat.' I hadnever ****ed anyone like you'. She was very angry. 'Ur a bastard, how can u trouble me like this for noreason!'. With a wicked smile, Vijay pushed himselfunder the blanket covering her naked body and pulledher to him again. 'I told u Sandy, I wont blackmailyou by using this. But I have never been tempted likethis by any woman in my life. You have given me thebest ever ****ing session of my life. You know I amnot married and will not marry too as I have nointerest in that. So don't worry about anything. Maybe after sometime, I will destroy this clipping. Sonow darling stop crying and fighting with me'. He kepthis cigarette in the ash trey kept on the side tablecarefully. Again his thick smoky lips covered her tender lips,not allowing her to speak further. He was alreadyerect again. She was not ready but, so refusing toopen up, she forced herself to turn backwards. Vijayafter licking and kissing her bare back, her nice asscheeks, put his hands below her waste and lifted herup. She caught hold of the edge to bear his weight onher back. Placing his one hand on her hanging melonstightly with another hand he adjusted his tool andbefore she realized what was happening he had rammedher cunt from behind in one push. This time it tookhim 3-4 pushes to enter her. Since she was dry and notready, his penis literally went stabbing inside her.She almost fainted with that push. 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhno… please' she loudly try to console herself. To bearthe pain she bent her head on to the soft pillow.Vijay also allowed her to adjust for 1-2 mts, whilekissing her neck and pressing her hanging mangoes.Slowly the burning sensation got reduced and Vijayalso got restless and started stroking her again withlong and deep pushes. With his dick still inside her,he lifted her up and turned both of them to face thedressing table.It was giving a fantastic view. Her naked front wasfully exposed to the mirror, her stretched out pussywith his dick fully buried inside her. The dressingtable was hardly 2 ft away. Vijay was at her backresting his hands on her lovely tits. Her fair skinhad turned a bit red all over. Her hair was fallingsideways almost touching the bed. Vijay waited for 5mts to see that beautiful scene. His hand kept oncaressing her soft skin and planting soft kisses onher neck. Her face turned fully red looking at herimage getting wildly ****ed by her husband's partner.Unable to see herself she closed her eyes. 'See howsexy we both look naked in the mirror. Don't u thinkwe are making a perfect love couple. Come on. Openyour eyes and see ur lovely boobs being touched by me.See how I am stretching them. Those small chocolateson them as so sweet right?". Vijay whispered into herear, biting them slowly. His another hand came aroundher waste and touched her clit and started massagingit. Vijay got her aroused with his touch and kissing.He was tall, strong, muscular. She was slim, soft, abit shorter, feminine. It was easy for him to commandher body fully.He caressed her long silky hair lustfully. As thepassion mounted he bent her a bit down, the clearimage of her hanging breasts, being pressed by hisstrong hands gave him further kick. He kept onfingering her nipples hard. His eyes were on the largemirror. Now his other hand on the clit was rubbing hercunt more fast. She could not help herself frommoaning. As she said 'hmmmmmmmmm'… sweatly, as low aspossible, he kissed her neck again and again. Theclock showed 2 in the night. Then slowly he startedhis ****ing. First slowly, then as he picked up speed,she was struggling to catch her breath. Then he pulledout and made her to lie on her back. While he wasstanding on the floor next to the bed, he pulled herto edge of the bed bringing her legs hanging down tothe ground. This way her pussy got wide open for hisfull view. He ran his hands on that love spot forsometime. He half slept over her and screwed her cuntwith his huge erect dick. His hands had spread herhands, her nipples were touching his hairy chest. Asshe was getting irritated with his mustache, she wastrying to escape his kiss. But he forcibly planted adeep kiss, putting his whole weight on her slenderbody, crushing her soft boobs, under his heavy chest,but continued his deep stroking down. In that pin dropsilence of midnight, the room was filled with theirhissing sounds, and the ****ing sound from the unitedareas of cunt and dick. For her it looked never endingas her body started giving up. The friction inside hervagina, brought her to another unplanned orgasm.Though her mind opposed him, her body responded. Hercum made his strokes much easier and deeper. His handswere catching her hands very tightly on to the bed.She was feeling damn thirsty by now. She had not eatenanything the whole of the day, and in the party alsoshe had hardly eaten some junk food. She told him toleave her for sometime as she was feeling too thirsty.But he was fully hot. Looking at her dry lips, helifted her with his dick still inside, made her tocross her legs around his waste for support andcarried her to the kitchen. With one hand he poured the milk instead of water in aglass and gave her to drink. She drank it like ahungry cat. Little life came to her. He carried heroutside the kitchen but did not go to the bedroom,instead sat on the sofa with her on top and made herto ride him. From below he was giving hard pushes.Since she wasn't too cooperative, he lifted her again,and put her down on the carpet on the floor and ****edher for his heart's content. It was more than 40 mtsthat he was ****ing her the second time, but still hehad not come. His nature was to hold on, but as hereached the climax he used to become an animal. As theclimax started building in him, his speed increased.Not caring about hurting her, he went wild with her.She just gave up herself as she knew it was of no use.He had already made her a puppet in his hands. Afterso much of vigorous ****ing finally he cummed insideher in loads, the juice overflowed her love hole andfell on the carpet. He fell on her throwing his fullheavy weight on her body. When he got up, she slowlytried getting up herself. He went to the bathroom toclean up. She managed to throw herself on the sofa andclosed her eyes, unable to move at all. When he cameout and saw her tired face, he came to her and carriedher in his arms to the bed room. Placed her gently onthe large bed and covered her with the blanket. Againwent inside the kitchen and came back with slices ofbread, some fruits and warm milk, woke her up andforced her to eat them. She was damn hungry, sowithout any complaint she ate everything. He himselfwiped her lips with the towel and allowed her tosleep. She slid into a very sound sleep after that. When the bright rays of sun fell on her face, she wokeup to see Vijay fast asleep next to her, holding herin his arms. Her head was resting on his right arm,while his left arm was on one of her naked breasts.His left leg had crossed on her naval, leg touchingher vagina and placed in between her legs. It was onlythen that she saw him from close up. He had a handsomefigure, with rough face and heavy thick, but trimmedmustache. He had a very hairy body. John always toldher how Vijay was a fitness freak. He had a very broadmasculine chest. He still had heavy watch and thickgolden bracelet on his hands. His neck was circledwith very thick and heavy gold chain. But she wasstill scared of him. She saw around the room. The bedwas all crumpled, her silky pink robe was crumpled onthe ground. Vijay's pant and shirt was again cuddledon the floor. John was to come only after 3 days. Shefelt so lonely and helpless. Somehow she felt likecrying. She could not control her sobbing. As hertears fell on his hand covering her, Vijay woke upslowly. When he saw her crying he did not know what todo. He said many things to console her. He promisednot to trouble her when John was there…not to forceher for sex anymore…etc. etc. He also said that shewas very much different than the females he ****edearlier. She knew complaining to John will only createa major problem for all. Though she was a devotedwife, John never understood her feelings.. He alwaysbothered about only his likings. He was so muchbusiness minded that there was no place for real loveor romance in their life. When he was horny he wouldanyway force her. Sandy was a post graduate but wasbasically a soft spoken person. She hated argumentsand fighting with anyone. If this issue comes out whatwill happen to their son's future? As Vijay kissed hereyes and drank her tears, she had no option but tokeep quiet. The next 2 days he visited her when he wanted, ****edher brains out, almost everywhere. Kitchen, living, onthe dining table, bathroom. When he ****ed her underthe shower, he ****ed her atleast 3 times. Such washis sexual urge. Those three days she was hardlydressed up only when he went to the office. She didnot eat properly. Only was trying to sleep to get outof the pain in her body. Her lips, nipples, vagina allwere burning. Since they had an independent bungalow,no neighbor could see him coming and going. Plus hewas using John's car to go and come. When John cameback and saw Sandy's pale face, he thought she was notwell. When he asked her what happened..she only criedand cried but did not say anything. The new firm hadlots of loan in his name. They need time to settle.What to do???. When Vijay presented a brand newexpensive car to John for the new year, John was allpraise for Vijay. But only Sandy knew the reason. But that was the last party that she ever attendedofficially
