Sunday, October 5, 2008

Q4) I am an 18-year-old girl. My periods last for seven days,

Q4) I am an 18-year-old girl। My periods last for seven days, after which, i get a white discharge that is neither painful nor acrid.Is this leucorrhoea ? What is the solution to this problem?

A white, odourless discharge is normal.If it strains the panties then it is in excess, which may be caused due to sexual excitement.

Q4) I am an 18-year-old girl. My periods last for seven days,

Q4) I am an 18-year-old girl। My periods last for seven days, after which, i get a white discharge that is neither painful nor acrid.Is this leucorrhoea ? What is the solution to this problem?

A white, odourless discharge is normal.If it strains the panties then it is in excess, which may be caused due to sexual excitement.

Q4) I am an 18-year-old girl. My periods last for seven days,

Q4) I am an 18-year-old girl। My periods last for seven days, after which, i get a white discharge that is neither painful nor acrid.Is this leucorrhoea ? What is the solution to this problem?

A white, odourless discharge is normal.If it strains the panties then it is in excess, which may be caused due to sexual excitement.

am a 19-year-old boy.I have been Masturbating for the last 10 years

am a 19-year-old boy.I have been Masturbating for the last 10 years. I tried having intercourse with my girlfirend a few days back. However, I was unable to penetrate her vagina since my erection wa not very strong. I ejaculated outside her vagina.Later she tried to excite me but i was unable to get an erection.What could be the possible reason behind this? Does masturbation affect sex life adversely and my pennis is very soft and what can i do get the pennis normal?

मामी के साथ सुहागरात !!!!!!!

एक दिन मामा और मामी हमारे घर मिलने आये ! क्योंकि मामा की नई नई शादी हुई थी तो वो हनीमून मनाने के हिसाब से आये थे....मैं किसी कारण से मामा की शादी मैं नहीं जा पाया था ! इसीलिए मैंने मामी को देखा नहीं था ! पर जब मैंने मामी को देखा तो मेरे होश उड़ गए ! मामी मानो पारी के सामान दिखती थी ! एकदम गोरा कलर बड़े बड़े बूब्स , लम्बे लम्बे बाल , और क्या चाहिए ! मामा की तो मानो निकल पड़ी थी !उनके छोटे से शहर मैं एक छोटा सा मकान था ! जहा नाना नानी भी उसी घर मैं रहते थे ! और इसी वजह से शायद मामा और मामी के बिच अब तक वो नहीं हुआ था जो सुहाग रात को होना चाहिए ! और मामी की खूबसूरती देखकर मामा को रहा नहीं जा रहा था ! इसीलिए मामा शायद मामी लेकर हमारे घर आये थे क्योंकि हमारा घर काफी बड़ा था ! और इनसब काम के लिए मामा को कोई परेशानी नहीं होने वाली थी ! पर कुछ ही घंटे के बाद नाना का फ़ोन आ गया की नानी की तबियत अचानक ख़राब हो गई है और वो सेरिअस है ! ये सुनकर मम्मी घबरा गई उन्होंने कहा की मामी को यही रहने दो उन्हें मेरे खाने -पीने की चिंता थी ! और हम दोनों गाड़ी से चलते है ! मामा और मम्मी दोनों नानी को देखने के लिए चले गए ! उसी शाम को मम्मी का फ़ोन आया की नानी की हालत नाजुक है ! इसीलिए उन्हें कुछ दिन वही रुकना होगा ! इतेफाक से पापा टूर पर चले गए थे अब पुरे घर मैं सिर्फ मैं और मामी ही थी !मामी नई नई थी इसीलिए कुछ भी कहने मैं शर्मा रही थी ! पर मैं समझ रहा था की वो कुछ भी बोल नहीं पा रही है मैंने ही पहल की मैंने कहा मामी आपको कुछ भी चाहिए तो मुझे बताना और मुझे अपना दोस्त ही समजो फिर कुछ देर तक मैं और मामी बात करते रहे ! मामी ने कहा हमे फ्रेश होना है ! सासुमा की खबर सुनकर तो हम घबरा ही गए थे !फिर मैंने उनको कहा की आप मेरे ही कमरे मैं फ्रेश हो जाइये ! उन्होंने भी टॉवेल लिया और मैंने उनको अपने रूम तक छोड़ने चला गया ! इतने मैं मेरे दोस्त का फ़ोन आया तो मैं अपने रूम मैं बेठ कर बाते करने लगा ! थोडी दर बाद मैं क्या देखता हु की मामी बाथरूम का दरवाजा लगाना भूल गई है और और मेरे बिस्तर से अंदर का कांच साफ़ साफ़ दीखता है ! मैंने देखा की मामी नहा रही थी और उन्होंने मुह पर साबुन लगा रखा है ! इसीलिए शायद वो मुझे नहीं देख पा रही थी मैंने देखा की मामी ऊपर से पूरी खुली है और निचे सिर्फ पेटीकोट पहने हुए है !मेरे सामने वो औरत थी जिसकी शादी होने के बावजूद अभी तक सुहागरात भी नहीं बनी थी और उसके जिस्म को उसके पति ने छुवा भी नहीं था ! मेरा लंड खडा होने लगा था मैंने उस कांच मैं से मामी को नहाते हुए देखना चालू रखा फिर मेरे दिमाग मैं एक आईडिया आया मैंने सोचा क्योना शावर का पानी बंद कर दिया जाये ताकि साबुन से मामी की आँख ना खुले नहीं तो मैं खेल ज्यादा देर तक नहीं देख पाउँगा और फिर मैंने जल्दी से मैं वाल्व बंद कर दिया जिससे की बाथरूम मैं पानी आना बंद हो जाये ! फिर थोडी देर बाद मैंने देखा की मामी ने अपना पेटीकोट भी उतार दिया और वो सिर्फ पैंटी मैं बेठी थी ! ये देखकर मेरा मन मुठ मारने का हो रहा था ! पर मैंने मुठ मारने से ज्यादा मजा ये सीन देखने मैं समझा ! मुझे ये सब देख कर बहोत मजा आ रहा था और फिर मैंने देखा की मामी शावर को चालू कर रही है और उसमे से पानी नहीं आ रहा है ! वो अपने पेटीकोट से आँख साफ़ करने लगी ! मैंने अपने बिस्तर पर ऐसे बेठ गया जैसे मैंने कुछ देखा ना हो !मामी ने आँख पर से साबुन साफ़ किया और मुझे आवाज लगाई ! मैंने भी बहार से कहा क्या हुआ मेरी आवाज सुनकर जैसे ही मामी ने कांच मैं देखा उनके होश उड़ गए उन्होंने देखा की कांच मैं से वो मुझे और मैं उन्हें देख रहा हु ! उन्होंने जल्दी से अपना पेटीकोट उठाया और अपने शरीर को छुपाने की कोशिश करने लगी !मैंने भी उनको देखना बंद नहीं किया और फिर बोला क्या हुआ क्यों मुझे आवाज लगाई वो बोली की शावर मैं पानी नहीं आ रहा है मैंने कहा की उसको तो अंदर से ही ठीक करना पड़ेगा वो बोली आप हमे बतादो हम करलेंगे मैंने कहा नहीं होगा तुमसे ! मामी समझ गई थी जितना सीधा वो मुझे समझ रही थी उतना सीधा मैं था नहीं ! मुझे पता था की मामी भी वासना मैं पागल हो रही होगी शादी होने के बाद भी अगर प्यासी चूत को लंड ना मिले तो उसकी हालत क्या होगी ये सिर्फ मामी ही बता सकती थी ! मामी ने कहा नाटक मत करो जल्दी से पानी चालू करो नहीं तो हम अंदर ही रहेंगे ! मैंने कहा ठीक है और मैंने वाल्व खोल दिया जिससे की शावर मैं पानी आने लगा ! मामी समझ गई थी की ये मेरी चाल थी ! फिर मामी ने कहा की अब मुझे देखना बंद करो और वहा से हटो तो मैं बहार आ सकू ! जब मैंने देखा की मैं मामी को ऐसे देख रहा हु और वो मुझे कुछ नहीं बोल रही तो मेरी भी हिम्मत बड गई !मैंने कहा आप आजाओ ऐसे ही ! वो बोली पागल हो क्या मैं तुमरे सामने ऐसे कैसे आ सकती हु तुम मेरे पति थोडी हो तो मैंने कहा की आप तो अभी तक अपने पति के सामने भी ऐसे नहीं आई !ये सुनकर मामी चुप हो गई और फिर बोली हटो जल्दी से मुझे बहार आना है मैंने हिम्मत करके कहा की आप बहार आती हो या मैं अंदर आ जाऊ ! मामी ने कहा अच्छा हिम्मत है मैंने कहा हिम्मत और मैं उठा और सीधा बाथरूम मैं घुस गया ! मामी बोली अरे अरे ये क्या कर रहे हो तुम तो सही मैं अंदर आ गए जब मैंने देखा की मामी मेरे अंदर जाने से नाराज होने के बजाये मुझे ऐसे ही बनावती डांट रही है तो मैं समझ गया की अब मेरा काम हो गया !फिर मैंने कहा की मामी आप बहोत सुंदर हो वो बोली मुझे पता है अब बहार निकलो जल्दी से मैंने कहा नहीं ऐसा मत करो !मामी बोली अच्छा तो क्या मर्जी है जनाब की -मैंने कहा - मुझे आपको एक किस करना है !मामी - तो करलोमैंने सीधा मामी को पकड़ लिया और किस करना शुरु किया !!!!मामी - अरे ये क्या तुमने तो कहा की मुझे एक किस करना है तुम तो इतने सारे !मैंने कहा - मामी मुझे पता है की तुम भी ये सब करना चाहती हो पर मेरे सामने बन रही हो ऐसा कहते है मैंने मामी के ऊपर का टॉवेल हटा दिया जिससे की मामी पूरी नंगी मेरे सामने खड़ी थी ! उनका पूरा नंगा शारीर देख कर मेरा लंड फनफना रहा था ! मामी - ये क्या कर दिया मुझे पूरा नंगा कर दिया ! मैं - क्यों आपको बुरा लगा क्या !मामी - नहीं मुझे बुरा ये लगा की मैं तुमारे सामने पूरी नंगी खड़ी हु और तुम कपडे मैं हो !ऐसा कहते ही मामी मुझे पागल की तरह चूमने लगी और चुमते चुमते वो मेरा शर्ट खोल चुकी थी फिर उन्होंने मेरा पेंट भी खोल दिया और अब मैं उनके सामने सिर्फ अंडरवियर मैं खडा था !जैसे ही मैंने उनके बूब्स को चुसना शुरु किया उनके मुह से आवाज निकलने लगी !वो चिल्ला रही थी - आआह्ह्हा ऊऊओह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह उम्मा चूसते रहो ! बहोत मजा आ रहा है !कुछ देर बोबे चूसने के बाद मैंने उनकी चूत मैं ऊँगली दाल दी वो जोर से उछल गई ! मैं - क्या हुआ ?मामी - ये क्या किया धीरे करो मैंने अभी तक अपनी चूत को बचा के रखा है तुम पहले मर्द हो जो मेरी इस चूत का मजा लोंगे !मैं - ठीक है अब आराम से करूँगा मेरी जान !मामी ने कहा जाओ तेल लेकर आओ ये सब हम मेरे कमरे के बाथरूम मैं कर रहे थे ! मैं नंगा ही तेल लेने चला गया और जब मैं तेल लेकर आया तो मैंने देखा की मामी अपने ही हाथो से अपने बूब्स को दबा रही है ! और मैंने जाते ही मामी की चूत को चाटना शुरु किया !मामी - आआहा ऊह्हूआ ऊऊऊऊऊऊउ अआआहामैं - मामी मेरा लंड नहीं लोगी क्या ?मामी - ठीक है और फिर हम 69 की पोसिशन मैं आ गए ! मामी और मैं दोनों वासना के चरम सीमा मैं थे जिसमे पाप और पुण्य कोई मायने नहीं रखता !मेरा लंड लोहे की रोड की तरह कड़क हो गया था और पूरी तरह मामी की चूत मैं जाने के लिए तैयार था !मामी - अब और मत तड़पाओ मेरी इस प्यासी चूत को जल्दी से अपने लोहे के लंड का मजा चखा दो !मैं - ठीक है अब मैं तुम्हे जन्नत की सेर करता हु !मैंने तेल लिया और सीधे मामी चूत पैर डाल दिया !मामी के पैर को चोडा किया ताकि चूत का छेद बड़ा हो जाये ! पर मुझे पता था की इतने से छेद मैं मेरा 8 इंच का लंड नहीं जायेगा !मैंने फिर से अपनी ऊँगली मामी की चूत मैं डाली तेल लगे होने की वजह से और मेरे चूत को इतना चूसने से एक ऊँगली आराम से मामी की चूत मैं चली गई ! फिर मैंने दूसरी ऊँगली भी मामी की चूत मैं डाली अब मामी को थोडा दर्द हो रहा था !मैंने सोच की जब मामी की चूत मैं दो ऊँगली नहीं जा रही है तो मेरा लंड कैसे जायेगा ! फिर मेरे दिमाग मैं गन्दा सा आईडिया आया मैंने सोच लिया की आज तो मामी की चूत को फाड़ डालना है ! मैंने सीधा अपना लंड टाइट किया और मामी की टांग चोडी की और फिर धीरे से अपना लंड मामी की चूत के ऊपर रगड़ने लगा ! मामी को मस्ती छाने लगी और वो बोली की फाड़ दे मेरी चूत को -मैंने सीधा अपना लंड मामी के छेद पर रखा और एक ही झटके मैं अपना आधा लंड मामी की चूत मैं डाल दिया - मामी जोर से चिल्लाई - मामी को अंदाजा भी नहीं होगा की उनको इतना दर्द होगा !उनके मुह से आवाज निकली - आआआआआआआह्हाआआ........... मर गैईईईई.... मैं अपना आधा लंड मामी की चूत मैं डाल कर रुका हुआ था ! फिर मैंने एक और झटके से अपना पूरा लंड मामी के चूत मैं डाल दिया !मामी -आआआआह्ह्ह्हीईईईइईईई मैं तो मर गई !!!!!! निकालो इससे नहीं तो मैं मर जाउंगी...मैं - अब तो ये तुमारी चूत को फाड़ कर ही बहार निकलेगा !ऐसा कहते ही मैंने जोर जोर से झटके देना चालू कर दिया ! मामी दर्द के मरे कहार रही थी ! उनकी आवाज सुनकर मुझे और जोश आ रहा था !मामी - तुमरे मामा के लिए कुछ छोड़ दो ! बस करो ! अब कभी तुमसे नहीं चुदवाउंगी ! तुम बहोत जालिम हो ! आआआआआह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्हीईईईईई...........मुझे जैसे मामी की चीख सुनकर मजा आ रहा था !फिर मैंने जोर जोर से झटके देना चालू रखा ! इस बिच मैं मामी ने 4 बार अपना पानी छोड़ दिया था ! और अब मैं भी झड़ने वाला था ! मैंने झटके देते देते ही मामी की चूत को अपने वीर्य से भर दिया ! उस दिन मैंने मामी को अलग जगह पर अलग अलग पोसिशन मैं चोदा ! फिर 3 दिन तक मैंने और मामी ने सुहागरात मनाई और फिर मामा मेरी मम्मी को लेकर आये उन्होंने बताया की नानी अब ठीक है और फिर मैंने देखा की मामी के चहरे पर मेरे साथ मनी उन सुहागरात की ख़ुशी अलग दिख रही थी !फिर जब जब मौका मिलाता है मैं अपनी मामी के साथ सुहागरात मनाता हु !

نیا چوکیدار

یرے گھر میں نیا چوکیدار آیا تھا۔ لمبا سا سانولے رنگ کا پنجابی لڑکا تھا نام اس کا ساجد تھا اور مجھے وہ بہت سیکسی لگا۔ میں نے سوچ لیا کہ اس پنجابی لڑکے تنخواہ کے ساتھ کچھ بونس بھی دوں گی۔ لیکن پہلے یہ ضروری تھا کہ میں چیک کرلوں کہیں ایسا نہ ہو کہ وہ میرے گھر میں کسی کو بتادے یا کسی نوکر کو بتادے جو بعد میں میرا بھانڈا پھوڑ دے۔ میرا بیڈ روم پہلے فلور پر ہے اور ہمارے گھر کا واحد بیڈ روم ہے جس کی کھڑکی گھر کے مین گیٹ کی طرف کھلتی ہے باقی سب بیڈ روم دوسری طرف ہیں اور ان کی کھڑکیاں لان میں کھلتی ہیں۔ مین گیٹ کے ایک طرف ایک چھوٹا سا کواٹر ہے جہاں ساجد آرام کرتا تھا۔ میرے ابو اکثر رات کو دیر سے گھر آتے ہیں اسلئیے جب تک ابو نہیں آتے وہ ساجد چوکسی سے گیٹ پر بیٹھا رہتا تھا تاکہ ابو کو زیادہ دیر انتظار نہ کرنا پڑے۔اس رات ابو جلدی ہی گھر آگئے تھے مگر لگتا تھا کہ ساجد کو اس کا پتہ نہیں تھا اور وہ ابھی تک گیٹ سے اندر اپنی کوٹھری کے باہر بیٹھا تھا۔ اس نے سیکوریٹی گارڈ والی نیلی یونیفارم پہن رکھی تھی اور کوئی اخبار پڑھ رہا تھا۔ میں نے چپکے سے اسے دیکھا اور اپنے کپڑے اتار دئیے۔ اب میں بالکل ننگی تھی لیکن وہ مجھے دیکھ نہیں سکتا تھا۔ میں اسے آہستہ آہستہ گرم کرنا چاہتی تھی۔ ننگی ہونے کے بعد میں نے اپنے کمرے میں روشنی کم کردی اب میں کھڑکی کے پاس آکر ٹہلنا شروع ہوگئی۔ میں کھڑکی سے کافی دور ٹہل رہی تھی اور میرا اندازہ یہ تھا کہ ساجد کو یوں لگے جیسے مجھے نہیں معلوم کہ میں اسے نظر آرہی ہوں۔ میں نے چھپ کر دیکھا تو ساجد بے قراری سے کھڑکی کی طرف دیکھ رہا تھا۔اگلے دن میں نے آفس جاتے ہوئے ساجد کو دیکھا اس کی نظریں میرے مموں پر جمی تھیں۔ اس رات میں نے کھڑکی میں اسے ایک ہلکی سی جھلک اور دکھائی۔ ایک دن میں نے اسے اپنے کمرے میں آنے کو کہا اور اسے اپنے واش روم کا نل صحیح کرنے کو کہا۔ واش روم میں میری بریزر اور پینٹی پڑی تھی۔ اسطرح میں اسے تھوڑا تھوڑا دکھاتی رہی۔ایک دن میرے گھر والوں نے تین دن کے لئیے ایک شادی میں لاہور جانا تھا میں آفس کا بہانا کرکے رک گئی۔ صبح صبح میں نے ایک بالکل باریک کپڑے کی قمیض اپنی بریزر پر پہنی اور اس کے پاس جاکر اسے بازار سے کچھ سامان لانے کو کہا۔ اس کی نظریں میری چوچیوں پر جمی ہوئی تھیں۔ میں نے اس سامان سیدھا میرے بیڈروم لے کر آنے کا کہا اور اندر چلی گئی۔ بیڈروم پہنچ کر میں نے اپنی قمیض اور شلوار اتار دی اب مں صرف بریزر پہنی تھی۔ میری چوت گیلی ہونے لگی تھی اور میں نے اپنی انگلیاں چوت پر مسلنے لگی۔ اتنے میں دروازے پر دستک ہوئی میں نے کہا آجاؤ۔وہ اندر داخل ہوا اور مجھے بیڈ پر ننگا لیٹے دیکھ کر وہ رک گیا۔ میں بیڈ پر ننگی لیٹی تھی اور ٹانگیں اوپر اٹھا رکھی تھیں اور میری انگلیاں میری چوت پر تھی اور میری چوت اس کے سامنے تھی۔اس کا چہرہ بالکل سپاٹ تھا۔ میں مسکرائی اور اسے کہا کہ وہ سامان میز پر رکھ کر بیڈ پر آجائے۔ سوری میڈم میں بیڈ پر نہیں آسکتا۔ کیوں؟ میں نے پوچھا۔ آپ میری مالکن ہیں لیکن میں آپ کے ساتھ زنا نہیں کرنا چاہتا۔ یہ سن کر میرے تن بدن میں آگ لگ گئی۔ میں نے کہا لیکن میں خود تمہیں کہہ رہی ہوں۔ وہ سامان رکھ کر واپس جانے لگا۔ میں نے آگے بڑھ کر اس کا مضبوط بازو تھام لیا۔ تم مجھے ایسے چھوڑ کر نہیں جاسکتے۔ وہ کہنے لگا میڈم مجھے جانے دیں پلیز۔ میں نے کہا اگر تم نے میری بات نہیں مانی تو میں سب کو بتادوں گی کہ تنہائی کا موقع پا کر تم نے میری عزت لوٹنے کی کوشش کی۔آپ ایسا نہیں کرسکتیں کیونکہ اس سے آپ کی بھی بدنامی ہوگی۔ وہ بولامیں بدنامی سے نہیں ڈرتی ایک لڑکی جو کسی چوکیدار کو اپنا جسم پیش کر سکتی ہے تم اندازہ لگا سکتے ہو کہ وہ کیا کچھ کرسکتی ہے۔میڈم پلیز مجھے جانے دیں میں شادی شدہ ہوں اور اپنی بیوی سے بہت محبت کرتا ہوں۔ میرا ایک بچہ بھی ہے۔سوچ لو اگر تم یہاں سے چلے گئے تو میرے ایک فون پر پولیس تمہیں ڈھونڈ نکالے گی تمہارے گاؤں میں تمہارے گھر پر چھاپے پڑیں گے اور تمہاری بیوی کو پتہ چل جائے گا کہ تم نے شہر میں اپنے مالک کی بیٹی کی عزت لوٹنے کی کوشش کی۔ تمہیں جیل ہوجائے گی اور تمہارا بچہ ساری زندگی تم سے نفرت کرے گا۔میڈم مجھے معلوم ہے آپ شروع دن سے ہی میرے ساتھ یہ کام کرنا چاہتی تھیں لیکن میں نے ہمیشہ آپکی عزت کی ہے آپ مجھ پر مہربانی کریں میں غریب آدمی ہوں۔مہربانی ہی تو کر رہی ہوں میں نے کہا۔ ایک خوبصورت جوان لڑکی بالکل ننگی تمہارے سامنے کھڑی ہے اور پھر اگر تم یہ کرلوگے تو کسی کو پتہ بھی نہیں چلے گا اور اگر نہیں کروگے تو مجھ جیسی ڈائن تمہاری زندگی کتنی بھیانک بنادے گی تم سوچ بھی نہیں سکتے۔ تمہاری نوکری چھوٹ جائے گی تمہیں کراچی شہر چھوڑنا پڑے گا تم اپنے گھر بھی نہیں جاسکوگے۔ میں تمہاری زندگی جہنم بنادوں گی۔کچھ دیر خاموشی کے بعد وہ بولا ٹھیک ہے۔ لیکن آپ میرے ساتھ زبردستی کررہی ہیں جو کچھ آپ کرنا چاہتی ہیں کرلیں اس نے کہا اور سر جھکا لیا۔ میں اس کا ہاتھ پکڑ کر بیڈ تک لائی اور اسے بیڈ پر دھکا دے دیا۔ نیلے رنگ کی پینٹ شرٹ میں اس کا ٹائٹ بدن میرے جسم کو سیراب کرنے کو تیار تھا۔ میں نے اس کے اوپر لیٹ کر اس کے ہونٹوں پر کسنگ شروع کردی۔ اس نے اپنے ہونٹ مضبوطی سے بند کئیے ہوئے تھے میں نے اس کی مونچھوں پر زبان پھیری۔ اپنا منہ کھولو میں نے کہا اور اس نے منہ کھول دیا میں نے اس کے منہ میں اپنی زبان ڈال کر اس کی زبان سہلائی۔ اس نے اپنے ہاتھ ڈھیلے چھوڑ رکھے تھے۔ کچھ دیر کسنگ کے بعد میں نے اس کی شرٹ کے بٹن کھولے۔ اس کے سینے پر گھنے کالے بال تھے۔ میں نے اس کے نپلز پر اپنے دانتوں سے کانٹا۔ وہ بالکل ساکت لیٹا ہوا تھا۔ میں نے جب زور سے کاٹا تو اس کے منہ سے 'سی' کی آواز نکلی۔ مگر اس نے ہاتھ نہ ہلائے۔ شرٹ اتارنے کے بعد میں نے اسکی بیلٹ کھولی اور اسکی پینٹ کا بٹن کھولا۔ اندر اس کا سانولا سا لنڈ ادھ مرا پڑا تھا۔ میں نے اپنے ہونٹوں سے اسکے لنڈ کو کس کیا اور اس کی گیندوں کو چوسنے لگی۔ اور ہاتھوں سے اسکے لنڈ کو سہلانے لگی۔ کچھ دیر بعد اس کا لنڈ تھوڑا بڑا ہوا۔ ساڑھے سات انچ کا اور بہت موٹا لنڈ تھا اس کا۔ میں نے اس کا لنڈ منہ میں لیا اور چوسنے لگی۔ پہلے میں نے تھوڑا سا اندر لیا اور اس کے ٹوپے کو اپنی زبان سے سہلایا پھر اس کا لنڈ اور اندر لیا۔ اس کے لنڈ کے ذائقے نے میری چوت میں سے اور جوس نکلوادئیے۔ میں نے اس کے لند کو لالی پاپ کی طرح اندر باہر چوسنا شروع کردیا۔ مگر وہ ایسے ہی چت لیٹا رہا۔پھر میں نے اس کی پینٹ پوری اتاردی اب وہ پورا ننگا تھا اور اس کا لمبا موٹا لنڈ راکٹ کی طرح تنا ہوا تھا۔ مگر وہ ایسے ہی لیٹا رہا۔ میں اس کے برابر میں لیٹ گئی اور اسے کہا کہ وہ میری چوت میں انگلی کرے اس نے انگلی سے میری چوت سہلانا شروع کردی۔ مین نے اپنی چوچی اس کے منہ پر رکھ دی مگر اس نے اپنا منہ بند کئیے رکھا۔ اسے اپنے منہ سے چوسو اور چاٹو میں نے اسے حکم دیا۔ اس نے میرے ممے چاٹنا شروع کردئیے۔ کاٹو زور سے کاٹو میں نے اسے کہا تو اس نے اپنے دانتوں سے میری ممے کاٹے۔ اور انگلیوں سے میری چوت چودتا رہا۔ اس کے بعد میں نے اسے بیڈ پر چت لٹایا اور اپنے چوت اس کے منہ پر رکھ دی۔ مگر اس نے منع کردیا کہ آپ کی چوت نہیں چاٹوں گا۔ میں نے زبردستی اپنی چوت اس کے منہ پر رگڑی اور ہاتھوں سے اس کا منہ دبایا اور اس کے ہونٹ اپنی چوت پر لگائے۔ تنگ آکر میں نے اس کے لنڈ کو چوس کر تھوڑا گیلا کیا۔ اب وہ بیڈ پر چت لیٹا تھا۔ میں اس کے لنڈ پر آئی اور اس کی طرف منہ کرکے آرام سے اس کا لنڈ تھوڑا سا اپنی چوت میں ڈالا۔ پھر آہستہ آہستہ پورا اپنی چوت میں لے لیا۔ پھر میں مزے سے اس کے لنڈ کی سواری کرنے لگی۔ اسکے لنڈ سے میری چوت فل ہوگئی تھی اور ہلکا سا درد بھی کر رہی تھی۔ میں اسکے لنڈ پر اوپر نیچے ہورہی تھی اور میرے ممے خوب اچھل رہے تھے، مگر اس نے اپنے ہاتھ ڈھیلے چھوڑ رکھے تھے اور میری جسم کو ٹچ بھی نہ کر رہا تھا اور اس کی آنکھیں بھی بند تھیں۔ میں کافی دیر تک اس کے لنڈ سے اپنے چوت چودتی رہی مگر اس کی منی نہ نکلی۔ پھر میں بیڈ پر لیٹ گئی اور اسے کہا کہ وہ مجھے چودے۔ وہ کھڑا ہوا اور میں نے اسے بتایا کہ کسطرح چودنا ہے۔ پھر اسنے میری ٹانگیں پکڑیں اور اپنا لنڈ میری چوت میں ایک جھٹکے سے ڈال دیا۔ وہ بہت جاندار مرد تھا۔ پوری طاقت سے وہ میری چوت پر اپنا غصے اور مجبوری نکالتا رہا۔ جتنا زور سے وہ لنڈ اندر ڈالتا مجھے اتنا ہی سرور آتا۔بہت دیر تک چودنے کے بعد بھی وہ ٹھنڈا نہ ہوا اور نہ ہی میں ٹھینڈی ہوئی۔ میں نے اسے اشارہ کیا کہ رک جاؤ اور اس نے اپنا لنڈ میری چوت سے نکال لیا۔ اب میں الٹی ہوئ اور اسے کہا کہ وہ میری گانڈ مارے۔ اس نے پہلے انکار کیا تو میں نے اسے بتایا کہ اب میری چوت پر چدائی کے نشان بھی ہیں اور ڈی این اے ٹیسٹ بھی اب اگر میں چاہوں تو اسے پندرہ سال قید بھی کرواسکتی ہوں۔ اس نے اپنا لنڈ میری گانڈ کے سوراخ پر رکھا۔ میں نے پہلے بھی گانڈ مرائی تھی لیکن اتنا بڑا لنڈ اوراتنے طاقتور مرد کے لنڈ کا یہ پہلا تجربہ تھا۔ اس نے رکے بغیر اپنا لنڈ پورا میری گانڈ میں گھسیڑ گیا۔ درد سے میری چیخ نکل گئی۔ میں نے اسے رکنے کا کہا مگر وہ نہیں رکا۔ اور اس نے زور زور سے جھٹکے مارنا شروع کردئیے۔ میں چیختی رہی وہ بولا۔رنڈی تجھے لنڈ چاہئیے نا یہ لے کتیا گانڈ میں۔ اور ایک اور زور کا جھٹکا مارا۔ مجھے لگا کہ میری گانڈ پھٹ جائے گی۔ میں نے ہٹنا چاہا مگر اسنے اپنے پیروں میں میرے پیر دبائے ہوئے تھے اور میرے ہاتھ اس کی گرفت میں تھے۔ درد سے میری آنکھوں میں آنسو آگئے مگر پھر آہستہ آہستہ مجھے مزہ آنے لگا۔ وہ بہت زور زور سے میری گانڈ چود رہا تھا ایک دم پورا لنڈ باہر نکالتا اور پھر پوری قوت سے اندر ڈالتا۔ پانچ منٹ تک اس طرح چدنے کے بعد مجھے اتنا مزہ آرہا تھا کہ دل چاہ رہا تھا یہ چدائی ختم ہی نہ ہو۔ مگر پھر اس نے زور زور سے مجھے دو چار گالیاں بکیں اور مجھے اس کی گرم گرم منی اپنی گانڈ میں نکلتی محسوس ہوئی۔ فارغ ہوتے ہی اس نے مجھے بیڈ پر پھینکا اور میرے منہ پر ایک تھپڑ مارا۔رنڈی اب میں نے تیری خواہش پوری کردی۔ مگر یہ نہ سمجھ کہ تو نے میرا فائدہ اٹھایا ہے میں تجھ جیسی امیر رنڈیوں کو اچھی طرح جانتا ہوں کوئی تم سے جتنا دور ہوتا ہے وہ اتنا ہی تم اس کا لنڈ اپنی چوت میں لینے کو بیقرار ہوتی ہو۔ اسی لئیے میں یہ ڈرامہ کررہا تھا۔ لیکن آج سے میں یہیں نوکری کروں گا۔ دن میں نوکری کروں گا اور رات میں تو میرے لنڈ کی نوکری کرے گی۔ یہ کہہ کر وہ آگے بڑھا اور وہ سامان جو میں نے اس سے منگوایا تھا اسکی تھیلی میں سے ایک چھوٹا سے ٹیپ ریکارڈ نکالا۔تیری ساری گفتگو اس ٹیپ میں ریکارڈ ہوچکی ہے اور اب تو وہی کرے گی جو میں چاہوں گا۔ ورنہ تیری شرافت کا سارا بھانڈا پھوڑ دوں گا۔ کتیا! اب مین بھی تجھے چودوں گا اور اپنے دوستوں سے بھی چدواؤنگا۔ تیری چوت کی آگ ہمیشہ کے لئیے ٹھنڈی کردوں گا۔