मामी के साथ सुहागरात !!!!!!!
एक दिन मामा और मामी हमारे घर मिलने आये ! क्योंकि मामा की नई नई शादी हुई थी तो वो हनीमून मनाने के हिसाब से आये थे....मैं किसी कारण से मामा की शादी मैं नहीं जा पाया था ! इसीलिए मैंने मामी को देखा नहीं था ! पर जब मैंने मामी को देखा तो मेरे होश उड़ गए ! मामी मानो पारी के सामान दिखती थी ! एकदम गोरा कलर बड़े बड़े बूब्स , लम्बे लम्बे बाल , और क्या चाहिए ! मामा की तो मानो निकल पड़ी थी !उनके छोटे से शहर मैं एक छोटा सा मकान था ! जहा नाना नानी भी उसी घर मैं रहते थे ! और इसी वजह से शायद मामा और मामी के बिच अब तक वो नहीं हुआ था जो सुहाग रात को होना चाहिए ! और मामी की खूबसूरती देखकर मामा को रहा नहीं जा रहा था ! इसीलिए मामा शायद मामी लेकर हमारे घर आये थे क्योंकि हमारा घर काफी बड़ा था ! और इनसब काम के लिए मामा को कोई परेशानी नहीं होने वाली थी ! पर कुछ ही घंटे के बाद नाना का फ़ोन आ गया की नानी की तबियत अचानक ख़राब हो गई है और वो सेरिअस है ! ये सुनकर मम्मी घबरा गई उन्होंने कहा की मामी को यही रहने दो उन्हें मेरे खाने -पीने की चिंता थी ! और हम दोनों गाड़ी से चलते है ! मामा और मम्मी दोनों नानी को देखने के लिए चले गए ! उसी शाम को मम्मी का फ़ोन आया की नानी की हालत नाजुक है ! इसीलिए उन्हें कुछ दिन वही रुकना होगा ! इतेफाक से पापा टूर पर चले गए थे अब पुरे घर मैं सिर्फ मैं और मामी ही थी !मामी नई नई थी इसीलिए कुछ भी कहने मैं शर्मा रही थी ! पर मैं समझ रहा था की वो कुछ भी बोल नहीं पा रही है मैंने ही पहल की मैंने कहा मामी आपको कुछ भी चाहिए तो मुझे बताना और मुझे अपना दोस्त ही समजो फिर कुछ देर तक मैं और मामी बात करते रहे ! मामी ने कहा हमे फ्रेश होना है ! सासुमा की खबर सुनकर तो हम घबरा ही गए थे !फिर मैंने उनको कहा की आप मेरे ही कमरे मैं फ्रेश हो जाइये ! उन्होंने भी टॉवेल लिया और मैंने उनको अपने रूम तक छोड़ने चला गया ! इतने मैं मेरे दोस्त का फ़ोन आया तो मैं अपने रूम मैं बेठ कर बाते करने लगा ! थोडी दर बाद मैं क्या देखता हु की मामी बाथरूम का दरवाजा लगाना भूल गई है और और मेरे बिस्तर से अंदर का कांच साफ़ साफ़ दीखता है ! मैंने देखा की मामी नहा रही थी और उन्होंने मुह पर साबुन लगा रखा है ! इसीलिए शायद वो मुझे नहीं देख पा रही थी मैंने देखा की मामी ऊपर से पूरी खुली है और निचे सिर्फ पेटीकोट पहने हुए है !मेरे सामने वो औरत थी जिसकी शादी होने के बावजूद अभी तक सुहागरात भी नहीं बनी थी और उसके जिस्म को उसके पति ने छुवा भी नहीं था ! मेरा लंड खडा होने लगा था मैंने उस कांच मैं से मामी को नहाते हुए देखना चालू रखा फिर मेरे दिमाग मैं एक आईडिया आया मैंने सोचा क्योना शावर का पानी बंद कर दिया जाये ताकि साबुन से मामी की आँख ना खुले नहीं तो मैं खेल ज्यादा देर तक नहीं देख पाउँगा और फिर मैंने जल्दी से मैं वाल्व बंद कर दिया जिससे की बाथरूम मैं पानी आना बंद हो जाये ! फिर थोडी देर बाद मैंने देखा की मामी ने अपना पेटीकोट भी उतार दिया और वो सिर्फ पैंटी मैं बेठी थी ! ये देखकर मेरा मन मुठ मारने का हो रहा था ! पर मैंने मुठ मारने से ज्यादा मजा ये सीन देखने मैं समझा ! मुझे ये सब देख कर बहोत मजा आ रहा था और फिर मैंने देखा की मामी शावर को चालू कर रही है और उसमे से पानी नहीं आ रहा है ! वो अपने पेटीकोट से आँख साफ़ करने लगी ! मैंने अपने बिस्तर पर ऐसे बेठ गया जैसे मैंने कुछ देखा ना हो !मामी ने आँख पर से साबुन साफ़ किया और मुझे आवाज लगाई ! मैंने भी बहार से कहा क्या हुआ मेरी आवाज सुनकर जैसे ही मामी ने कांच मैं देखा उनके होश उड़ गए उन्होंने देखा की कांच मैं से वो मुझे और मैं उन्हें देख रहा हु ! उन्होंने जल्दी से अपना पेटीकोट उठाया और अपने शरीर को छुपाने की कोशिश करने लगी !मैंने भी उनको देखना बंद नहीं किया और फिर बोला क्या हुआ क्यों मुझे आवाज लगाई वो बोली की शावर मैं पानी नहीं आ रहा है मैंने कहा की उसको तो अंदर से ही ठीक करना पड़ेगा वो बोली आप हमे बतादो हम करलेंगे मैंने कहा नहीं होगा तुमसे ! मामी समझ गई थी जितना सीधा वो मुझे समझ रही थी उतना सीधा मैं था नहीं ! मुझे पता था की मामी भी वासना मैं पागल हो रही होगी शादी होने के बाद भी अगर प्यासी चूत को लंड ना मिले तो उसकी हालत क्या होगी ये सिर्फ मामी ही बता सकती थी ! मामी ने कहा नाटक मत करो जल्दी से पानी चालू करो नहीं तो हम अंदर ही रहेंगे ! मैंने कहा ठीक है और मैंने वाल्व खोल दिया जिससे की शावर मैं पानी आने लगा ! मामी समझ गई थी की ये मेरी चाल थी ! फिर मामी ने कहा की अब मुझे देखना बंद करो और वहा से हटो तो मैं बहार आ सकू ! जब मैंने देखा की मैं मामी को ऐसे देख रहा हु और वो मुझे कुछ नहीं बोल रही तो मेरी भी हिम्मत बड गई !मैंने कहा आप आजाओ ऐसे ही ! वो बोली पागल हो क्या मैं तुमरे सामने ऐसे कैसे आ सकती हु तुम मेरे पति थोडी हो तो मैंने कहा की आप तो अभी तक अपने पति के सामने भी ऐसे नहीं आई !ये सुनकर मामी चुप हो गई और फिर बोली हटो जल्दी से मुझे बहार आना है मैंने हिम्मत करके कहा की आप बहार आती हो या मैं अंदर आ जाऊ ! मामी ने कहा अच्छा हिम्मत है मैंने कहा हिम्मत और मैं उठा और सीधा बाथरूम मैं घुस गया ! मामी बोली अरे अरे ये क्या कर रहे हो तुम तो सही मैं अंदर आ गए जब मैंने देखा की मामी मेरे अंदर जाने से नाराज होने के बजाये मुझे ऐसे ही बनावती डांट रही है तो मैं समझ गया की अब मेरा काम हो गया !फिर मैंने कहा की मामी आप बहोत सुंदर हो वो बोली मुझे पता है अब बहार निकलो जल्दी से मैंने कहा नहीं ऐसा मत करो !मामी बोली अच्छा तो क्या मर्जी है जनाब की -मैंने कहा - मुझे आपको एक किस करना है !मामी - तो करलोमैंने सीधा मामी को पकड़ लिया और किस करना शुरु किया !!!!मामी - अरे ये क्या तुमने तो कहा की मुझे एक किस करना है तुम तो इतने सारे !मैंने कहा - मामी मुझे पता है की तुम भी ये सब करना चाहती हो पर मेरे सामने बन रही हो ऐसा कहते है मैंने मामी के ऊपर का टॉवेल हटा दिया जिससे की मामी पूरी नंगी मेरे सामने खड़ी थी ! उनका पूरा नंगा शारीर देख कर मेरा लंड फनफना रहा था ! मामी - ये क्या कर दिया मुझे पूरा नंगा कर दिया ! मैं - क्यों आपको बुरा लगा क्या !मामी - नहीं मुझे बुरा ये लगा की मैं तुमारे सामने पूरी नंगी खड़ी हु और तुम कपडे मैं हो !ऐसा कहते ही मामी मुझे पागल की तरह चूमने लगी और चुमते चुमते वो मेरा शर्ट खोल चुकी थी फिर उन्होंने मेरा पेंट भी खोल दिया और अब मैं उनके सामने सिर्फ अंडरवियर मैं खडा था !जैसे ही मैंने उनके बूब्स को चुसना शुरु किया उनके मुह से आवाज निकलने लगी !वो चिल्ला रही थी - आआह्ह्हा ऊऊओह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह उम्मा चूसते रहो ! बहोत मजा आ रहा है !कुछ देर बोबे चूसने के बाद मैंने उनकी चूत मैं ऊँगली दाल दी वो जोर से उछल गई ! मैं - क्या हुआ ?मामी - ये क्या किया धीरे करो मैंने अभी तक अपनी चूत को बचा के रखा है तुम पहले मर्द हो जो मेरी इस चूत का मजा लोंगे !मैं - ठीक है अब आराम से करूँगा मेरी जान !मामी ने कहा जाओ तेल लेकर आओ ये सब हम मेरे कमरे के बाथरूम मैं कर रहे थे ! मैं नंगा ही तेल लेने चला गया और जब मैं तेल लेकर आया तो मैंने देखा की मामी अपने ही हाथो से अपने बूब्स को दबा रही है ! और मैंने जाते ही मामी की चूत को चाटना शुरु किया !मामी - आआहा ऊह्हूआ ऊऊऊऊऊऊउ अआआहामैं - मामी मेरा लंड नहीं लोगी क्या ?मामी - ठीक है और फिर हम 69 की पोसिशन मैं आ गए ! मामी और मैं दोनों वासना के चरम सीमा मैं थे जिसमे पाप और पुण्य कोई मायने नहीं रखता !मेरा लंड लोहे की रोड की तरह कड़क हो गया था और पूरी तरह मामी की चूत मैं जाने के लिए तैयार था !मामी - अब और मत तड़पाओ मेरी इस प्यासी चूत को जल्दी से अपने लोहे के लंड का मजा चखा दो !मैं - ठीक है अब मैं तुम्हे जन्नत की सेर करता हु !मैंने तेल लिया और सीधे मामी चूत पैर डाल दिया !मामी के पैर को चोडा किया ताकि चूत का छेद बड़ा हो जाये ! पर मुझे पता था की इतने से छेद मैं मेरा 8 इंच का लंड नहीं जायेगा !मैंने फिर से अपनी ऊँगली मामी की चूत मैं डाली तेल लगे होने की वजह से और मेरे चूत को इतना चूसने से एक ऊँगली आराम से मामी की चूत मैं चली गई ! फिर मैंने दूसरी ऊँगली भी मामी की चूत मैं डाली अब मामी को थोडा दर्द हो रहा था !मैंने सोच की जब मामी की चूत मैं दो ऊँगली नहीं जा रही है तो मेरा लंड कैसे जायेगा ! फिर मेरे दिमाग मैं गन्दा सा आईडिया आया मैंने सोच लिया की आज तो मामी की चूत को फाड़ डालना है ! मैंने सीधा अपना लंड टाइट किया और मामी की टांग चोडी की और फिर धीरे से अपना लंड मामी की चूत के ऊपर रगड़ने लगा ! मामी को मस्ती छाने लगी और वो बोली की फाड़ दे मेरी चूत को -मैंने सीधा अपना लंड मामी के छेद पर रखा और एक ही झटके मैं अपना आधा लंड मामी की चूत मैं डाल दिया - मामी जोर से चिल्लाई - मामी को अंदाजा भी नहीं होगा की उनको इतना दर्द होगा !उनके मुह से आवाज निकली - आआआआआआआह्हाआआ........... मर गैईईईई.... मैं अपना आधा लंड मामी की चूत मैं डाल कर रुका हुआ था ! फिर मैंने एक और झटके से अपना पूरा लंड मामी के चूत मैं डाल दिया !मामी -आआआआह्ह्ह्हीईईईइईईई मैं तो मर गई !!!!!! निकालो इससे नहीं तो मैं मर जाउंगी...मैं - अब तो ये तुमारी चूत को फाड़ कर ही बहार निकलेगा !ऐसा कहते ही मैंने जोर जोर से झटके देना चालू कर दिया ! मामी दर्द के मरे कहार रही थी ! उनकी आवाज सुनकर मुझे और जोश आ रहा था !मामी - तुमरे मामा के लिए कुछ छोड़ दो ! बस करो ! अब कभी तुमसे नहीं चुदवाउंगी ! तुम बहोत जालिम हो ! आआआआआह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्हीईईईईई...........मुझे जैसे मामी की चीख सुनकर मजा आ रहा था !फिर मैंने जोर जोर से झटके देना चालू रखा ! इस बिच मैं मामी ने 4 बार अपना पानी छोड़ दिया था ! और अब मैं भी झड़ने वाला था ! मैंने झटके देते देते ही मामी की चूत को अपने वीर्य से भर दिया ! उस दिन मैंने मामी को अलग जगह पर अलग अलग पोसिशन मैं चोदा ! फिर 3 दिन तक मैंने और मामी ने सुहागरात मनाई और फिर मामा मेरी मम्मी को लेकर आये उन्होंने बताया की नानी अब ठीक है और फिर मैंने देखा की मामी के चहरे पर मेरे साथ मनी उन सुहागरात की ख़ुशी अलग दिख रही थी !फिर जब जब मौका मिलाता है मैं अपनी मामी के साथ सुहागरात मनाता हु !
Sub say pehalay to mai app ko apnay baray mai batana chahon gi. Mera naam nisa hay. Or mai Lahore mai model town mai rahti hon. Age 21 saal hai. Mai nay BA kia hoa hai kannaird college say. Or aj kul parha rahi hon aik school mai. Mai kafi moti hon or mera figure kafi healthy hai. Mummay 40 taak hain. Kamar 34 taak or gand 42 taak hay.Peechay ko nikli hoi. Mostly mai aisay kapray pehante hon jin may jism saaf nazar aye. Sex ka mujhay koi khass pata nahi tha. Aik dafa apni friend say iss baray mai baat hoi.Ussay kafi information thi. Us nay kafi kuch bataya. Tab se aik kwahish hai kay mai Bhi kisi kay sath yeh sub karon. Nahanay say pehalay sheeshay kay samnay kharayHo kay apnay jism kay sath khailti thi, aur fantasize karti thi kay kabhi to yeh sub such ho ga. Kabhi to koi meray jism kay sath khailay ga. Kafi arsa issi umeed mai guzar gia. Phir eik din eik larkay nay propose kia. Uss ka naam salman tha. Aik relative kay ghar uss say mulakaat hoi thi. Us nay kaha nisa I like your figure specially da upper part of your body the round cute boobs. I was flattered by only this. Uss time umer bhi chooti thi or itna koi pata bhi nahi tha. Bus jo kuch tha verbally hi suna tha. Laga jaisay ab kuch such hoga. Jo batain ab taak sirf khaboo khiyalo taak mahdood thi ab haqeekat banain gi.Khair aisa hoa kuch bhi nahi. Na moka mila na kar sakay. Buss aik do dafa us nay meray Mamoo ko kapro kay upper say hath lagaya tha. Uff meray to khushi kay maray paon zameen per nahi laag rahay thay. Khair phir hum logon ka contact toot gia or hum alag ho gai. Per jo chaska laag chukka tha us ko pora karnay ki hawas bhar gai thi. Kuch dino baad humaray mohalay mai aik larka aya. Us ki family ka humaray ghar ana jana kafi tha. Aik din us nay mujhay pakar lia. Uss din ghar per koi nahi tha. Uss nay meray mammay dabaye, mujhay kiss karna sikhaya our ahista ahista hath meri body kay neechay walay hissay ki taraf lay gia. Matlab meri phudi ki taraf. Mujhay acha laga jab uss nay ahista ahista meri phudi mai ungli phairi. Koi 5 min taak yon karnay kay baad wo ahista ahista apni ungli meri choot kay hole kay ander lay gia. Uff meri halki si cheekh nikali to us nay meray honton pay apnay hont rakh kar mujhay chumna shuru kar dia. Mai apnay hosh kho rahi thi. Thori dair baad mai nay ussay peechay hataya or kaha kay nahi koi a jai ga. Laikin uss nay kamray ka darwaza lock kar dia our mujhay zabardastiBed pay laita lia our phir say mujahay chumna shuru kar dia. Meray jism pay haath phairna shuru kar dia. Mai nay halki halki si awazain nikalni shuru kar din. mujhay bohat acha lag raha tha. I was enjoying it. Thori dair baad mujhay meri phudi mai kuch geela geela mehsoos hoa. Khair mei kkuch nahi boli. Bus aram say jo wo kar raha tha usay enjoy kar rahi thi.Uss nay ahista ahista meray kapray utarnay shuru kar diye. Sub say pehalay us nay meri Kameez uteri. Taab mai nay bra nahi pehni hoi thi. Phir us nay meri shalwar uteri. Uss nay aik mumma pakra ussay dabaya or mon mai daal kay choosnay laga. Aaaa……..hhhhhhh………uuuuufffffffff……….ffffffffff………… kia maza a raha tha.Phir uss nay meri phudi say khailna shuru kia. Kafi dair meri phudi say khailnay or mujhay pagal karnay kay baad achanak phir say uss nay meri choot ki mori mai ungli daal di. Phir us nay meray pooray jism ko chata. Chatatay chatatay wo meri phudi taak aya. Uss nay meri tangain khooli or ahista say meri choot pay kiss ki. Phir hath bhara kar uss nay meri choot ko khola or apni zuban kay sath meri phudi say khailna shuru kar dia. Uffff uss pal to mai bilkul pagal ho gai thi.Kia zabardast feelings thi aik pal kay liye ahsaas hoa kay kash kay har time larkay hon or mera jism ho tu life mazay say bhar jai gi. Abhi apnay khayalo say bahir nahi aye thi kay Uss nay meri clit pay halka sa dant kata. Jiss ki waja say meri cheekh nikal gai. Abb meri phudi buri tarha say geeli ho chuki thi. Uss nay aik hath meray mummo pay rakha or aik hath ki ungli meri choot kay ander daal di or chodnay laga. Kanwari honay ki waja say dar ho rahi thi. Mai nay uss say kaha kay dard ho raha hai to uss nay jawab Dia kay mujhay uss say farak nahi parta. Tu na to meri girlfriend hai na meri biwi bus randi hai. Yeh lafz mai nay zindagi mai pehli bar suna tha. Mai nay uss say iss ka matlab poocha to us nay kaha, rand woo hoti hai jo paisay lay kay kisi bhi larkay kay neechay lait jati hai our mazay daiti hai. Uss time soocha kay wah maza aa jaye ga kio na mai iss taraf chal paron. Kitna maza aye ga har time choodwanay ka. Tarha tarha kay lun ander jain gay tarha tarha kay larkay mujhay chodain gay. Abhi yeh batain meray dil mai chal hi rahi thi kay us nay do unglian meri choot mai daal di or zor zor say under bahir karnay laga. Mujahy bohat dard ho raha tha or mai us ki waja say chala rahi thi. Laikin wo chodta ja raha tha.Mai cheekhti ja rahi thi kay aaaaaahhhhhhh plzzzzzzzz ahista per ussay koi asar nahi ho raha tha. Phir wo aik daam rukh gia or kahnay laga, nisa abb jo mai teray sath karnay ja raha hon na us mai tujahy bohat dard ho gi laikin maza bhi bohat aye ga.Per aik baat Sun lay kay chaye tu cheekha chaye chalaye mujhay farak nahi parta. Kio kay mujhay teri phudi ko phuda banana hai. Ya dosray lafzoon mai mai teri phudi ko, iss sexy choot Ko pharnay laga hon. I asked uss mai kia ho ga. He said bataon ga nahi dikhaon ga. Abb tum apnay ghutno pay ho jao or jo jo kahata hon karti jao. I said ok and quickly got onto my knees. He told me to open my mouth. As soon as I opened my mouth he inserted his Lun in my mouth and told me Randi agar maza laina chahti hai to choos. I was just following his orders which now I have come to know in a way is called "slave sex"Uss nay mujay baloo say kas kay pakar lia or zor zor say apna lun meray mon mai agay peechay karta raha. Uss ka lun meray moo mai sakhat or lamba hota ja raha tha. Ab us nay meray mon say apna lun bahir nikaltay hoay mujhay bistar pay seedha laitnay ko kaha and I did it. Uss nay aik daam meri tangay utha kay apnay kandhon pay rakh li or ahista ahista apna lun meri choot mai dalna shuru kar dia. I tried to push my self away jiss per uss nay aik jhatkay say apna adha lun meray ander daal dia. Meri bohat buri cheekhain nikal gai. Jiss per woo bola kay agar abb hatnay ki koshish ki to phir daikhna iss say bhi bura ho ga. Mai roti jaa rahi thi laikin ussay koi asar nahi ho raha tha. Woo ahista ahista mujhay chodnay laga or har jhatkay mai woo thora ziada under jata tha or meri cheekhain nikalti thi. Finally panch say chay jhatkoo mai woo pori tarha say meray ander tha. Ab taak meri dard bhi kaam ho chuki thi or mujhay bhi maza ana shuru ho gia tha. Mai nay bhi apnay jism ki movements ko uss kay jism ki movements kay sath match karna shuru kar dia. Uss nay meri tangain upnay kandhay say utar kay bed pay rakh di our meray under dalay dalay meray upper a gia. Uss nay meri French kiss laini shuru kar diour dono hathon say meray dono mummay dabanay shuru kar diye. Kafi dair woo mujay aisay hi choodta raha or saath saath kabhi meray mammay choosta tha or kabhi mujhay kiss karta tha. Mera first sex tha iss liye jo bhi ho raha tha acha laag raha tha. Phir wo apnay ghutno pay a kay mujhay chodnay laga. Or saath meri clit say khailnay laga. Mai pagal ho rahi thi bus uss ko ziada say ziada under lainay ki koshish kar rahi thi. Abb uss nay mujhay acha khasa zor say chona shuru kar dia. Or sath sath gandi zuban istimaal karni shuru kar di. Kay randi tujhay chodnay ka bohat maza ata ahi, gushti teri choot bari mazay ki hai. Kutya itni garam phud kahan say li hai. Mujhay uss time sex language ka koi khass pata nahi tha. Per wo jo bhi kah raha tha mujhay acha lag raha tha. Ahista ahista hum dono ki speed taiz hoti ja rahi thi. Hum paglon ki tarhan eik dosray kay mazay lay rahay thay. Wo pori jan say meri phudi phar raha tha or mai constantly ussayOr zor say karnay kay liye kah rahi thi. Thori dair baad uss nay zor zor say chodna or meray mummo ko dabana shuru kar dia. Or kahnay laga mai chootnay wala hon. Bool mera bacha lay gi. I got frightened and said nahi abhi nahi . us nay kaha ok. Or koi 5 min baad aik daam uss nay apna lun meri phudi say nikala or apni sari mani meray pait pay nikal di. Or chup chaap say meray upper lait gia or kahnay laga kutya bari garam cheez hai. Bara khush kismat ho ga tera banda jo har time teray upper hi laita rahay ga. Abhi hum yehi kar rahay thay kay telephone ki bell baji. Meray ghar walon ka phone tha kay wo log thora late ho jain gay. Yeh sun kay main bohat excited ho gai thi. I thought why not have it again. I told him kay plz mujhay aik bar phir say chodo. Uss nay kaha kay zaroor janeman kio nahi, tu jitni dafa kahay gi tujhay chodon ga. Balkay tu to jitni dafa kahay gi or jaisay bhi kahay gi wohi tujhay chodnay kay liye tiar ho jai ga. Phir uss nay kaha kay iss say pehalay kay hum dobara karain I would like to teach you about sex language. Our chahon ga kay tum aik randi ki tarhan khud ko chudwao or mujh say gandi zuban mai baat karo gi. I said ok. Teach me and test me. App ko shikayat ka moka nahi milay ga. Then he told me about a few sexual terms wo bhi urdu mai like "chodo mujhay", "lun", "choot", "phudi", "mummay" and so on. After this he said chal rand shuru ho ja. I said ok! Mai nay kaha chal na harami chod mujhay. Apni rand ko chod, meray mummay choos un ko daba our iss bar meri gand kay sath bhi zarror kuch karna. Aur yaad rakhna kay tum mujhay pehli bar chod rahay ho iss liye or bhi nai nai cheezon kay baray mai bhi batatay jana. He said kio nahi kutiya tujahay tu sex ki woo woo batain bhi bataon ga kay jab kisi our kay neechay aye gi na tu randi ban gaye ho gi.Mai tangain khool kay uss kay samnay lait gai our sexy tarkeekay say apnay jism per haath phairnay lagi. Wo yeh kahta hoa meray upper aya kay aaa rand teri phudi ko phuda bano tujahay kas kas kay kasay don ga. Teri woo buri halat karon ga kay sari umer yaad rakhay gi kay kisi nay choda tha. Mai nay kaha chal batain band kar our kaam shuru kar. Meri garam phud ko thanda kar. Our ussay apnay garam lun say sahla yeh suntay hi wo meray upper lapak para jaisay kay rape karna cha raha ho.Uss nay meray mammay choosnay, dabanay or un pay dant katnay shuru kar diye. Hum pagalon ki tarha aik dosray say pyar karnay lagay. Wo apnay dono hathon say meray jsim kay har hisay ko choo raha tha our uss kay har touch kay sath meri hawas bharti ja rahi thi. Mera dil cha raha tha kay besharmi ki har haad par kar don. Soocha or kia. Mai nay uss ka lun apnay haath mai pakar kar ussay dabana shuru kar dia or ahista ahista upper neechay karnay laag gai.Woo meri iss harkat say our bhi garam ho gia our kahnay laga gushti tu bari garam cheez hai. Tujhay chodnay ka maza hi farak hai. Mai nay kaha kay ay batain na banao mazay do or mazay kamao. Chalo na shuru ho jao. Woo eik waishi ki tarhan meray upper aya our mujhay chumnay laga. Meray jism kay har