میں جیجو اور بھانجا

کچھ دن سے میں غیر حاضر تھی اس کی وجہ میں اپنی بہن کے گھر گئی ہوئی تھی کیونکہ میری بہن کو لڑکا ہوا جس کی وجہ سے میں اس کی خاطر مدارت کی اس کے ہاں چلی گئی۔ وہاں میرے ساتھ ایک واقعہ ہو گیا جسے میں آپ سے شیئر کر رہے رہی ہوں، ہوا کچھ یوں کہ میں دوسرے دن میں نے اپنے بھانجے کو اٹھایا ہوا تھا گھر میں کوئی نہیں تھا باجی سو رہی تھی، بھانجا نپل پی رہا تھا میں نے سوچا کیوں نا میں اپنا مما اسے کے منہ میں دوں۔ میں نے اپنا بلوز اور برا اتارا اور اپنا مما بھانجے کے منہ میں دے دیا جسے وہ مزے سے چوسنے لگا۔ مجھے بھی مزا آنے لگا اتنے میں پیچھے سے آواز آئی سدرہ دوسرا میں چوسوں گا۔ میں گھبرا گئی ہائے اللہ یہ کیا مجھے تو پتہ ہی نہیں چلا کہ جیجو کب آئے اور یہ سب دیکھ رہے تھے۔ میں گھبرا کر جلدی جلدی برا پہننے لگی لیکن تب تک جیجو میرے پاس آ گئے اور بولے سدرہ تمھارے ممے تو بہت خوبصورت ہیں اب تک کہاں چھپا کے رکھے تھے یہ کہہ کر وہ میرے ممے دبانے لگے۔ میں نے بھی کافی دنوں سے چدوائی نہیں کروائی تھی اس لئے میں بھی مزا لینے لگی۔ میری خاموشی سے جیجو کو حوصلہ ہوا اور انہوں نے فورا اپنے کپڑے اتارے اور میرے مموں سے کھیلنے لگے۔ جیجو کا لن تقریبا نو انچ کا تھا جسے دیکھ کر میں حیران رہ گئی کہ باجی یہ اسے کیسے برداشت کر لیتی ہیں۔ جیجو میرے مموں سے کھیلتے اور چومتے ہوئے نیچے آئے اور میری چوت کو چاٹنے لگے۔ مجھے بہت مزا آنے لگا تھوڑی دیر بعد ہی میری چوت گیلی ہو گئی۔ میں نے جیجو سے کہا کہ اب میں آپ کا لن چوسوں گی اتنا برا لن ہے بہت مزا آئے گا۔ جیجو نے کہا جیسے حکم سالی صاحبہ اور اپنا لن میرے منہ کے آگے کر دیا اور میں مزے سے چوسنے لگی۔ جیجو کا نو انچ کا لن تھا اور میرا منہ، میں کوشش کر رہی تھی کہ پورا منہ میں آ جائے مگر سات انچ سے آگے جاتا ہی نہیں تھا چھے سات منٹ تک لن چوسنے کے بعد جیجو بھی فارغ ہو گئے اور انہوں نے اپنی ساری منی میرے منہ میں ہی نکال دیاس کہانی کا پہلا حصہ پڑھنے کے لئے یہاں کلک کریں۔اس کے بعد میں نے جیجو سے کہا کہ اب اپنا نو انچ کا لنڈ میری چوت میں ڈالو، میری چوت بیقرار ہو رہی ہے، جیجو نے مجھے گھوڑی بنایا اور اپنا لنڈ میری چوت میں ڈال دیا۔ جیجو زور زور سے اپنا لن اندر باہر کرنے لگا، نو انچ کے لن کے ساتھ مجھے ایسا مزا آ رہا تھا جو بیان سے باہر ہے ایسا لگ رہا تھا جیسے میں کسی اور ہی دنیا کی سیر کر رہی ہوں تقریبا بیس منٹ تک جیجو مجھے مختلف زاویوں سے چودتا رہا اور آخر کا فارغ ہو گیا اور اپنی منی میرے پیٹ پر ڈال دی۔ منی نکلنے کے بعد جیجو کا لن بھی ڈھیلا پڑ گیا۔ اس کے بعد میں نے بہت کوشش کی کہ نو انچ کا دوبارہ مزا لوں مگر شاید یہ ایک وقت میں صرف ایک شاٹ ہی لگا سکتا تھا۔ ابھی میں جیجو کے لن سے کھیل ہی رہی تھی کہ فیڈر میں دودھ ختم ہونے کی وجہ سے بھانجا رونے لگا۔ میں نے اور جیجو نے جلدی سے کپڑے پہنے اور میں منے کو اٹھا کر باجی کے کمرے میں گئی تو دیکھا باجی ابھی تک سو رہی تھی میں نے باجی کو اٹھایا اور کہا کہ منا رو رہا ہے اسے دودھ پلا دو۔ باجی نے منے کو مجھ سے لیا اور اپنا سفید نرم و ملائم دوددھ سے بھرا ہوا ٹیٹ مما نکالا اور سکون سے منے کو دودھ پلانے لگی۔

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sex at School Increasing

Perhaps the most shocking thing about students having sex in a high school auditorium was that other students didn't find it very shocking at all.
"I glanced over and, whatever, I just let him continue on with his business," said a 16-year-old linebacker on the Osbourn High School football team who, along with a friend, stumbled upon a couple engaging in oral sex. "I stayed for five to eight minutes, just talking. We weren't worried about it. When the janitor came in, everyone started running."
Manassas school officials weren't as laid back. The students -- eight in all -- were quickly identified and suspended, and the matter prompted the small school system to confront an issue many adults would rather not face: in this case, two girls and three boys engaging in oral sex or intercourse on school property while three other boys watched, according to sources familiar with what happened.
"In all the years that I've been in education, I've never run into this one before," said John Boronkay, the school system's acting superintendent. "It's a new one."
Actually, it's not so new. According to some teenagers, sex on school property is more frequent than adults might imagine. And some adults who work with teenagers said it's happening more often these days.
There's anecdotal evidence to support that:
Two students were discovered recently having sex in an Anne Arundel County high school gym. Four students at Col. Zadok Magruder High in Rockville were arrested in June after performing sex acts in the school parking lot. A boy and a girl at Springbrook High in Silver Spring were caught "touching inappropriately" in a school bathroom. Last year, three teenage boys at Mount Hebron High in Howard County were arrested after a student accused them of sexually assaulting her in a school restroom, but charges were dropped after the boys said the sex was consensual and the girl recanted.
"Students would have intercourse on the stairwells, locked classrooms, in the locker rooms," said Ihsan Musawwir, 18, a recent graduate of Dunbar Senior High School in the District. "It was embarrassing for me to walk in on it."
Jessica Miller, 19, who graduated in June from T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, said that for some students there, sex on campus is a popular fantasy -- and sometimes a reality -- particularly in the auditorium.
"It's so big, it's so dark," Miller said. "There's a lot more places to find privacy -- behind the stage and on the catwalk."
But what's the appeal? "Just being rebellious," she said. "Coming back to class and saying, 'Ooh, guess what I just did? I just had sex in the auditorium.' "
Deborah Roffman, a Baltimore-based sexuality educator, said she has been hearing more about similar occurrences in the past five years. "Schools are calling me, asking, 'What do we do? We've had this incident at our school.' "
The fact that teenagers have sex is well established: Roughly half of all 15- to 19-year-olds have had vaginal intercourse, and more than half have had oral sex, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
But getting a handle on the reasons students are emboldened to risk having sex at school is as tricky as figuring out how many are doing it. Musawwir, the Dunbar graduate, who has helped lead teen forums on sex, said she thinks students have sex in school because they have nowhere else to go. "And it's the thrill of getting caught or not. And the media has a lot of things to do with it. They think that if they see it on TV, they can get away with it in real life."
For example, the popular movie "Mean Girls" -- a comedy about clique warfare in high school -- showed a girl in a bra and skirt making out with a guy in briefs in the school auditorium's projection room.
Cpl. Michael Rudinski, president of the Maryland Association of School Resource Officers, said teenagers do whatever they think their peers are doing, whether they are or not. "The thing about young people is when they see things in the mass media and they think it's going on, they start doing it."
A 16-year-old who said she is friends with one of the girls at Osbourn who was suspended said the episode wasn't surprising. "It wasn't that big of a deal," she said. But she said her friend "regrets what she did. She knows it wasn't a smart thing to do. But everybody whispering about her doesn't help."
Not all teenagers accept such incidents as "no big deal." A few nights after the Osbourn news broke, students from T.C. Williams, standing in a drizzle to cheer on a girls field hockey game, pronounced it "weird" and "embarrassing."
"What do you call it -- orgies?" 17-year-old senior Emilie Jackson said, giggling as she tried to come up with the word. "They don't happen. That's not normal teenage behavior."
"I would just wonder, like, what's going through their heads -- like, 'Okay, guys, let's meet at 3:30 behind the curtain?' " she said.
It can be hard to police everything that goes on at school, especially after hours, when club meetings, sports practices and rehearsals take place. In many schools, hall monitors and other adults stay late to make sure students are there for legitimate reasons.
But even adults do not always know how to handle the sex issue. An Anne Arundel teacher said he found two students having sex last year on the wrestling mats in a high school auxiliary gym. The teacher, who declined to be named, said he didn't report the couple because he was worried about repercussions for them -- or himself.
"I've seen and heard situations when you don't have support. These stories come back and kick you in the face," said the teacher, who is in his thirties.
He said he doesn't think an adult's word is worth as much as it used to be. "Kids have a voice or whatever, which is great, but at the same time, you see [teachers] who step up and say something and they get mashed."
Many schools don't have rules specifically banning sex on campus but punish students who do it through a clause prohibiting "immoral conduct" or behavior that offends the community's morals, said Naomi Gittins, a staff attorney at the National School Boards Association. Gittins added that more specific policies would make it easier for schools to defend themselves against legal challenges.
After the janitor reported the Sept. 28 incident at Osbourn High, school officials checked security cameras and identified eight students who had entered the auditorium. The three who watched were suspended for five days; the others for 10. One of the two girls claimed she was coerced, but police did not find enough evidence to file charges.
School administrators are drafting a rule that bans sex on school property.
Some students at Osbourn noted a double standard among their schoolmates, saying the girls involved were being called "sluts" and "whores" while the boys faced censure mostly because some felt they had jeopardized the football team.
"I don't think any of the guys [in school] really admired any of the people involved," said Tim Blank, 18, a senior on the Osbourn football team and an editor on the school paper. He said his teammates were angry with the male participants, all of whom were on the team, because they were top players and their suspensions threatened the season.
"We had gone through three years of hard times, [and] we finally got off to a hot start," Blank said.
Parents complained that they did not hear from the Manassas School Board about the auditorium incident until nearly three weeks later in a letter.
"I was waiting for some type of communication from the school," said Cindy Brookshire, 51, a parent who heard about the incident from her son. "Nothing came out except rumors."
Arthur P. Bushnell, the School Board chairman, said board members waited to inform parents until it was clear what the punishments would be.
Some parents said the matter got them talking to their children in discussions they might not have at Osbourn, where, according to the school system's director of instructional services, Sandy Thompson, health classes focus on abstinence and sexually transmitted diseases but not condoms or contraception.
Miller, the T.C. Williams graduate, said she didn't understand why adults were so shocked. "Our parents are the ones who had the sexual revolution, so why are they surprised?"
Parents at Osbourn said what happened in the auditorium went far beyond their own teenage activities, and some added that they were confident that their children would not get involved in such an incident.
"Maybe I'm a naive parent," said Ted Hauffe, whose son, Daniel, is on the football team, "but I will say my kid would never participate" in group sex.
As to warning teenagers off sex, he said, "You can preach that as a parent, and hopefully they will listen to you, but when it comes to that particular moment of passion, what are you going to do?"
Blank's father, Bryan Blank, said that compared with when he was young, "Society is more open. You see two women kissing on MTV. You have things talked about, like 'straight versus gay.' "
Asked whether the incident related to any cultural trend or had any deeper meaning, a group of boys watching the T.C. Williams field hockey game scoffed. "It means there's eight weirdos around," said Alex Haitsuka,17, a junior.
"I'd become very unaroused" at the sight, he added. "Nine hundred out of 901 people would not want to be involved."
Matt Killeen, 18, a senior, said he also found it shocking.
"Can't you just wait till you're at home?" he asked.
Staff writers Maria Glod, Daniel Lyght, Theola S. Labbe and Ylan Mui and researcher Magda Jean-Louis contributed to this report.