hissay ko uss nay kiss ki our chata. Phir uss nay meray mummo ko choosa. Koi panch dus mint woo yehi karta raha our mai iss puray doran apni clit say khailthi rahi our paglon ki terhan ussay kay neechay machalti rahi our mazay daiti rahi. Phir uss nay mujahy 69 position ka bataya. Abb woo meri choot choos raha tha or mai uss ka 6.5 ka lun choos rahi thi. Sath wo meri gand ko bhi unglion say chod raha tha. Chooswatay chooswatay woo pagal ho gia tha our mujhay gushtion ki terhan say chodnay kay liye full tiar ho gaya tha. Uss nay mujhay doggy style mai anay kay liye kaha. I did. Phir uss nay meri phudi mai peechay say apna lun dala. Wah maza aa gia. Kam az kam 15-20 min woo mujahy issi style mai chodta raha phir uss nay issi position mai meri gand kholi or uss pay thoka or unglian daal kay geeli ki. Phir do teen dafa uss nay yeh hi harkat repeat ki. Phir uss nay unglion kay sath meri phudi mai say meri mani lay kay achi terhan say meri bund ko chikna kiya our tail say apnay lun ko chikna kia our ahista ahista meri gand mai dalna shuru kar dia. Aaaaaaaa…………. Meri cheekhain nikal rahi thi. Kartay kartay uss ka pora lun meray under ja chukka tha. Ahista ahista uss ki speed taiz ho rahi thi our mujhay maza aa raha tha. Hum dono waishion ki terhan eik dosray ko chod rahay thay. Hum kam az kam 15-20 min taak eik dosray ke mazay laitay rahay. Har jhatkay kay sath uss ki speed taiz hoti rahi. Uss nay achanak cheekna shuru kar dia kay mai chootnay wala hon. I told him kay iss bar meray ander hi chootna zara daikhain kay kia maza ata hai.Koi kareeb 5 min kay constant meri bund marnay kay baad woo meri gand mai choot gia. Itnay josh mai chootnay kay baad wo total exhaust ho gia tha. Iss liye woo meray upper hi gir kay so giya. Thori dair baad mai nay ussay jagaya or ghar janay ko kaha.Wo akhri din tha kay hum nay aik dosray ko daikha. Us kay baad na hum kabhi milay na aik dosray ko kabhi daikha, na kabhi baat ki. Din guzartay rahay, ratain beetatee rahi. Kabhi kabhi iss din kay baray mai sooch kay aksar masterbate karti thi. Our kissi bakray ki talash mai rahti thi. Khair in sab bataon ko abhi kuch arsa hi guzra tha kay meri mulakat aik kashif naam kay larkay say hoi. Kafi arsa humari net pay chat hoti rahi. Wo bazate khud aik acha insaan tha per sex ka shudaai tha. Aksar humari kafi lambi lambi sex chats hoti thin, our hum har kisam ki batain kartay thay. Intehai besharmi ki bhi our intehai sharam ki bhi. Hum aksar milnay ka program banatay thay per kabhi mil nahi patay thay, per kasam kha rakhi thi kay kam az kam aik dafa aik dosray kay jism kay mazay zarroor lootnay hain. Khair kartay kartay eik din phir program banaya our milnay mai kamyaab bhi hoay. Hum uss kay dost kay ghar aye wahan chai pi our eik dosray say gandi our ghatian batain ki. In bataon nay humaain adha pagal kar dia tha. Chai khatam kar kay hum bister pay baithay. Uss nay halka sa meray hath pay hath rakha. I asked him bus yehin taak. Hut yarMai uthi our apnay kapray utarnay shuru kar diye our nangi ho kay uss kay samnay khari ho gai. Uss nay ahista ahista meray pooray jism pay hath phaira. Phir utha our apnay kaparay bhi utar diye. Mai nay ussay bister per lataya our French kiss ki our uss kay honton per pyar say dant kata. Our ahista ahista neechay aye uss kay galay pay dant kata, uss kay dono breasts pay dant kata our un ko halka sa choosa, uss kay bait kay har hisay pay dant kata our dhooni mai zuban pahiri our ahista ahista uss kay lun taak pohanch gaye our uss kay lun ko apnay haath mai lay kar halka halaka dabanay lagi. Ussay acha laga our uss kay moo say halki si cheekh nikali uffff………….. jiss say kay mujhay yeh andarza ho gia kay ussay maza aa raha ahi. Our ussay seduce karnay mai main kamyab ho gai hon.Kuch dair aisa karnay kay baad mai nay uss ka lun apnay moo mai daal lia our choosna shuru kar dia. Pehalay sirf upper ka hisa our ahista ahista har suck kay sath mai thora ziada hisa moo mai laiti thi. Har suck kay sath us ki halki halki cheekhain nikalti thi. Iss time taak uss ka lun pori tera say khara ho chukka tha. Per mai nay chora nahi. Taab bhi ussay choosti rahi our iss had taak choossa kay woo kahnay laag gia kay mai chootnay wala hon. Taab mai nay ussay choona chor dia. Aur khud uss kay sath jaga change ki. Abb uss nay meri phudi chatna shuru kar di. Our mai nay ussay face **** karna shuru kar dia. Pehalay kam az kam 15-20 min uss nay apni zuban say meri clit ko tickle karta raha. Mai apnay hips ko utha utha kay apni phudi ko uss kay moo mai daal rahi thi our apnay jism ko gol gol ghuma rahi thi. Uff …………… jitna acha chooswata hai utna acha choosta bhi hai. Ufff………………. Itna maza aa raha tha kay uss ko lafzon mai batana mushkil hai. Koi almost ghanta iss teraha karnay kay baad hum 69 position mai a gaye our eik dosray ko khoob chata, choosa yahan taak kay meri phudi mai say halka halka khoon nikalnay laga. Ab main nay usay mujhay chodnay kay liye kaha. He was ready within 50 seconds. Mai nay apni tangay upper uthai our uss ka lun pakar kar apni phudi kay shuru pay rakh dia. Uss nay ahista say meray under dalnay ki koshish ki tu mai nay ussay apnay upper khainch lia. Haye…………. Eik jhatkay mai woo meray ander tha.Laikin uss say chuswanay ka jitna maza aya tha utna maza ussay ander laina ka nahi aya.Us ka size chota tha. Only 6 or may be kam ho. Khair phudi jitni ko garam thi kissi na kissi ko ander laina zarroori tha our wohi available tha iss liye jo bhi tha our jaisa bhi tha uss ko accept karna para. Per shaid uss ko sex ka ziada experience nahi tha iss liye wo jo bhi kar raha tha mujahay acha laag raha tha.laikin woo satisfaction nahi mil rahi thi. Iss liye khud ko satisfy karnay kay liye mai nay apni clit kay sath khailna shuru kar dia. Uss kay sath itna maza tu nahi aa raha tha per iss terhan thori satisfaction mil rahi thi. Uff…….. iss kee waja say pehlay mai release kar gai. Balkay aik nahi do teen dafa release kar gai thi.Abb ahista ahista uss ki speed bar rahi thi. Woo release karnay kay kareeb kareeb tha. Koi 5 min kay baad uss nay kaha kay mai choootnay wala hon. Mai nay eik daam apnay app ko uss kay neechay say churaya or uss kay lun ko apnay hath mai pakar lia our uss ko zor zor say apnay hath mai agay peechay karnay lagi. Thori dair baad uss nay meray mammon kay upper apni sari mani chor di. Then I told him kay abb iss ko chat kay meray jisam ko saaf karo. And he did it. Well, uss kay lun kay size ki waja say thora maza kharab hoa per tab bhi itna bura nahi tha. Yeh meri uss say bhi last mulakaat thi. Kio kay meri phudi ko baray lun chaiye thay. Our uss ka lun meri tasale kay liye kafi nahi tha. Khair kuch arsay baad ghar mai meri shaadi ki baat chal pari. Larka daikha gia. Pasand kia gia our baat mangni taak pohanch gai. Our mangni ho gai. Dil mai aksar soochti thi kay chalo abb tarapna nahi paray ga aour jab chaon gi ussay bula lon gi our apni harami our garam phudi ko chodwa lon gi. Per kismat kharab kay baad mai pata chala kay meray mangaiter ka dhain in bataon ki taraf koi khass nahi hai. Woo ziada motivated business and stuff ki taraf tha. Well aik din usssay seduce karnay ka pora pora moka mila. Uss din mai free thi tu soocha kay uss kay saath ghumnay chaltay hain. Ussay call kar kay bualaya our kaha kay mujhay milo abhi plz. He said kay mai pc mai eik meeting mai hon. I said ok. Tum room book karwao mai aa rahi hon. He said ok. You come. Mai gaye hum upper room mai gaye, wahan ja kar mai nay uss see poocha kay how do you feel about having sex. I am feeling hot plz….. kuch karo na. Mangaiter our husband mai ziada farak nahi hota hai. Plz apna farz pura karo. Yeh kahtay kahtay mai nay uss ka lun pakar lia our pant kay upper say hi dabaya. Uss nay ankhain band kar kay gardan ko halka sa upper kia tu mai nay uss ki gardan per halka sa dant kaat lia. Us nay halki si awaz nikali nisa……..what…….are…………..doing. I said kion kia hoa. Then I told him kay eik baat ghaur say sun lo kay tumhari biwi inteha ki baysharam aurat hai jis ki nas nas mai garmi bhari hoi hai. Our har time apni phudi ko marwanay kay liye tiar rehti hai. Ya dosray lafzon mai kah lo kay mai kisi rand say kum nahi hon. He said wonderfull and I really love you for that. We quickly took off our cloths and got down to the bed, because the time was less and the competition was tough. Hum nay eik dosray ko French kisses karni shuru kar din. Iss doran uss nay apna hath baraha kay meri clit say khailna shuru kar dia or mai nay hath barha kar uss kay lun ko apnay haath mai lay kar dabana our ahista ahista agay peechay karna shuru kar dia. He said "nisa I am in heavenYou are too bold" I said sex hota hi boldness say hai. Chodnay chudwanay mai kaisi sharam. He said right madam. Phir wo aik dam say meray upper a kar meray mummay choosnay lag gia or un ko zor zor say dabanay laga. Koi 15 min baad mai nay ussay 69 position mai anay kay liye kaha. Hum nay aik dosray ko choosna or chatna shuru kar dia. Uff……………. Itna maza aa raha tha kay bilkul dil nahi kar raha tha kay yeh pal kabhi khatam hon our zindagi bus yoh hi nikal jaye. Uss nay choostay choostay meri phudi mai apni zuban daal di. Wow….. kia zabardast feelings thi. I told him kay kartay jao achi terha say apni zuban say meri choot ko chodo. In other words give me a good tongue ****ing. I love it. After 15 min he told me kay chal kutia ab bister pay lait ja abb teri pharnay ka time aa gia hai. Finally uss nay mujhay chodna shuru kar dia. Our baray zor zor say. Har jhatkay kay saath uss ki our meri speed taiz say taiz hoti ja rahi thi. Hum paglon ki terhan eik dosray ko chod rahay thay.. Wo mujhay rand ki terhan chod raha tha our mai rand ki tarhan chudwa rahi thi. Mai saath saath apni unglion say apni clit say bhi khail rahi thi. Iss waja say humari chudai ki speed kahain ziada thi. Time kam honay ki waja say hum nay speed ziada rakhi hoi thi. Our jaldi jaldi release karna cha rahay thay. Thori dair baad bola gushti meray bachay ki maa banay gi. I told him abhi nahi. He said kay mai to teray ander hi choron ga. Mai apni mani zaya tu nahi karnay wala. I said ok. Eik second kay liye nikalo. I quickly turned onto my knees and got into the doggy style. I said meri gand maro our apni mani bhi ander hi chor daina. Na teri mani zaya ho gi na maza kum hoye ga. He said waisay kaisay dalon. Dard ho gi. I said parwa na karo bus dalo. He said ok. Uss nay aik jhatka dia our poray ka pora apna 7 inch ka meray under daal dia. Dard kay maray meri jaan nikal gaye per maza bhi bohat aya. Koi 20 min constant meri bund lainay kay baad uss nay apni sari garam garam mani bund kay ander chor di. Itni ziada thi kay bus. Uss kay baad hum thori dair akathay laitay our phir akatay nahaye. Eik dosray kay har hisay ko khudh mala our dhoya. Ziada nahi kar sakay iss liye maza nahi aya. Koi panch chay shifts lagti to pata chalta kay han kuch kia hai. Khair this is the end of my story.
Pyari Mausi ki Chudai
meri age 25 year ki meri pehli story hai.Ye tab ki kahani hai jab main 18 saal ka tha,aur meri mousi ki age 30 year ki thi,meri mousi ka figure 36 28 36 hai.She has a beautiful body She has got big boobs as well as big buttocks.Main mousi ko jab bhi dekhta to mujhe unka sexy figure dekhkar man me gudgudi hoti thi.unka sudol gora badan bahut hasin tha.meri mousi ki shadi hue 4 saal ho gaye the,ek baar unhone mujhe apne yaha rehne ko bulaya tha.main ek mahine ke liye unke waha rehne gaya.unka ghar bahut chota tha, sirf do kamare the, ek kitchen aur dusara unka hall.jab main unke yaha rehne gaya to mousi ne mujhe dekkar mujhe gale laga liya.jisse unke boobs mere seene se dab gaye.mujhe bhi maza aaya us din.maine bhi unhe gale laga lia aur gaal pa kiss bhi di.meri mousi ghar mein jyadatar gown hi pehna karti thi.jisse jab wo ghar ka kaam karne ke kiye jhukti to unke boobs ka bhugol dekhkar mera 8" lamba lund khada hone lagta.wo mujhse bahut pyar karti thi.ek baar mousi kisi kaam ke liye niche jhuki to maine dekha ki unhone bra panty nahi pehni hui thi,to mujhe unke boobs aur **** dikhayi di.mera ye dekhkar bura haal ho gaya tha,unki **** par baal nahi the,main tabhi bathroom mein jaakar muth maar kar aaya,mera dil mousi ko chodne ke liye machal raha tha,lekin meri himmat hi nahi ho rahi thi,main, mousi aur mousaji ek hi bed par sote hai,bed bada tha isliye hum teeno ko ek hi bed par sone mein koi dikkat nahi hoti thi,pehle mousi fir mousaji fir main is tarah line mein sote the.Sone se pehle mousi mousa ji aur mujhe doodh jaroor deti thi, sote time ghar mein andhera rehta hai koi kisi ki shakal bhi nahi dekh sakta itna andhera rehta hai,ek baar meri raat ko meri aankh khuli to mujhe mehsoos hua ki mousa mousi ki chudai kar rahe hai.maine jab gour se dekha to mousa mousi ke upar lete hue the aur mousi nangi niche leti hui thi aur mousa mousi ki chudai kar raha tha,mousi bich bich me aaaahh huu n naauuccchhhhh uuunnn kar rahi dekhkar mera lund khada ho gaya.maine apne lund ko pakadkar usnhe dekhkar wahi muth karli. Dono aapas mein kafi der tak chudai karte rahe ye dekhkar mujhe pata hi nahi chala ki mujhe kab neend aa gayi. Ab mera man aur kharaab hone laga mousi ki chudai ke liye.ab main 4-5 din tak roz jaldi sone ka bahana karke leit jaata tha aur mousi ki chudai dekha karta tha.ek baar maine dekha ki mousi nangi aankh bandh karke leti hui hui aur mousa unki **** mein apna muh daalkar choos rahe hai.mujhseRaha nahi gaya maine apna ek haath badhakar mousi ki ek choochi par rakh di,mousi ko kuch pata nahi chala ki kiska haath hai. Mujhme aur himmat aayi to main jor jor se musi ki choochi ko dabane laga.mousi ki chuchi itni badi thi ki mere haath mein hi nahi aa rahi thi.mousi bhi maze se apni chuchi dabwarahi thi.aur main dusre haath se apne lund ko pakadkar muth maar raha tha.fir thodi der baad mera paani nikal gaya to maine mousi ki chuchi se haath hata liye aur so gaya.In dono ki chudai mein maine dhayan diya ki dono mein se koi baat nahi karta tha, fir saturday aaya.sunday ko mousa ki chhutti hoti hai to wo saturday night ko mousi ko jamkam chhodte hai.isliye shayad mousi bhi thodi jyada taiyaari rakhti hogi. Ab mujhse raha nahi gaya to main medicial store gaya aur waha se neend ki goli ye kehkar le aaya ki mere dad ko 3 din se neend nahi aa rahi hai unke liye koi neend ki goli dijiye,unhone bataya ki 2 goli kafi hogi lekin main 4 goli le aaya.ab main raat ka intezar karne laga.raat ko mousi ne mujhe kitchen mein bulaya aur doodh dekar kaha ki le apne mousa ko de aa.main unki nazar bacha kar neend ki 4ro goli mousa ke doodh mein mila di.fir maine doodh mousa ko diya to mousa ne pee liya.aaj raat mousi ne nighty peheni hui thi,fir wo dono leit gaye aur main bhi light off karke let gaya 1 ghante baad maine mousa ko halke se hilakar dekha to unpar neend ki goli ka asar ho gaya tha,wo so gaye theMaine unhe apni jagah sarka diya aur unki jagah main aakar leit gaya,mousi ka muh dusri taraf tha to unhe pata nahi chala,ab maine pehle apne saare kapde utar diye aur mousi ki kamar par apna haath rakha mujhe laga ki mousi so gayi hai,lekin wo jagi hui thi,ab maine apna haath unke boobs par rakha aur unhe nighty ke upar se dabane laga, aur unse chipak kar leit gaya jisse mera lund mousi ki gaand ko touch kar raha tha,aur maine apni ek taang mousi ke pairo ke beech mein daal di,aur apne pair se mousi ki **** ko ragad raha tha,mousi thdoi der baad hot hone lagi thi, thodi der baad mousi ne apna muh meri taraf kiya to maine unke lips par apne lips rakh diye,ahhhhhhhhh kya taste tha unke lips ka main to pagal ho gaya, ab main apna haath unki nighty ke andar daalkar mousi ki chuchi dabane laga.mousi ne apna haath mere haath par rakh diya aur dabane lagi.mousi ne niche bra nahi pehni hui thi,maine mousi ki nighty utar di aur unke upar lait gaya aur apne badan se unka badan ragadne laga jisse unki chuchiya mere seene se ragad rahi thi aur mera lund unki panty ke upar se unki **** par ragad raha thaaaa,mujhe bahut achcha lag raha tha,ab main unke honthon par kiss karta hua unke gaal par kiss karne lagafir unke galeParrrrr mmuuh mousi ko bahut maze aa rahe theee.mousi dheemi awaaz mein kehne lagi ki aaj kya hua hai tumhe aaj to bahut achchi tarah se kar rahe ho.main kuch nahi bola. Main apne kaam mein laga raha.fir main kiss karta hua unki chuchiyo ki daraar par aa gaya maine unki chuchiyo ki daraar par halka sa bite kiya to mousi poori tarah hil gayi, fir main unki rightwali chuchi ko muh mein lekar choosne laga aur left wali chuchi ko haath se dabane laga.meri mousi pagal hotii jaa rahi thiiiiii,maine unke nipple par bite kar diya to wo dheere se kehne lagi ki aaaahhhh aaaraaaam sssseeeeee kaaaooo tttttttuuumhaaaaeee liiiiiiiiieeee hhhiiiiiiiii ttttttoooo haaaaaaai.maine unka left chuchi ko ragad ragad kar laal kar diye the,,,, to mujhe kehne lagi ki araaaaaaaam seeeeee jaaaalaaaaaan hooooone laaaaaaagi hai, fir maine mousi ke pait par kiss kiyaa fir unki navel par.maine unki navel mein apni jeebh se andar bahar karne laga to unhone mere baal pakad liye aur mera muh apni navel mein dabane lagi.unhe dar tha ki paas mein leita hua main yaani "KUSH" jag na jau kahi unki chudai se isliye jyada awaaze nahi kar rahi thi.fir main mousi ki **** ki taraf apna muh laakar unki jaangh par paglo ki tarah kiss karne laga.hum 69 ki position mein ho gaye the.Fir main apni mousi ki pyari **** jo abhi tak panty mein kaid thi us par apna haath rakh diya,mujhe mousi ki anty geeli mehsoos hui to maine sungh kar dekha to badi madak khusboo aa rahi thi unki panty se to maine apni jeebh se unki panty ko chaatne laga **** ke upar se hi.dusri taraf mousi mere lund ke chaaro tarf se apni jeebh se chaat rahi thi,kabhi mere tatto ko bhi chaat rahi thi daba rahi thi,mujhe bahut maza aa raha tha fir unhhone mere lund ki topi ko apne muh mein rakh kar aandar bahar kar rahi thi,mujhse raha nahi gaya to maine ek halka sa jhatka maara to mera 4"inch lund unke muh mein chala gaya,is hamle se mer pyari mousi ke aankh se aansoo nikalne lage lekin unhone mera lund bahar nahi nikala balki aur choos rahi thi.Idhar maine mousi ki panty nikaalne laga to mousi ne apni gaand uthakar meri help ki panty nikaalne mein,ab mousi ki wo **** mere saamne thi jo mujhe roz pareshan kare rakhti thi,ab main apni jubaan ko mousi ki **** par fira raha tha,upar se niche aur niche se upar ki taraf.meri mousi ka bura haal tha.fir maine apne haatn ki do ungli se mousi ki **** ko khola aur usme apni jeebh daal di aur jeebh se **** karne laga,meri pyari mousiPaglo ki tarah apni gaand ko upar niche karne lagi.fir maine apni 3 ungli se unki **** se **** karne laga.issi douran meri mousi 2 baar jhad chuki thi aur main unka ras pee gaya tha maine fir apni 1 ungli ko unki **** ki ras se bhigokar unki gaand ke chhed par rakh di unke upar niche hone ki wajah se meri ungli unki gaand mein andar bahar hone lagi. Udhar mera lund ka bhi bura haal tha,mousi ne choos chooskar mere lund ka paani nikal diya tha.mousi fir se mere lund ko khada karne ke liye usse choos rahi thi kyouki unhe apni **** ki bhi sewa karwani thi.15-20 min. Baad mera lund fir se khada hone lag to main mousi ki **** chhodkar unke muh ke paas aa gaya, mousi mera chehra pahadakar mera kaan apne muh ke paas laakar boli ki jaan aaj sex karne mein bahut maza aa raha hai aaj kaha se seekhkar aaye ho.maine unke honthon par apni ungli rakhkar unhe chup kara diya,kyouki main bhi bhi kuch nahi bol raha wo fir kuch nahi boli.Ab maine apne honth pyari mousi ke honthon par rakh diye unhone apna muh khola aur apni jeebh mere muh mein daal di.maine unki jeebh ko apne hontho se pakadkar apni jeebh se choosne laga,badi tasty thi meri pyari mousi ki jeebh aaaaaah mere se raha nahi gaya to maine unke dono chuchiyo ko apne haatho mein lekar jor de daba di,unke muh se cheekh nikalti nikalti reh gayi.kyouki unke muh ko mere muh ne bandh kiya hua tha.mera lund mousi ki **** par dastak de raha thaaaaa.mousi se raha nahi gaya wo mereKaan mein boli ki jaaan aaaab naaahiiiiiiiiii jaaaaataa aaaab aapnaaaa luund eeeriiiiii cuuut meeeinnn daaal dooooo.aaaj ttttoooo aaapne muuuujheeee baaauuuut maaazaaaa ddddddeee raaaaheehoooo.maine mousi ka haath pakad kar apne lund par rakh diya.mousi ne apni taango ko failakar mera lund apni **** ke dwar par rakh diya.lekin main mousi ko aur tadpaana chahta tha isliye lund andar nahi daala.5 min. Baad mousi fir se mere kaan mein boli ab daaaaal bhiiiiiiii do kyoo taadpa raaaahe hoooo.itnaaaa sunna tha ki maine ek jordar jhatka maarato mera lund poora ka poora mousi ki **** mein chala gaya.mousi ki halak se ek halki si cheekh nikli to maine apna haath mousi ke muh par rakh diya.mousi ki **** mujhe thodi tight lagi shayad mousa ka lund mere se thoda chhota aur patla hoga.mousi ne mera haath hataya aur boli aaj tumhe kya ho gaya hai mujhe maar hi daaloge kya.aapka lund bhi thoda baaaaaada baaaada laaaaaaag raaaaaha haaaaai kya baaaaaat hai koooooi dawayi li hai kya aaaaaaj.maine unke hothon par apne honth unke honth par rakhkar fir se chup karwa diyaaaaa.Main mousi ki **** mein jordar lund daalta gaya.aur mousi dheere se bolti jaa rahi thi ki uiiimaaa mmaaaaaarrrr ggggaaaaaaayyyiiii aaaahhh merii cchhtttttt ppppppphaaatt ggaayyyyyiii.aaaurrrrrrr jjjjooor ssssseeee jaaaaaan faaad dooo aaaaaaaaj merrrri chuuuuuut. Mousi shayad bhool gayi thi ki ghar mein uska bhanja bhi so raha hai,lekin mousi ko kya pata ki bhanja hi chudai kar raha hai unki.mousa to neend ki goli lekar soya hua hai.mousi niche se uchchal uchchal kar mujhse chudwa rahi thi,is douran mousi 2 baar jhd chuki thi lekin main abhi jhadne nahi wala tha.maine mousi ko 25 min. Tak lagatar jordar chudai kar raha tha.ab main thakne laga tha to maine mousi ko pakadkar apne upar bitha liya aur main niche lait gaya.mousi samajh gayi thi ki main kya chahta hu wo mere lund ko pakdkar apni **** par set karke ek dam se mere lund par baith gayi. Aur apna muh mere muh ke paas laakar mujhe kiss karne lagi.aur dheere se boli ki itna maza to suhaagraatwali raat ko bhi nahi aaya tha jaan.jitna maza aaj aap tum de rahe ho. Mousi jaanti thi ki mousa ji sex karte hue bolte nahi the isliyeUnhe koi shak bhi nahi ho raha tha.maine mousi ki gaand ke niche haath rakha aur use upar niche karne laga jisse mousa ko ishara mil jaaye ki main kya chahta hu.mousi