Pagal Se Chudai ..

Main Neha hoon. Meri umar 21 saal, rang gora, body ek dam slim hai. Meri shadi 1 saalpahle Mohan ke saath huyi hai. Mohan ki umar 23 saal ki thi. Mohan ke alawa ghar parkoyi nahin rahta. Main sex mein bahut ruchi rakhti hoon. Maine apni life ke baare meinjo khwab dekhe the wo sabhi khwab Mohan se shadi karne ke baad toot gaye.Mohan kalund bahut hi chhota tha aur us se meri bhookh shant nahin hoti thi.Shadi ke baad jab main sasural pahuchi to maine dehka ki ek aadmi ek dam nanga hipaglon ki tarah hamare ghar ke aas paas chakkar lagata rahta tha. Dikhne mein wo gatheele badan ka sunder naujawan tha aur kisi achchhe pariwar ka lagta tha. Uski umar lagbhag 26-27 saal ki rahi hogi. Maine Mohan se us pagal ke baare mein poochha to wo bole ye to bahut dino se yahin aas paas hi ghoomta rahta hai. Mere ghar ke aas paas bahutsare jangli ped aur paudhe the jis se koyi bhi aadmi gate ke bahar se hamare ghar ko aasani se nahin dekh sakta tha. Wo jab hamare ghar ke aas paas hota to main hamesha chhup chhup kar uske lund ko dekhti rahti thi kyon ki uska lund dheela rahne par bhilagbhag 8 lamba aur bahut hi mota tha. Maine socha ki kash ek baar main uske lund ko apne hatho se pakad kar dekh sakti. Main hamesha socha karti thi ki kash Mohan ka lund bhi lamba aur mota hota kyon ki Mohan ka lund lagbhag 4 lamba aur bahut hi patla tha.Mujhe unse chudwane mein bilkul bhi maza nahin aata tha. Wo pagal raat ko hamare compound mein aa jata tha aur poori raat ghar ke main darwaze ke paas baitha rahta tha.Ye un dino ki baat hai jab Mohan 15 dino ke liye Banglore chale gaye. Unke jane kedoosre din raat ke 8 baje ke aas paas wo pagal hamare ghar ke darwaje ke paas aa karbaith gaya. Jab wo raat ko aa kar baith jata to wo phir subah hi wahan se wapas jata tha.Maine socha aaj us se kuchh baat karke dekhti hoon. Maine darte huye darwaza khola aurus se poochha khana khaoge. Us ne apna sir haan mein hila diya. Main khana le aayi aurjab wo khana kha chuka to usne ishare se paani manga. Maine use pani lakar diya. Paanipeene ke baad wo chup chap baitha raha.Mauka achchha tha main uske bagal mein baith gayi. Main to uske lund ko apne haathmein lekar dekhna chahti thi. Main ye bhi dekhna chahti thi ki uska lund khada hone kebaad kitna lamba aur mota ho jata hai. Maine apna haath uske janghon par rakh diya. Wokuchh nahin bola to main apna haath uske jangh par phirane lagi. Wo phir bhi kuchhnahin bola to maine apna haath dheere dheere uske lund ki taraf badha diya. Wo phir bhikuchh nahin bola. Ab meri ungliyan uske lund ko touch kar rahi thi. Mere badan meinsursuri si hone lagi to maine apni ungli uske lund par phirani shuru kar di. Jab wo phirbhi kuchh nahin bola to maine apne hathon se uske lund ko pakad liya. Main dheeredheere uska lund sahlane lagi to wo mujhe ghoor ghoor kar dekhne laga. Uski aankhonmein bhi sex ki pyas ek dam saaf dikh rahi thi.Thodi hi der mein uska lund khada hone laga. Uska lund tight hone ke baad lagbhag 10lamba aur bahut hi jyada mota ho gaya. Main uske lund ke size ko dekhkar josh ke marepagal si hone lagi aur thodi hi der mein meri **** ek dam geeli ho gayi. Mujhe ab galatya sahi ka koyi hosh nahin rah gaya tha. Maine socha agar main is pagal se chudwa loonto mujhe koyi kuchh bhi nahin kah sakega. Agar mujhse koyi kuchh kahega to kahdoongi ki is pagal ne mere saath jabardasti kiya hai. Maine soch liya ki aaj main is pagalse chudwa kar rahungi bhale hi meri **** ka haal kuchh bhi ho.Main us pagal ka haath pakad kar ghar ke andar le gayi. Use dekh kar lag raha tha jaiseusne kabhi nahaya hi na ho. Main use bathroom mein le gayi aur use ek sabun dete huyenahane ko kaha. Main khadi rahi aur wo nahane laga. Josh ke mare meri **** phir segeelihone lagi.Nahane ke baad uska gora badan ek dam nikar aaya. Uska lund bhi bahutgora tha. Jab wo naha chuka to main use bedroom mein le gayi. Maine use bed par bithadiya. Wo kuchh bhi nahin bol raha tha. Maine poochha tum goonge ho kya to usne apnasir haan mein hila diya. Maine socha ki ye to aur achchhi baat hai ki ye goonga hai aurkisi se kuchh bhi nahin kahega. Main bed par uske bagal mein baith gayi. Maine uskelund ko phir se sahlana shuru kar diya to thodi hi der mein uska lund khada ho kar ekdam tight ho gaya.Maine socha ye to pagal hai. Agar main is se chodne ke liye kaha to kahin ye jabardastiapna poora ka poora lund ek jhatke se hi meri **** mein na ghusa de nahin to meri ****phat jayegi. Maine use bed par lita diya aur apne sare kapde utar diye. Wo mere gorebadan ko ghoor ghoor kar dekhne laga. Maine uske bagal mein baith gayi aur uske lundke supade par apni jeebh phirane lagi. Wo josh mein aa kar aahein bharne laga. Thodi derbaad maine us se poochha, meri **** ko chatoge to usne apna sir haan mein hila diya.Main uske upar 69 ki position mein let gayi aur maine uska lund apne muh mein le karchoosna shuru kar diya. Wo apni ungliyon se meri clitoris ko masalte huye bade pyar semeri **** ko chatne laga. Main samajh gayi ki wo kisi aurat ko chodne ka purana khiladihai. Thodi der tak meri **** ko chatne ke baad usne apni beech ki ungli meri **** meinghusa di aur meri **** ke G-Spot ko ragadne laga. Mere saare badan mein aag si lagnelagi aur maine uske lund ko teji ke saath choosna shuru kar diya. Wo mere G-spot koragadta raha aur main josh se pagal si hone lagi. Phir 2 min mein hi main jhad gayi.Uske baad main uske upar se hat gayi aur dher sari cream lakar uske lund par laga di aurthodi cream apni **** mein bhi laga li. Cream lagane ke baad main phir se uske upar aagayi. Jaise hi maine uske lund ke supade ko apni **** ki chhed par rakha to usne mera sirpakad kar apni taraf kheech liya aur bade pyar se mujhe choomne laga. Uske hoth ek damgaram the. Mere saare badan mein sihran si daud gayi.Thodi der tak maine apni **** ko uske lund ke supade par ragda phir uske baad maineapni **** ko uske lund par thoda sa daba diya to mere muh se halki si cheekh nikal gayiaur uske lund ka supada meri **** mein ghus gaya. Mujhe dard hone laga to maine uskelund ka supada apni **** se bahar nikal diya aur apni **** ko phir se uske lund parragadna shuru kar diya. Wo bade pyar se meri peeth ko sahlata hua mujhe choomne laga.Thodi der baad jab mera dard kuchh kam hua to maine apni **** ko uske lund ke supadepar phir se thoda sa daba diya. Uske lund ka supada phir se meri **** mein ghus gayalekin is baar mujhe jyada dard nahin hua. Maine apni **** ko jaise hi thoda sa aur dabayato mere muh se cheekh nikal padi. Ab uska lund meri **** mein lagbhag 2 tak ghuschuka tha. Meri tangein thar-thar kanpne lagi. Meri dhadkan bahut tej chalne lagi. Lagraha tha ki koyi garam loha meri **** ko cheerta hua andar ghus raha ho. Main ruk gayi.Thodi der baad maine dheere dheere apni **** ko uske lund par upar niche karna shurukar diya. Jab mera dard phir se kuchh kam hua to maine thoda sa jor aur laga diya. Mainphir se cheekh uthi aur uska lund meri **** mein 3 tak ghus gaya Maine phir se apni ****. mein uske lund ko dheeredheere andar bahar karna shuru kar diya. Thodi der baad jab mera dard kuchh kam hua tousne mujhse let jane ka ishara kiya. Main josh se pagal huyi ja rahi thi aur uske ishare kebaad main uske upar se hat gayi aur bed par let gayi. Maine socha ab jo hoga dekhajayega. Usne mere ****ad ke niche 2 takiye rakh diye.Phir wo meri tangon ke beech aa gaya aur usne meri **** ke beech apne lund ka supadarakh diya aur meri tangon ko pakad kar door door phaila diya. Main dar rahi thi ki wokahin jabardasti hi apna poora ka poora lund meri **** mein na ghused de. Usne dheere dheere apna lund meri **** ke andar dabana shuru kiya. Uska lund dheere dheere meri chut mein ghusne laga. Jaise hi uska lund lagbhag 4 tak meri **** mein ghusa to maincheekhne lagi aur wo ruk gaya. Usne apne hoth mere hothon par rakh diye aur