mere lund par upar niche hokar chudai rahi thi.aisa lag raha tha ki.main mousi ko nahi mousi mujhe chod rahi ho.aise hilte hue mousi ki chuchiya badi mast lag rahi thi.maine haath badhakar mousi ki chuchiyo ko pakad liya aur mousi ko apni taraf kheecha jisse maine mousi ko apne se chipka liya aur mousi mera lund apni **** mein le rahi thi maine mousi ki ek chuchi ko muh lekar choosne laga to mousi apni dusri chuchi khud hi dabaane lagi.aise karte hue mousi ek baar aur jhadi. Mousi ka paani mere lund par aa raha tha maine apna haath apne lund ke paas laakar mousi ki **** ka paani ko chhua to mera haath poora geela ho gaya.maine fir us haath ko apne muh ke paas laakar chaatne laga.mujhe achcha lag raha tha.main fir se **** ke paas haath rakha to fir geela ho gaya is baar maine mousi ke muh ke paas unhi ki **** ka paani laga hua haath le gaya. Pehle to wo apna muh idhar udhar karti rahi.fir maine unke baal pakadkar apna haath unke muh mein de diya.jisse unhone chaat liya.meri ab thakaan mit chuki thi.maine mousi ko niche letaya aur unki taango ko bed ki sade mein utar diya aur main unki taango ke paas jaakar khada ho gaya.maine unki gaand ke niche ek takiya lagaya jisse unki **** aur ubhar gayi.maine mousi ki ek taang apne kandhe par rakhi jisse mousi ki **** aur khul gayi thi.maine mousi ka haath pakadkar apne lund par rakha mousi ne mera lund pakadkar apni **** par rakha aur mera lund daba diya.main samjh gaya.maine ek jhatka maara to mera lund unki **** mein poora chala gaya.fir main dheere dheeremousi ki chudai kar raha tha to mousi boli ki jaaaaan main fir jor se dhakke lagaane laga mousi bhi apni kamar utha uthakar mujhse chudwa rahi thiiiiii.mousi ki **** ne fir se paani chhod diya.maine ye mehsoos kiya to maine do ungli se **** ke paani se bheegokar mousi ki gaand par rakh di.jisse unke hilne se ungliya andar bahar hone lagi. Mousi ko shayad gaand marwana achcha nahi lagta tha.isliye wo baar baar meri ungli ko hata deti thi.45 min. Ke baad mujhe laga ki main jhadne wala hu maine mousi ki chudai ki speedaur bada di.mere saath saath mousi bhi ek baar ek jhad gayiiii mousi boliii is chudai mein mousi kam se kam 6 baar jhadi hogi. Main apna lund **** mein daale hue mousi par gir gaya.mousi mujhe choomne lagi aur kehne lagi jaan jaisa aaj choda hai waise roz kyo nahi chodte main kiss karta hua bola meri pyari mousi darling aaj se pehle tumne mujhe mouka diya hi kaha sunna tha ki mousi ek dam chouk gayi aur boli tere mousa ji kaha hai.maine kaha mousi wo to so rahe hai itni der se main hi aapki chudai kar raha tha mousi jaan.mousi mujhe apne se alag karne lagi.lekin maine mousi ko chhoda nahi.maine kaha aap bahut namkeen ho mousi,dil karta hai ki aapko chodta hi kehte hue main fir se mousi ki **** mein ungli karne laga aur unke boobs ko dabane laga.mousi ko bhi meri chudai achchi lagi thi isliye maan gayi. Aur kehne lagi ki chal badmash kaise ho gaya ye sab?? Tabhi main kahu ki aaj tere mousa ko kya ho gaya hai jo itni der se chod rahe hai mujhe.bahut maze diye tune aaj kush. Maine sab bata diya mousi ko kaise hue ye tarah mera mousi ke saath na khatam honewala silsila bana gaya jo aaj tak hai.main ab bhi jab chahu apni mousi ki chudai karke aa jaata hu.
My Virgin Maid - Sarita
This happened when I was in the final year of my engineering. I was studying while living with our family. We had a housemaid named Sarita. She had worked for us for such a long time that she had virtually became a family member. Actually her mother was housemaid at our residence but she started employing Sarita at an early age whenever she was not available. My mother liked Sarita as she did a better job and so she persisted with her. We never treated her as just a maid. My parents nearly treated her as their third child. We helped her in her schooling, she celebrated all our festivals with us, and she also got new clothes along with my sister and me. We even took her with us on a few occasions out of town.Sarita was a petite girl and was slightly on the bulkier side. She had huge tits and a very prominent ass. She was not that good looking but had overall nice features on her face. Her body had very nice contours. I especially liked her protruding lips and her long black hair. She was fond of makeup and often used my sister’s kit. She and my sister were nearly of same age but her tits were more prominent than my sisters. At that time, I was dying to give my Lund some real fun. A few months earlier I had had my first sexual experience with my Mami (maternal aunt) when I was on training at Bhopal . After that I have not had any choot. I was like a man-eater tiger that had just tasted human blood and was wanting some more. Sex was still very new and there was lot to explore. I used to masturbate regularly, often imagining my first time with aunt. I had manage to watch a few porn movies and had some porn magazines tucked somewhere in my books. But I was dying to get a woman under me. I wanted that heavenly experience of inserting my Lund in the choot and ****ing it real hard till I came. I wanted to feel and massage the boobs and suck them hard.Sarita used to come in the morning and used to do the floor cleaning services. First she would broom clean it and then she used to wet clean the floor. Whenever I was at home at that time, I used to look forward to Sarita doing my room. As, then I could get a nice peek at her shapely boobs, as she would bend down to clean the floor. On a few occasions I was lucky to have seen her panty as she sat on the floor on her toes to wet clean the floor with a washcloth as she was wearing a frock that day. Even if she wore Indian dress of shalwar kameez, I would look at her contours with lust imagining what I would do if I could have her. Most often that gave me a hard on and I masturbated in the bathroom. I thought she did not notice my lusty and hungry looks. But I was wrong, as I would come to know soon. During those days, sometime in February, we had to go to Bombay to attend a family wedding. I was doing very well academically so far and did not want to ruin my final year. So, I was not going to go. As it was a wedding of very close relative, rest of my family decided to go leaving me alone back home. Sarita was requested to cook for me while my family was gone. This was usual as whenever my mom and sister went away, Sarita used to take charge of cooking. They would be gone for 5 days. I had already made plans to watch a lot of porn movies and masturbate.The day my family left, I was in college. When I came back in the evening, I found food already cooked and some notes instructing me to take care of some errands. I went out, brought some porn and watched till late night while masturbating to the fullest of my energy. But I was still not able to get same level of satisfaction and release that a man gets after having sex. I was so wild and horny that I decided to do something about this. The situation has offered me an excellent chance to try something with Sarita and I was emboldened by the raunchy porno. I decided to bunk my next day’s classes and take my chances.Next morning, I woke up by the ring of doorbell. I knew it would be the milkman. The milkman often left the milk bottles outside the door but still rang the bell to tell my mom that the milk is here. I was not in a mood to get up. Sarita would be coming soon so I had to get up and open the door for her anyway. She would bring the bottles in. I woke up again in a while by another doorbell. I was sure it was Sarita this time. I got up, unlocked the door, found Sarita standing there and without saying a word I went back to bed. After a while I was woken up by a feminine voice uttering my name. “bobby…bobby...” I opened my eyes and Saw Sarita with a cup in hand trying to wake me up. She had brought me my morning tea. With a wide yawn I asked her to put that cup on my study table and I got up and went into bathroom for my morning chores. When I came back she was not in the room. She must have gone back to clean up other rooms I thought. I went to my study table to have my tea and I was surprised to find the newspaper beside it. It appeared that my mom had given detailed instructions to Sarita.I was wondering how I would initiate something so that it might lead to me getting lucky. I was sipping the tea and reading the news when Sarita entered the room with the broom to clean the floors. She was wearing a frock with flowery print and her long hair tied by a ribbon. I wondered what colored panty she was wearing. She started cleaning the room from a far right corner. I was anxious to take a look at her boobs when she came near me to clean up. I was looking at her body as she had her back towards me. She was bent at the hips and was using the broom. Then she turned and was facing me. As she continued using the broom while bending, I got a nice peek at the gap between her boobs through the neck opening of her dress. I could see the nice curvature of her boobs. As they were huge, they hung nicely as she bent giving me a look at her deep gap between her boobs. My prick started growing in size. I was getting a hard on.She left the room and returned with a bucket and a washcloth to clean the floor. She sat down on her toes and started wiping the floor with the wet cloth. She was facing away from me and I was admiring her buttocks. As she turned towards me with her eyes on the floor, I thought I would get to see her panties but she covered that are with her frock. I cursed in my mind. I was eager to take a look at her panty. When she was near me, with me sitting on the chair, I dropped a page from the newspaper. As she moved ahead to pick that up and hand it over to me, she had to take her hand away from the frock by which she was holding it and I took my chance to take a look at her panty. She was wearing white panty that day. My Luund throbbed with excitement. She completed her cleaning and left the room. I was not sure how I was going to initiate. Or even if I made my move, I was not sure how she was going to react. What if I made a move and she reported it to my parents. That will be so embarrassing. I did not do what to do. I was horny and was not getting any chance to make a move. I decided to take a bath to cool myself down. As I entered the bathroom I saw her cooking in the kitchen. I took a cold shower for a good time and as I looked for a towel in the bathroom, I was shocked to find none in there. Now I was in a soup. What was I going to do? I was too ashamed to ask Sarita to fetch my towel. I tried to wipe myself up using my vests that I had removed before bath but it did not work. I decided to get out quietly and get into my room before Sarita could see me. I opened the bathroom door slowly and moved my head into the narrow opening to see if Sarita was anywhere near. She was not to be seen. I thought she might be doing the laundry. I slowly and quietly got out of the half open bathroom door, nude and wet, and began tiptoeing towards my room. As I came near my room, I felt someone was in the room. Without making any sort of noise, standing still where I was, I bent forward slowly, raising my body up on my toes and tried to take a look inside. What I saw was unbelievable. I was shocked for a while. It was Sarita sitting on my bed and looking at one of my porno magazine collection. How the hell did she find my stuff out, I wondered. I used to pride myself up on my immaculate hiding skills till that time as my parents or sister had never even doubted that I had hidden something like that.Now what was I going to do? How was I going to dry myself up? I was standing there still thinking on my next course of action. Sarita was looking at the magazine, taking her time on every page, enjoying the white nude bodies and hardcore pictures of white men ****ing white women, their Luunds, the choots, the breasts, everything. She was slowly turning pages and was breathing heavily. I could sense that she was hot. Was this the chance that I was looking for, I wondered. She had no idea that I was looking at her. I was enjoying the sight of watching that girl reading my porn. Imagine a wet nude guy watching a girl reading porn. Not knowing what to do, I crawled back to bathroom. Now I had no alternative than calling Sarita to help me out. So I yelled from bathroom, “Sarita, meri madad karo thodi.” She did not speak. I could hear the noise of my bed sheets, as she must have tried to place my magazine back below the mattress hurriedly.“haan bobby..ruko mai aa rahi hoon.” She answered back in the native language that we both speak. “mai aa rahi hoon or I am cumming” I smiled mischievously. I was standing inside bathroom holding the door open wide enough for her to see my face but was hiding my nude body behind the door. As she came near bathroom, I asked her,” mai mera towel bhul gaya hoon. Mujhe mera towel la dogi kya?” haan haan .. jarur.. ek second ruko mai abhi lati hoon.” And she left to fetch the towel. As she brought the towel, I was so relieved to have at last ended the embarrassing episode that I surged ahead to grab that towel and ended up opening the door wide open for her to see me naked. I was standing in the bathroom door naked and wet and she was standing slightly away from the door outside holding the towel and gaping at my body. Her eyes were fixated at my Luund for a while. When we both realized where we were she threw the towel on the floor and ran towards the kitchen screaming “Oooi maaa” and laughing. I had just doubled my embarrassment. I somehow grabbed the towel, entered the bathroom, wiped myself up and came out wrapping the same towel around my hips. I straightway headed towards Sarita who was in kitchen, still a smile on her face, which widened as I approached her. I went to her, stood near her, slightly behind her. She was cooking something. I spoke, “ Sarita, tumne mujhe nanga dekha hai ab mai bhi tumhe nanga dekhunga” She turned around to look at me with a shock on her face and said, “bilkul nahi.. tum kya paagal ho gaye ho?” I said, “ Come on. Aise hi hisab barabar hoga.. tumne mera sab dekha hai ab mai bhi tumhara sab dekhunga.” “ maine koyi jaan bujhakar nahi dekha ye to achanak ho gaya hai.. tum apna towel bhul gaye the isliye mujhe sab dikh gaya .. tum mera kyu dekhoge? Tum ek badmash ladke ho.” She said while resuming what she was doing. “ haan lekin akhir me kya hua? Tumne mere sab private part dekh liye naa. Isliye mai bhi dekhna chahta hu.” I persisted. She was unrelenting and I wanted my revenge. I dropped my towel and told her “dekho ab ye achanak nahi hai .. tumne ek baar dekha , ab fir se dekho.. mai bura nahi manunga. Tum ise dekho aur fir tumhara mujhe dikhao” She turned back and was aghast at seeing me standing nude. Her eyes scanned my entire body and went back repeatedly to my Luund . She had just seen hardcore pictures in the porno and now she was seeing a live man nude in front of her. She tried to gain the composure but I guess she could not. I sought the moment and went near her. I took her hand and said, “dekho Sarita tum ise chhu kar bhi dekh sakti ho.. mere nange badan ko, meri khuli chhti, mera pet.. mera ye hathiyaar.. chhuna chahti ho? Kis ko chhu kar dekhna achcha lagega Sarita? Saying this I was moving her palm on my chest, tummy and my arms. She tried to resist initially but she could do much against my force. The touch of my chest and hair on it must have given her goose bumps.“chalo ab mujhe tumhe nangi dekhne do.” I stuck to my aim. And this time I did not stop at mere words but surged forwards and held her arm and turned her towards me. “ bobby.. kya kar rahe ho?” she said while resisting but she turned. “kuch nahi bas tumhara fock nikal raha hoon. ” I said calmly. “nahii ..bobby.. tum aisa nahi karoge bobby. Ye galat hai.” Sarita. .. isme kya galat hai.. Sarita kisi ko kuch pata nahi chalega.. kyat um chahti ho ki mai mere ghar ke logon se kahu ki tumne mujhe nanga dekha hai. Aur tum mere room ki wo nangi picture ki kitaabe bhi dekh rahi thi.? Mai unse ye bhi keh sakta hoon ki tumne mera kuch saman churaya hai.. bhale hi tumne nahi churaya ho.” Now she was shocked. “kaun si kitaab?” she feigned ignorance. “Sarita, mujhase jhooth mat bolo maine dekha hai tum mere bed par baith kar wo kitaabe aur usme ki sab tasweer dekh rhi thi. Mere pas to ek iski picture bhi hai.. dekho hum dono ab bade ho gaye hai.. aur is umar me ye sab karma galat nahi hai.. tum chaho to wo kitaabe dekh sakti ho.. aur agar chaho to to wo picure bhi hum dono sath me dekhenge.” “I enticed her. While I was talking to her, seeing directly in her eyes, my hands were working on the buttons of her frock in the rear to undo them. I was touching her bare feet with my toes. I knew she was getting hot. I could feel her breathing get heavy and warm.“Nahi bobby.. ye thik nahi hai.. kuch ho gaya to” She said while resisting and pushing me away from her. “Kya galat hai aur kya sahi hai.. hum dono jante hai ki hame iski jarurat hai.. Sarita.. kisi ko kuch pata nahi chalega.. aur mujhe to isme koyi burayi nahi dikh rahi hai. Aur maine ye kiya hai pehale is liye darne ki koyi baat nahi hai… mujh par bharosa karo.. bahut maja ayega.. aur tum hamesha karna chahogi. Ye tumhara pehali baar hai na?” I enquired expectantly. “haan, maine pehale kabhi nahi kiya.. maine mere maa aur pitaji ko dekha hai. Hum log jab so jate hai to wo karte hai kabhi kabhi. Lekin mujhe dar lagta hai tum mujhe maa bana doge. Mere pet me bachcha aa jayega. She said innocently. I was so thrilled that if I got lucky I was going to get a virgin. “arey bewkoofon jaisa mat bolo mai condom laga lunga. Tum maa nahi banogi. Ok? I said. I knew where my dad kept his supply of condoms. I could steal one without him knowing about it. “mujhe nahi malum.. lekin mujhe dar lag raha hai bahut dar lag raha hai bobby,” She was still worried. “Ok, pehale ye karte hai.. abhi chudayi ke bare me mat socho.. abhi sirf nangi ho jaao. Mujhe tumhara ye gadraya badan dekhne do, chhune do. Aur tum bhi mera sab dekho aur chhu kar dekho.. uske baad agar tumhara dil chudayi ke liye tayyar ho to fir chudayi karenge. Ok?” I wanted to give a pat on my back as I said this. She relaxed her body. Her resistance was gone now. She seemed to see no harm in that. After all I was not forcing her to do sex. She had an option. She turned to switch the gas off and started washing her hands. I took that as a sign of approval and moving near her; I unbuttoned her frock and let it fell down on the floor. She was wearing a chemise inside. She took her feet out of the frock and turned to face me. I asked politely in smooth voice.” Sarita, kya mai tumhe chum sakta hoon?”.She nodded looking down. I raised her chin by my hand and moving even closer put my lips on hers. Her lips were trembling. She seemed unsure to open her mouth. I parted her lips with my tongue and started sucking her full lips. I inserted my tongue in her mouth and tried to find her tongue. As I found her tongue, I sucked her tongue. She moved her hands and grabbed my back. I pulled her tightly towards me and now we were in a tight embrace. She was shaking. Her body was getting warmer. Her palms were moving on my naked back. She did not respond with the kiss. May be she did not know how to do it. I took my tongue out of her mouth and looked in her eyes. I saw a different kind of look for the first time. She was radiating and her eyes were bright.“tum mujhe chumo.” I murmured softly in her ear. She tried to learn something from my kiss and holding my face in her palms she put her wet lips on mine. I let her suck my lips. She inserted her tongue inside my mouth and started sucking my tongue. We had not moved and were standing holding each other, she in her chemise and I butt naked. My erect Lund was touching her naval area. She kissed me hard and long and then kissed me on my cheeks.I slowly lifted her chemise from below and lifted it till I could see her bra. She thought I wanted to remove her chemise so she raised her hands. I obliged and pulled her chemise over head, removed and threw on the dining table. Now she was in her white bra and white panty. I was growing wild now. I held her boobs over her bra and moved my other palm on her stomach. She turned around as if to suggest that I would need to take out her bra. I unhooked the bra after a fumble; she removed it, threw it on the dining table and turned to face me. There they were, her nice shapely full tits with hard nipples all for me to caress and suck. I touched her boobs tenderly and then tried to size them up by moving my palms all over her boobs. She was looking at my hand moving on her boobs. I caressed them slowly and massaged them. Then I increased my force and pressed them hard and I could hear her moan. I played with her boobs to my satisfaction and then sat down on my knees to take them in my mouth. I sucked her nipples, chewing them and making her say “uunnnn. Ouchhh.aahhhh..bobbyyyy..aur karo..achcha lagta hai” Then I took her full breasts in my mouth and sucked them one by one. She was moving her hand lovingly through my hair now. I released her boobs from my mouth and asked her, “kaisa lag raha hai saru?” She replied with a smile, “Ummm… bahut achcha.. lekin kato mat meri ghundi ko.. dard hota hai.. chuste ho to achcha lagta hai” I smiled and got back to sucking her breasts. I was sucking one of her boobs and caressing and pinching the other. When I was fully satisfied enjoying her boobs, I kissed her belly button and kissed all over her tummy. Then I turned my attention to her panty. At last I was getting to touch, smell, and feel her panty. I moved my fingers over her white panty. I could see some of her chootl hair peeking out of the panty. I smelled it rubbing my nose on it and smooched it. I slowly pulled the panty down and out of her feet. Now Sarita was completely naked. I moved away from her and took a good look at her naked body.