mereboobs ko masalte huye dheere dheere apna lund meri **** ke andar bahar karne laga. Abmain samajh gayi ki wo jabardasti apna lund meri **** mein nahin ghusayega.Thodi der baad jab main jhad gayi to usne apni speed thoda tej kar di. Thodi der baadusne ek halka sa dhakka laga diya to mere muh se aah nikal padi aur uska lund aur jyadagahrayi tak meri **** mein ghus gaya. Wo phir se dheere dheere dhakke lagane laga.Uska lund ab tak meri **** ke andar lagbhag 5 tak ghus chuka tha. Wo mujhe dheeredheere chodta raha to thodi der baad mera dard jata raha aur mujhe maza aane laga.5 min tak chudwane ke baad main phir se jhad gayi. Mere jhadne ke baad usne phir seapni speed badha di. Mujhe ab bahut hi maza aa raha tha. Maine apna ****ad uthanashuru kar diya tha. Mujhe ****ad utha utha kar chudwata hua dekhkar wo ruk gaya aurusne dheere dheere apna lund meri **** ke andar aur jyada gahrayi tak ghusana shuru kardiya. Uska lund bhaut hi dheere dheere meri **** ko cheerta hua andar ghusta ja raha tha.Jaise hi uska lund meri **** ke andar thoda aur ghusa to main phir se tadapne lagi lekin isbaar main cheekhi nahin. Dard ke mare maine apne hoth jakad liye. Wo apna lund dheeredheere meri **** emin ghusata raha. Jab uska lund meri **** mein lagbhag 7 tak ghusgaya to main dard se tadap uthi aur mere muh se jordar cheekh nikal hi gayi. Meri cheekhnikalte hi wo ruk gaya. Thodi der tak rukne ke baad usne phir se dheere dheere merichudayi shuru kar di. Thodi der baad jab mera dard phir se kuchh kam ho gaya to usneapni speed badha di aur mujhe teji ke saath chodne laga. Main josh ke mare pagal si huyija rahi thi aur jaldi se jaldi uska poora ka poora lund apni **** ke andar lena chahti thi.Lagbhag 10 min tak chudwane ke baad main phir se jhad gayi. Mere jhad jane ke baadusne phir se apna lund meri **** mein dheere dheere ghusana shuru kar diya. Meri ****ab tak ek dam geeli ho chuki thi is liye is baar uska lund aasani se meri **** ke andardheere dheere ghusta ja raha tha. Maine apne hoth jor se jakad rakhe the. Uska lund meri**** ko cheerta hua andar ghusta hi ja raha tha. Thodi der baad jab uska lund meri ****mein lagbhag 9 tak ghus gaya to main tadap uthi aur mere muh se phir ek cheekh nikalpadi. Is baar wo ruka nahin. Usne apna lund aadhe se jyada meri **** se bahar kheechawapas bahut hi jordar dhakke ke saath meri **** mein ghused diya. Mere muh se bahut hijordar cheekh nikli. Usne 4-5 bahut hi jordar dhakke laga diye to uska poora ka pooralund meri **** mein ghus gaya. Poora lund meri **** mein ghusa dene ke baad usne merichudayi shuru kar di. Main dard ke mare cheekhti rahi lekin maine use mana nahin kiya.Thodi der baad mera dard ek dam kam ho gaya to maine ****ad utha utha kar uska saathdena shuru kar diya. Usne apni speed aur tej kar di. Lagbhag 10 min tak chudwane kebaad main phir se jhad gayi. Usne apni speed aur tej kar di. Wo mujhe teji ke saathchodta raha aur main ek dam mast ho kar us se chudwa rahi thi.Ab wo itne jor jor ke dhakke laga raha tha ki uska har dhakka mujh par bhari pad rahatha. Uske har dhakke ke saath mere badan ke saare jod hil rahe the. Meri **** mein abjyada dard nahin ho raha tha. Mujhe chudwane mein aaj jo maza pahli pahli baar mil rahatha uske aage ye dard kuchh bhi nahin tha.Lagbhag 15 min aur chudwane ke baad jab main jhad gayi to usne apna lund meri **** sebahar nikal liya. Main us se poochha, ab kya hua to usne ishare se mujhe doggy stylemein hone ko kaha. Main doggy style mein ho gayi. Wo mere peechhe aa gaya aur usnedheere dheere apna poora ka poora lund meri **** mein ghusa diya. Is baar mujhe jyadadard nahin hua. Uske baad usne meri kamar ko pakad kar meri chudayi shuru kar di. Isbaar wo bahut hi teji ke saath mujhe chod raha tha. Saara bed jor jor se hil raha tha. Merijosh bhari siskariyan room mein gooj rahi thi aur wo jam kar meri chudayi kar raha tha. Thodi der baad usne meri kamar ko chhod diye aur apne dono hathon se mere dononipples ko masalte huye mujhe chodne laga. Min ek dam mast ho chuki thi. Ab tak mujhechudwate huye lagbhag 45 min ho chuke the aur wo tha ki jhadne ka naam hi nahin leraha tha. Wo mujhe ek dam aandhi ki tarah chodta raha.Lagbhag 1 ghante ke baad usne ruk ruk kar jor jor ke dhakke lagane shuru kar diye tomain samajh gayi ki ab wo bhi jhadne wala hai. Main bhi bas jhadne hi wali thi. 2 minmein hi main jhad gayi aur mere saath hi saath wo bhi jhad gaya. Uske lund se dher saarajuice nikla jaise ki wo bahut din baad jhada ho. Lund ka saara ka saara paani meri ****mein nikal dene ke baad wo hat gaya aur let gaya. Maine uske lund ko chat chat kar saafkar diya. Aaj zindagi mein pahli baar mujhe chudwane mein bahut hi maza aaya aurmaine bhi ek dam mast ho kar us se chudwaya. Wo bhi mujhe chodne ke baad bahut hikhush dikh raha tha aur lag raha tha ki jaise barson baad uske lund ki pyas bujhi ho.Lagbhag 1 ghante tak hum dono lete rahe aur ek doosre ke badan ko sahlate huye hothonko choomte rahe. Uske baad maine uska lund phir se choosna shuru kar diya to 2 minmein hi uska lund phir se khada ho gaya. Is baar maine us se doggy style mein hichudwaya. Mari **** pahli baar ki chudayi mein sooj gayi thi is liye mujhe phir se thodathoda dard hone laga lekin thodi der baad mujhe bahut jyada maza aaya. Us ne bhi is baarmeri jam kar chudayi ki. Is baar usne mujhe lagbhag 1 1/2 ghante tak bahut hi buri tarahse choda aur phir jhad gaya. Is baar ki chudayi ke dauran main 4 baar jhad gayi thi. Jhadjane ke baad usne apna lund meri **** se bahar nikala aur meri **** ko chatne laga jabusne meri **** ko chat chat kar ek dam saaf kar diya to usne apna lund mere muh ke paaskar diya. Maine bhi uske lund ko bade pyar se chata aur chat chat kar ek dam saaf kardiya.Maine us se kaha, aaj tumse chudwane mein mujhe jo maza aaya hai main use kabhi bhinahi bhool paungi. Tumse chudwane mein meri **** mein bahut dard ho raha hai lekinmujhe tumse chudwane mein jo maza aaya hai uske aage ye dard kuchh bhi nahin hai.Wo chup chap utha aur kitchen mein chala gaya. Thodi der baad wo paani garam kar kele aaya aur usne bade pyar se meri **** ki khoob sikayi ki. 15-20 min ki sikayi ke baadmeri chua ka saara dard jata raha. Uske baad wo meri bagal mein let gaya.Thodi der baad usne table par se letter pad aur pen utha liya aur kuchh likhne laga. Maineab jana ki ye to padha likha bhi hai. Main chup chap dekhti rahi. Thodi der baad mainepoochha kya likh rahe ho to usne mujhe letter pad de diya. Use padhne ke baad mainsakte mein aa gayi. Usne likha tha ki wo Mohan ka sabse bada bhai Rajesh hai aurproperty hadapne ke chakkar mein Mohan ne uski juban kat kar use pagal bana diya thajab ki wo bilkul bhi pagal nahin hai. Mohan ne apne majhle bhai Sohan ka murder bhikara diya tha. Usne ye bhi likha tha ki wo 12 tak padha likha hai. Uski kahani padhne kebaad mujhe Mohan se nafrat hone lagi. Maine man hi man soch liya ki ab mujhe Mohanke saath nahin rahna hai. Main man hi man Rajesh se bahut jyada pyar karne lagi. Mainesoch liya ki Rajesh bhale hi goonga hai, main usi ko apna jeewan saathi bana kar us kesaath apni sari zindagi gujar doongi. Mohan ke aane tak maine us se khoob chudwaya.Usne bhi meri bahut hi achchhi tarah se chudayi ki. Wo har baar mujhe lagbhag 1 ghantetak chodta tha aur us ke pahle kabhi nahin jhadta. Mujhe bhi us se chudwane mein bahutbahut maza aata tha aur main ek dam mast ho kar us se chudwati thi.Mohan ke aane ke baad ek din maine mayke jane ka bahana kiya. Mohan ne kaha, theekhai, chali jao lekin jaldi wapas aa jana. Maine Rajesh ko bus stop par bula rakha tha.Rajesh ko lekar main doosre shahar mein chali gayi. Us ke baad maine Mohan se talak leliya aur Rajesh ke saath shadi kar li. Maine ek office mein naukari kar li. Baad mein usioffice mein Rajesh ko bhi naukri mil gayi. Aaj main Rajesh ke saath bahut hi khush hoon

बेस्ट सेक्स पिक फुल सेक्स इन ओं ePicture

ग्रंन्य 84 Year Old Woman Admits Sex With Boy 11

ग्रंन्य 84 Year Old Woman Admits Sex With Boy 11
Portland, US -- An 84-year-old woman who confessed to having sex with an 11-year-old boy in her foster care has reached a deal with US prosecutors and pleaded guilty to attempted sex abuse.Georgie Audean Buoy will serve 36 months in prison, said Leslie Wolf, chief deputy district attorney for Wasco County, Oregon.Buoy was originally charged with six counts, including attempted rape, for which she faced 8 years in prison, Mr Wolf said. In taped confession, Buoy admitted to having sex with the boy while he was in her car in 2004, he said. Her age and lack of criminal convictions played a role in the plea deal. Buoy, of The Dalles, Oregon, was a longtime member of her church and volunteered at the county jail, Mr Wolf said.She must register as sex offender after serving her sentence, and must pay $US 5000 to the victim, and up to US$ 7500 in restitution for counseling.

mami ke chudae

Hi dosto i am aditya, mai apko kahani nahi sacchai sunane ja raha mudde par aata hun. Main 25 saal ka hun maine aaj tak kisi ko nahi choda bas boobs jarror press kiye hai. Meri mami 40 saal ki hai aur mere mama ne do shadiya ki hui hai. Wo dusri wali ke saath rahte he. Aur yeh mami nani ke yaha rehti apni nahi ke yeha padai ke liye ruka hua tha. Hum sab log ek hi kamre me soya karte the. Pehle to mene aisa kucch socha nahi tha par jab mami ki gaand aur boobs ko dekhta to apne aap mera lund 8 inch ka ho jata. Meri mami dikhne me to bahut hi sexi he. Jab wo lal saadi pehnti he to ek dum fataka lagti he. Meri mami pativrata he. Par mene bhi thaan liya tha ki inki choot ko apne lund ka raspaan jaroor karaunga.ek din mere ko neend nahi aa rahi thi. To me apne kamre se uthkar us kamre me aa gaya jahan mami aur nani soti he. Me mami ke pas aakar so gaya. 30 miniut tak to kucch nahi fir wahi shuruaat jo sab karte he pet par haant rakhna. Par mene kucch advance kiya.... Men towel me hi unke saath so gaya tha. Bas fir kya... Mene apne pero se unki saari uper ki aur apni jango ko unki garam jango se chipka diya...wo bas soti rahi... To me samajh gaya... Ki bazi apne hath me he.Mene unhe apne kareeb kheech liya. Aur fir uper se hi unki choot ko zor se ragadne laga. Maza aa gaya tha. Fir dheere dheere uki sari ko upar kiya. Aur fir dheere se unki chaddi me hanth dala. Aur uper hi upar ukni choot ko sahlane laga.par ek galti ho gayee unke garam hone se pehle me hi garam ho gaya aur ek jhatke me apni ungli unki choot me daal di. Wo chilla nahi paye kyunki baju me nani so rahi thi.... Bas dabi hui aawaz me chhodo.... Chhodo.... Keh rahi thi...unki aankho se ansu tapakne lage the. Kyunki mama ne unhe chodna chhod diya tha. Aur unki choot bapas tite ho gayee thi. Haan me baat bata dun. Mama ne isliye dusri shadi ki kyunki inse koi olad nahi hui jayaj he choot tight to hogi hi... Bas wo chhodo .... Chhodo.... Chilla rahi thi... Jab mene ungli ek dum unki garma-garam choot me daali to wo apna muh khol kar chillana chahti thi par chilla nahi pai kyuni nani baju me so rahi thi... Fir mene unhe kas ke pakad liya... Apne honto se unke honto ko chumne laga.. Are boob baad me daba leta par us waqt to mere sir par chudai karne ka bhoot sawar tha. Jab mene apni beech ki ungi dali to unhone apni dono jango se mere hanth ko rokne ki koshish ki. Magar me bahut jaldi me tha jese koi trai chhot na jaye... Fir mene poori takat lagakar dusri ungli bhi unki choot me dall di....Unki aankho se aansu nukalne lage. Par mene koi daya nahi ki. Apne pero se unke dono pero ko alag kiya. Aur me to apne lund ko pehle hi nikal chuka tha. Tum soch rahe hoge nani jagi nahi. To wo bahut gahri neen me soti he. Aur na bhi soye to me kya karoo us time to bas ek hi junun sawar the apne garma garam lode ko mami ki choot me dalna tha.bas fir kya sach kahun to mujhe bahut paseena aa gaya tha. Wo daar rahi thi ki kahi nani na jaag jaye. Isiliye mera pratirodh kar rahi thi. Wo chudna chahti thi magar is tarah nahi jis tarah me unhe pehli baar chod raha tha.bas fir kya mene kaan me kaha ki bas ek baar dalunga baki ka kaam kal kar lunga.. Bas mere lode ko choot ke darshan kara do. Magar wo nahi mani. Me thode hi manne wala tha. Me upar pehle hi chad chuka tha. Mera lauda khula hua tha. Aur unki jango se takra raha tha. Sach kahun to mujhse jyada mera loda jyada jaldi me tha. Use to bas andar jana tha chahe kucch bhi ho jaye. Mene ek haath se loda pakda par unki ki chaddi beech me aa gayee. Mene dusre hanth se apne lode ko bas rasta dikhayachaddi ko thoda sa khiska kar. Apne lode ko unki garma garam choot pe rakha aur ek jhatka diya par sala fisal gaya, andar nahi gaya.Par mene dusri bar me apne lode ko choot se lagaya aur hanth se hi pakad kar ek dhakka diya. Jara sa gaya wo bas yeh mano kucch kar nahi pa rahi thi, jese bin pani macchali tadap rahi ho. Kyunki mene apna sukha lund hi daal diya tha mene der nahi ki aur dusra jhatka diya mera aadha loda unki choot me sama gaya tha. Wo bas chhat ki taraf dekh kar ro rahi thi. Mene neeche hanth lagakar dekha to khoon nikal raha tha. Mene koi samay gavaye bina apni towel neeche fasa di. Aur aakhiri jhatka diya. Aur wo unki aakhiri cheekh thi. Mera matlab sabse dardniya cheekh. Bas 10 second me ruka aur fatafat andar bahar karne laga wo kahne lagi ki dheere karo magar me to bahut jaldi me tha gaand fati ja rahi thi ki kahi nani jaag gayee to gaand mar jayegi. Mujhe to bas pani padi thi. Me ek bar shuru hua to 15 miniut tak chodta raha aur sara larva (chhoot) unki choot me bhar diya. Thodi der tak main unke upar pada raha. Aur fir chupchap. Baju me so gaya. Wo abhi bhi ro rahi thi. Mene kaha bathroom me jakar choot saaf kar lo. Wo chup cahp rote rote. Bathroom me chali bhi peeche peeche gaya ki kahin kucch ulta seedha na kar le. Apne hantho se unki choot saaf ki. Aur unhe samjhaya. Ki mama to aapko chodte nahi he. Aub me hi tumhara khyal rakhoonga. Aur fir unki choot ko kiss kiya aur 5 miniut tak unke hontho ko. Itni der me mera loda fir khada ho gaya. Par mene choda nahi. Baat bigad sakti thi.wo ghar me bapas akar so gayee.aub mera plan tha unki gaand marna. Bas...muth marke me bhi bapas so gaya.aub aage ki baat me tab sunaoonga jab aapke mail mujhe milenge.nahi to nahi. Sirf ladkiyan hi nahi male bhi mail kar sakte he. Par agar ladkiyan, bhabhiyan ya fir auntiya agar mere ko mail karengi to mujhe jyada khushi me apna poora introduction doonga. So mail me on