“Ab khush huye” she said smilingly. I said, “haan.. ohh Sarita kya sexy badan hai tumhara.. tum nangi bahutu khubsurat lag rahi ho” After a good look, I hugged her. There were two naked bodies in a tight and warm embrace. Our bodies and breath were getting hotter. “chalo bedroom me chalet hai.. mere pair dukhne lage hai khade khade.” I said. She did not say anything, just started walking towards my parents’ bedroom. Once in the bedroom, she laid on the bed on her back. I sat beside her and explored her naked body with my hungry eyes. Shame was overwhelming her. I gave her a long French kiss and moved my hand on her body. Then I gave a smooch on her choot and moved my fingers through her bush. I parted her legs and rubbed a finger though the slit. I was fingering a virgin slit. I was touching where no man has ever touched. I applied some saliva on my finger and continued my fingering her slit. Slowly I inserted my finger in her virgin choot and started finger ****ing her. That was too much for her. She let go of her loud cry with ecstasy. “Shhhh… dheere dheere Sarita.” I tried to silence her. “ohhhh. ummmmm. Bahuuuut achchaa.lag rahaa haaaiiii..ahhh” Sarita. Her choot was now getting wet and warmer. I was enjoying moving my finger inside her warm and wet choot. I was touching and pressing her inner walls and her g-spot with my finger. It appeared it was her first time as soon as I touched her g-spot she moaned loudly. “aaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Maaaaaaaa. Off…unhhhhh. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….” I liked her moaning which perked me up. Then I buried my nose in her bush and smelled her choot. I slowly licked her major and minor and moved my tongue over her slit. That sent her packing. She growled like a tigress. “kyaaaaaaaaaaa .. kar rahe hoooo..ooohh.. nahiiiiiiiiiiiiii pleazzzzzzzzzz nahiiiiiiiiiiii..aisa mat karooo.ooohhh.. maa…I continued my tongue massage of her wet choot. I parted her choot lips slightly and licked the visible sections of her choot. I licked on her clitoris. Then I sucked her choot lips. She cried.”mmmmmm Uffff… bahut achcha lag rahaaaaaaa… mujhe andar dalooo… tumhara ye hathiyaar andar..doooo.. jeeebh nahiii.. lund daalo…” I replied, “ Milega meri rani ye bhi.. dalunga.. thoda maja aur lo” mujhe tumhari choot ka ye ras to pee lene do.. kitna swadisht hai”.. I sucked her choot and licked her pre cum. Then I got up and laid on her. I whispered in her ear, “Sarita darling, tumne us kitaab me dekha hai na kaise aurat mardo ka ye munh me leti hai aur chusati hai” She nodded. “ mai bhi chahta hu kit um mera ye sehlaao ise pyaar karo aur chuso.. ise lund kehate hai ye to malum hai na?” I expressed my desire. She begged me, “abhi nahiii pehale mujhe chodo.. mai baad me chus dungi.. meri choot ab lund maang rahi hai.. bahut aag lagi hai. Meri choot ko chod do aaj.” All her conversation was in our native language. “ nahi Sarita pehale ise chuso nahi to mai tumhe nahi chodunga” I did not budge. I got up and stood by the bedside holding my Lund in hand. She sat up, looked at my erect long and hard Lund and took it in her hand slowly. I asked her to stroke it gently first. She stroked it gently, watching it avidly. It was evident that she was not only touching and holding a man’s Lund for the first time but she was seeing it from this close for the first time. But just to confirm and to get her opinion I asked her, “Tumne iske pehale kabhi Lund dekha Sarita”? Sarita, “ kya matlab hai tumhara..? nahi maine Lund pehali baar tumhari kitaab me dekha hai. Aur ye pehali baar asali Lund dekh rahi hoon tumhara ye mota wala… bobby tumhara lund us picture se bhi jyada lamba aur mota hai.. sach me bahut achcha aur khub surat lund hai tumhara. Kitna mulayam hai “ She continued stroking it. She then slowly pushed my foreskin away from head and saw the slit closely. “karti raho.. tumhari jeebh us ched par lagaao..” I encouraged her. She hesitated. I pushed my Lund close to her mouth. She opened her mouth and put her tongue tip on the eye of my Lund . She moved it along the slit. “ Ise munh me lo..sarita..aahhh plzz aur andar..lo.. munh kholo aur..”. I begged her. She continued her licking my head as if she did not hear me. She was taking her time. She ran her tongue along my Lund ’s length and then slowly opening her mouth wide open, took it in her mouth. I was smiling with pleasure. I asked her to massage my balls, which she did. I asked her to keep her mouth open and ****ed her mouth. I thrust my Lund so deep that it reached her throat. She pulled away to take a gulp. Then she held my Lund and again took it her mouth and began giving me blowjob. I remembered my mami’s blowjob. It had been a while I thought. Mami was experienced but Sarita was also not that bad. She was learning quickly. She sucked and licked the Lund taking clues from the porn. I could see my pre-cum oozing out of my Lund . I thought before I cum in her mouth, I should enjoy her choot. “Sarita kyat um ise choot ke andar lene ke liye tayyar ho?” I asked her. Without saying anything, she got up and threw herself on bed on her back. I had to get a condom fast. I knew where I would find one. I got a condom quickly stealing from my dad’s quota and placed it on my Lund . She watched it curiously. I held her legs apart, and placed the tip of my condom-clad Lund on her choot slit. Then I realized I was going to **** a virgin. I had read that normally girls bleed when they get ****ed for the first time and I did not want to ruin my parent’s bed, so I got up, brought my towel from kitchen and placed it under her ass. Now I was all set to **** her. I pushed my Lund slowly in her wet choot. Her choot seemed tight even after so much of finger ****ing and tongue ****ing. I had to apply more force. I pushed my Lund harder this time and it slid in her choot. Sarita screamed,”aaaaaiiiiiii….uuuuuiiiiii maaaaaaa……marrrr gaayiiiii… kyaa karr ..rahe hooo… bahut.. dard.. ho raha haii.. bahar ..nikaaloo.. ohh maa..mai nahi le sakti ye… tumhara.. bahut mota..haii.. meri choot bahut choti haii.. plzz..bahar.. nikalo..bobbyy.. baahaar..niii..kaa..lo.. aaaaaaaaaaahh Aaaaaaa… unnnn..ooahhhhh.” “daro mat Sarita.. pehali baar thoda dard hoga.. thoda sahan karo fir bahut maja ayega.. dard bhi nahi rahega.. daro mat.. mai bahut aaaram se karunga..” I tried to console her. I pushed it harder and let it go deeper in her choot. It was sliding slowly in her tight choot. With another push I buried my Lund deep inside her choot. I felt her hymen was broken now. And she shouted and bite on my shoulder..she shouted loud ..”oohhhhhhh bobbyyyyy… mai marii… bahar ni..ka..lo… fat gayiii.. ufffff kya ghusa diyaa.. . I started giving her shots slowly with shorter withdrawals. Now she was relaxing and enjoying. I let my body fell on her and continued my ****ing. She clutched me from behind and buried her nails in my back. She must have scratched me at a number of placed. I was in no mood to mind that and was enjoying my ****ing a virgin. This was feeling great. My mami’s choot was also great but wasn’t this tight. Now I knew the difference between a virgin choot and an experienced choot. “Sarita.. meri rani.. ab kaisa lag raha hai..tumhari choot ne lund le liya hai ab.?”I asked. “uuunnnnhhhh… sshhhh.. ohhhh. Baad me bolungii.. aahhhh.” She was in no mood to talk. She could not talk, I thought. Now I varied the speed of my shots and began ****ing her with long shots and with a greater force and speed. She was encouraging me by holding her legs apart. I was banging her with full force with long withdrawals. Now the room was filled with our moaning and the noise of my Lund sliding in her wet choot.We both wanted to come, it seemed. She was moving her ass to get my entire thing in her choot. My Lund seemed abnormally thicker now. I was wild and on full seam. I was banging her, hard and fast. I was on the verge of coming now. I prayed that we both came at same time. One final push and I came. She screamed, “arrghhhh….. ooohhhh.. mera kuchch.. niklaaaaaaa…. Mai gayiiiiiii.. oohhhhh bobbyyyy Ohhhhhhhh.. jor se…aur jor seeee… . Oooouuuii Maaaaa….”. She had an orgasm. Her first orgasm. I had just ****ed a virgin. I sank on her. We stayed there for a while till my Lund shrunk. I got up, removed the condom and put it in a grocery plastic bag to throw it later. She was lying there with her eyes closed. I kissed her on her lips and whispered, “Sarita, bahutu maja ayaa.. tum bahut achchii ho..” She just pulled me in an embrace as a response. After a while, we got up, cleaned our bodies and got dressed. She went to the kitchen to cook and I tried to finish reading the newspaper. But I could not concentrate on reading. How could I? I had just ****ed Sarita, a virgin, a girl I was dreaming about. Sarita called me for lunch. “mujhe aur do-teen jagah kaam par jaana hai.. tum apna khana kha lo.. mai kal subah aaungi..” She declared. I was not in a mood to let her go.” Nahi Sarita itani beraham mat bano.. tum kahin nahi jaaogi. Hamne abhi abhi to masti ka ek naya tareek dhundha hai.. aur maja lena hai. Aur aisa mauka bar bar nahi milega.. nahi mai is mauke ko barbaad nahi kar sakta. Hum aaj din bhar chudayi karenge.” I said “Nahi bobby hum aisa nahi kar sakte.. aur meri choot me bahut dard hai.. chalne me bhi takleef ho rahi hai.. bahut suj gayi hai. Aur khoon bhi nikla hai tumhare towel par dekho.. aur mujhe dusare kaam par jana hai.. wo kaam kaun karega” She resistsed. “Sarita kya iske pehale tumne kaam se ****ti nahi li hai, mujhe yaad hai bahut baar tum kaam par nahi ayi ho, vaisa hi aaj dusari jagah kar do.” I reasoned. “mere sath khana khao fir hum aur chudayi karenge, aur maja ayega.. mai aur dusare tareeke se tumhe chodunga” I held her hand and forced to sit on a chair. She also wanted more, I guessed as she sat reluctantly. We ate our lunch quietly. After lunch and after she had cleared the table, we watched the porn video together. I ****ed her 3 more times that day and enjoyed oral sex a lot. Since that day it was no-shame affair. I did not go to college all five days my family was away. Sarita either completed her other engagements before coming to our place or delegated them to someone. She stayed over all day enjoying incredible sex. She told me how she used to witness sex between her mom and dad in her small house. She also confessed that how she found out about my porn collection and how she used to read it whenever we were away. I promised her to share all my porn collection with her and extracted her promise to let me **** her regularly.Our “honeymoon” ended in five days. What an incredible five days they were. After that we did find a number of occasions to **** each other. Even if someone was at home, we used to fondle each other and kiss each other when she used to clean my room. I ****ed her numerous times till I moved to INDORE for work. We were lucky to get a chance to have sex before I left. I gave my entire porn collection to her. We did exchange a couple of steamy letters initially but soon the stream of letters ended. On my first trip back home, I brought her a nice dress. I gave it to her in private at a hotel room I had booked for a day just to **** her. She was also burning for me everyday. She was busy with her college and work. She confessed that now she used look at every man with lust.Soon after I returned back to Bombay , I heard that she got married to a guy her parents found for her. She had moved to another town and had stopped working as a maid. She was now teaching 5 year olds in a school. I felt happy for her. I was not going to marry her anyways though I would have liked to **** her more. But now I am just wondering how would it like be to **** her again if she happens to be in town when I am visiting home next summer. Ummm.. That would be fun, I guess. What do you think?
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