Naukrani aur uski mausi ki chudai

Naukrani aur uski mausi ki chudai
Mai Ek sarkari daftar me kam karta hun aur Bombay me akela raha ta hun. Maine mere ghar par Saaf safai aur khana banane ke liye ek 25 varsiya pushpa nam ki naukarani ko rakha tha wo bahut hi sexy lagati thi., rang sanwala tha per face kafi sexy lagta tha, uska badan bahut hi sudol ha. Wo subaha 8 baje aati thi aur raat 9 baje chali jati thi. Wo hames ghagara aur choli pahan ti thi Usne ghagara aur choli pahni hui thi to uski moti moti chuchiyan ek dum saaf pata chal rahi thi peeche se uske ****adon ka size bhi samjh me aa raha tha dekhne se lagta tha ki bahut mote mote honge per size ka idea nahin lag pa raha tha. Jab uski tabiyat kharab hoti to uski jagah uski Mausi Chanda ghar par kam karti thi Chanda 32 sal ki uski tarah sanwali aur sudol mahila thi. Uske bhi bade bade ****ad aur chuchian thi. Kabhi kabhi dono ek sath kam karne mere ghar aate the.Yah ghatana Saniwar ki hai us din mere daftar ki chhuti rahati hai Pushpa subaha karib 8 baje ghar aayee aur mere liye chai banakar layee aaj wo kafi sexy dikh rahi thi mai fresh hokar nasta karke TV dekhane laga wo khana bana rahi thi karib 12:30 maine wishkey ka peg bana kar pini laga itane me pushpa kamare me aakar muze khana khane ke liye bulaya. Hum dono khana kha kar mai TV dekhane laga wo bartan saaf karne lagi phir wo kamare me aakar baith gayee aur TV dekhane lagi. Jab TV par Ad aaraha tha Tab maine uske pariwar ke bare me puchha to usne bataya ki uska ghar gaon me hai uske pita gaon ke mukhiya ke yahan gharalu naukar hai 7 saal pahale hi uska pati mar gaya tha. Uske sirf ek hi ladka hai aur wo uske pita ke paas gaon me hai aur wo yahan kaam kerti hai. Phir usne poocha sahab aap ne sadi nahi ki ? Maine kaha nahin to wo halke se muskara ker boli mann nahin kerta shaadi kerne ka meine kaha kerta to hai per abhi to muje ghar ko achhi tarah se basana hai uske baad sochoonga to usne poocha ki koi ladki hai kya jis se shaadi kerna chahate ho meine kaha nahin abhi to koi nahin hai. To wo hairan ho ker boli ki tumhari umar me to yahan shahar me sab ladke ladkiyon ke saath ghoomte hain aur tumhari koi dost nahin hai. Meine kaha haan sach me koi nahin hai. Mai baat kerte hue uske badan ko bhi dekh leta tha specially uski chuchiyon ko dhayan se dekh raha tha. Ek baar usne mujhe uski chuchiyon ko dekhte hue dkeh liya per wo kuch nahin boli. Phir wo wahin jameen par baithe baithe TV dekh rahi thi TV dekhate dekhate muze kab neend lagi pata nahin chala jab neend khuli to 4 baj rahe the maine dekha ki wo bhi pet ke bal let kar so rahi thi aur gahari neend me thi uska ghagara uske ****adon se upar sarak gaya tha maine dhayan se uske ****ad ko dekha to hi kya gajab ke mote the usne panty nahin pahni thi bahut hi mast chudas lag rahe the uske ****ad dekhte hi mera lund ne kas ker jhataka mara aur tan gaya. Kher himmat karke maine uske ****ad par hath rakha wo koi bhi harkat kiye bine padi rahi meri aur himmat badi maine uske ****adon ko masalne laga aur uski gand ki darar me bich ki ungali se sahalane laga to usne apne gaand sikud lee mai samaj gaya ki wo jag chuki hai aur sone ka natak kar rahi hai uski sanse lambi chal ne lagai ab me samajh gaya thi aaj yah achhe se mujhse chudwayegi me bhi ab khoob jor jor se masalne aur sahalane laga wo jor jor se siskane lagi uske siskane ki awaj sun ker mujhe aur bhi josh aa raha tha maine uska bayan hath ki hathelee ko lunghi ke upar se lund par mahasus kiya maine jhat se apana lund nikal kar uski muthi me pakada diya aur uske kan ke pass dhimi awaj se boloa pushpa kitani achhi gand hai tumahari wo bhi dhimi awaj me boli sahab aap ka bhi bahut bada aur lamba hai mai bola to maja le is mote aur lambe laude se boli haan sahab bas aise hi baatein kerte hue mujhe chod do kab se taras rahi hoon mera mard bhi jaldi mar gaya aur mein theek se maje bhi nahin le paayiab tum hi meri payas mita do bana do mujhe randi aur le lo is **** aur gaand ka maja hiiiiiii kaash me sach me randi hoti to roj jam ke chudati naye lundon se khoob maje le le ker siiiiiiii uiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaa aur kas ke maslo mere ****adddddddddd ko hi le lo maja mere badan ka maine kaha sali agar sach me tujhko kafi lund chahiye to bata mere dost hain kafi un sabke dila doonga to wo boli sach mere sahab mai tumhara ahsaan kabhi nahin bhoolongi agar tum mujhko sach me randi bana kar chudwa do maine uske ****adon ko aur kas kar masalte huwe kaha kara doonga meri rani pure maje kara doonga aur kas ke uske ****ad par kaat liya wo aur teji se sisak padi hiiiiiiiiiiii siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii marrrr gayi e hiiiii maaaaaaarrr daaaaaaaala kya maja le raha hai u mere ****adddon ka hiiiiiii aur kasssssss ke masal na, phad daal in sale haramiyon ko bahut machalte hain ye sale uiiiiiiiiimaaaaaaaaaa majaaaaaaaa aa gayaaaaaaaaa kat daal sale maderchod hiiiiii siiiiiii chus le pel de hiiiiiii reeeeeee aur kasssssssss keeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaa.Ab maine dheere dheere uske ****adon se upar ki aur hone laga aur uske upar let gaya phir maine kaha ki sali raand ab jara palat ja dekhon to sahi ki teri ye chuchiyan kitni moti hain i jara inka asli size to dekh loon to wo palat gayi ab meine uski choli ke upar se uski moti moti chuchiyon ko sahalana shuru ker diya waqui me kafi gajab ki chuchiyan thi uski bahut hi moti thi meine uska size poocha to wo boli dabane ke liye size ki kya jaroorat to meine kaha nahin meri jaan tere liye kal bazaar se bra aur panty le ker aoonga phir wo boli theek hai to gulabi ran ki lana to meine kaha ki theek hai phir usne size bataya chuchiyon ka size 38 aur gaand ka size 40 tha sun ker mujhe maja aa gaya meine kaha tabhi sali itna maja aa raha tha tere ****ad dabane me phir meine uski chuchiyon ko aur kas ker maslana aur sahalana shuru ker diya wo abhi bhi sisak rahi thi meine uski choli ke hook khol diye aur uski choli ko utar ker chuchiyon ko ajad ker diya usne bra bhi nahin pahni thi uski chuchiyan fudak kar bahar aa gayi wahhhhhhhh kya mast maal thi sali puri chudakkad lag rahi thi maderchod meine josh me aa gaya aur kas kas ker uski ek chuchi ko masalne laga aur dusari ko chusane laga wo aur jor se sisakne lagi hiiiiiiiiii mere raja kya maja le rahe ho tum sach me tum mujhko randi bana doge hiiiiiii aur kasssssss ke dabao naaaaaaaaa haan aise hi aur jorrrrrrrrr se siiiiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaa majaaaaaaaaaaaa aa gayaaaaaaaaa masal dalo phad dalo bahut dard hota hai in saliyon me ragdo inko achhe seeeeeeeeeee siiiiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiii marrrrrrrrrrrrr gayi reeeeeeee hiiiiiiiii le lo maja meri jawani kaaaaaaa hiiiiii reeeeeeeee kat lo inko haan aise hi mein in sab baton ko sun ker aur bhi josh me aa raha tha aur isi josh me meine uske nipple per kat liya to wo jor se sisak padi hiiiiiiiii reeeeeee jalim sale maderchod kat liya per koi baat nahin aise hi kerte raho hiiiiiiii mein sur kas ker ragdne laga bola sali kutiya maderchod bahut badi randi hai t uteri maa ko chudon sali raand faad daloonga teri **** aur gaand bahut moti ker rakhi hai bhosadi wali tune kutiya haramjadi sali to wo boli babu haan aise hi maje de do mujhko phad dalo meri **** aur gaand kas ke phir mein neeche hota hua uski **** per aa gaya aur usko chatne laga ab to wo bilkul hi pagal ho gayi mast ho ker pata nahin kya kya kahne lagi. Sale maderchod ye kya ker diya bahut maje le raha hai tu to meri jawani ke itne to mera pati bhi 6 saal me nahin le paya haan sale bahanchod chus aur kas ke hiiiiiiii me marrrrrrrrr gayiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaaaaa kha ja sale maderchod siiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiiii meeeeeeeeeee mariiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee bahut maja aa raha hai sale kute ki tarah chaat raha hai tu to bahut maja aa raha haiiiii hiiiiiii reeeeeeeeee uiiiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaa basssssssssss ab nahin saha jata sale chodddddddddd mujhko. Meine josh me aa ker ek kas ker chata uske ****adon per mara aur bola sali madderchod kutiya bahan ki lodi chup chap padi rah aur mujhe jo man me aaye kerne de nahin to gaand faad doonga teri wo boli mere raja maine kab mana kiya hai ye **** tumhari hai gaand aur chuchiyan bhi tumhari hain jaise chae maje le lo ab me aur kas kas kar chusne laga aur wo jor jor se sisakne lagi phir me utha aur apne kapde utar diye to mera mota lamba lund bahar aa ker uchhalne laga. Wo dekh ker khus ho gayi aur boli aaj to meri **** ke bhaag khul gaye jo ye mast lund mil raha hia mujhko phir meine kaha kutiya sali jyada baatein na bana ab lund chus mera to usne mere lund ko chusana shuru ker diya ab mujhe bada hi achha lag raha tha hiiiiiiiiii saliiiiiii kutiyaaaaaa kya mast chuuuuuuuuus rahi hai tu maja aa gaya saliiiii hiiiii siiiiiiii aur mast ho ker chus saliii raand puri randi ki tarah maje de sali ab to tujhe pakka randi banwa doonga apne sare doston ke lund se teri **** puri tarah se fatwa doonga samjhi haramjadi bahan ki lodi madder chod wo aur jor jor se chusane lagi ab me aur bhi mast ho gaya tha meine kaha chal sali ab tu let ja ab me teri **** fadoonga to wo boli sahab pahala dhakka khoob jor se marna taki mujhe bahut kas ke dard ho mein bahut salon se nahin chudi hoon to **** bhi tight ho gayi hai jam ker chodna meine kaha theek hai aur lund ka supada uski **** per laga diya aur phir achanak kas k eek jordaar dhakka uski **** me laga diya wo jor se uchhal padi aur boli hiiiiiii meee marrrrrrrrrrr gayiiiiiiii faddd dala meriiiiiii ****ttttttttt ko uiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaa bacha le hiiiiiiiiii marrrrrrrr jaoongiiiiii siiiiiiiiiiii faddddddd diya reeeeeeeeeee mein thodi der phir waise hi leta raha phir jab wo thoda shaant hui to ek aur jordar dhakka laga diya is baar wo aur bhi upar ko tan gayi hiiiiiiii me mariiiiiiiii siiiiiiiiiiiiiii fat gayi reeeeeeeee randiiiiii bana diya reeeeeeee mujhko chod dalaaaaa re haramjade fad di meri **** pel diya ye mota tagda lund meri **** me.Phir meine ek aur dhakka laga ker pura lund uski **** me ghusa diya ab usne thodi rahat ki saans li phir meine dheere dheere dhakke lagane shuru ker diye aur ab usko bhi maja aane laga tha wo siakne lagi hiiiiiii siiiiiiiii sale maja aa gayaaaaa uiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaa bahut maja aa raha hai hi kash tum pahle mil gaye hote to me itna nahin tadapti lund ke liye hiiiiiii mere hhhhhhaaaaaaaaa faaaaaaaaaad meri chuuuuuut ko le le maja uiiiiiiiiiii dayiiiiiiiiiya pel sale kute kamine chod jam ke mujhko fad de meri **** aur jor se aur jor se haan aise hi kas kas ke hi reeeeeeeeeeeee siiiiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaa majaaaaaa gayaaaaaaaaaaaaa reeeeeee pelooooooooo aur jooooor se pellllllllloooooooo mere raja me teri rakhel hoon jaise chahe maje le le mere saath hi reeeeeee pellllllllooo aur kassssss ke uiiiiiiiiaaa hiiiiiiiiiiiiii ssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kaskeeeeeeee joooooor seeeeeeeee maderchooooooood chuuuuuuuuuut faaaaaaaaaad meriiiiiiiiiii kutiya bana deeeeeeee mujhko, randiiiiiiiiiiii hoon me teriiiiiiiii siiiiiiiii faaaaaaaaad diiiiiii reeeeeeee jor se chod sale maderchod aur kas ke haramjade pellllllll mjhko bana le randi tere sare doston ka lund loongi khoob maje doongi sabko hiiiiiii siiiiiiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaa sanse chudwane me to aur bhi maja aayegaaaaaaaa hiiiiii fatttttttt gayiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hiiiii reeeeeeeee faaaaaaaaddddddd diiiii meriiiiiiiiiiiii chuuuuuuuuuut siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii le lo maje aur le lo ab mein bhi bahut kas kas ke usko pel raha tha mujhe bhi bahut maja aa raha tha mere lund me bahut tej gudgudi ho rahi thi mera lund ab pura andar ja ker bahar aa raha tha aur me jor jor se dhakke laga raha tha uski **** me ab bahut jor ki gudgudi hone lagi aur wo pagal si hone lagi hi Dinua me jhad rahi hoon aur kassssssssss keeeee iiiiiiiiieeeeeeee yaaaaaa uiiiiii maaaaaaaaa maja aaaa gayaaaaaaaaa.Ab uski **** se meri chudai ke karan mast awaz kar rahi thi fach fach ki awaz bahut hi acchi lag rahi thi tabhi wo kas ke mujhse chipak gayi uski **** ka pani nikal raha tha per mera lund abhi bhi tana hua tha aur me kas ke dhakke laga raha tha phir meine apna lund uski **** se nikal liya aur usko kaha sali chinal cha lab kutiya ki tarah kahdi ho ja to wo haath aur ghootano ke bal khadi ho gayi ab mujhe uski gaand ka ched ek dum saaf dikh raha tha to meine usse kaha rani ab mein teri gaand marne ja raha hoon dard hoga jyada jor se mat chillana wo boli theek hai chod lo meri gaand le lo maje in harami ****adon ke bahut sale dukhate hain mita do aaj in ki khujali ko mein in baaton se josh me aa gaya aur apne lode ko uski gaand se sata ker aur uski chuchiyon ko dono haatho se kas ker pakad ker ek jordar dhakka mara mera loda uski gaand fadta hua uski andar ghus gaya wo dard se behaal ho gayi uiiiiiii hiiiiiiiiii mein mar jaoongiiiiiii meriiiiiiimaaaaaaaaa mein mariiiiiii siiiiiii fatttttttttt gayi meri gaandddddddd hiiiiiiii reeeeeeeeee bahut dard ho raha hai plz nikal lo meine kaha sali kutiya bahan ki lodi chup chaap chudwati rah nahin to aur kas ke pel doonga bhosadi wali tujhko to wo boli mere raja kya karoon bahut dard ho raha hai meine kaha chup sali madder chod aur iske saath hi ek aur jabardast dhakka uski gaand me laga diya wo uchhal padi wo to mein uske upar tha aur mere dono haath me uski chuchiyan fasi hui thi to mera lund uski gaand me hi fasa raha ab meine ek aur jor ka dhakka laga diya wo ab rone lagi babu meri gaand fat gayi hai rahne do mein mar jaoongi to meine uski gaand pe ek haath kas ke mara aur bola sali randi kutiya kaha na ek baar chudwati rah bas samjh me nahin aata hai tere ko aur me kas kas ke uske ****adon ki pitai kerne laga meine bahut kas ke maar raha tha uske ****adon per to wo aur bhi jor se sisakne lagi hiiiiii riiiiiiiii merii maaaaaaaaaa marrrrrrrr gayiiiiii siiiiiiiiiii faaaaaddddddd dalaaaaaaa reeeeeeeeee uiiiiiiiiii fatiiiiiiii siiiiiiiiiiiii dheere seeeeeeeee mein marrrrrr jaoongiiiiii uffffffff uiiiiiiiiii siiiiiiiiiii haramjade aise apni biwi ki fadiyo tu sale meine kaha sali tu meri rakhel hai samjhi haramjadi teri to gaand aur ****.Ab aise hi fata kareinge abhi to tujhko apne sare yaaron se chudwaooga sab teri gaand mareinge tab kya karegi tu hiiiiii kya kasi huiiii gaandddddddd hai teri bahut maja aaaaaa raha haiiiiiiiiiiii siiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiiiiiii maja aa gaya thodi der me uska dard bhi kam ho gaya tha aur ab usko bhi maja aa raha tha wo khoob sisakne lagi ab siiiiiii pelo mere raja le lo maja is gaand ke hiiiiiiiiiiiii siiiiiiiiiiiiii mast ker diya mere Dinua tumne mujhko kya chod rahe ho mujhe ab lag raha hai ki mein sach me ek cudakkad aurat hoon peloooooooooooo uiiiiiiiiiiiiii mariiiiiiiii me hiiiiiiiiii riiiiiiiii maaaaaa faddddoo meri gaanddddddddddd kas kas ke hiiiiii reeeeeeee mein ab josh me aa gaya aur usko kas kas ke pelne laga uski chuchiyan mere haath me thi aur uski gaand marte hue me unko bhi kas ke daba raha tha aur uske nipples ko ragad raha thaw o mast ho ker maje le rahi thi ab mera lund jhadne wala tha meine speed bhada di thi aur mujhe full maja mil raha tha hiiiii siiiiii sali kutiyaaaaaaaa mera niklane wala hai bahan ki lodi bhosadi wali mader chod randi me jhadne wala hoon hiiiiiii siiiiiii nikal raha haiiiiiii nikal gayaaaaaaa hiiiiii siiiiiiiiiiiii maja aaaaaaa gaya raniiiiiiiii nikal raha hai bahut acche se maja aa gaya tujhko chod ker meri randi kutiya sali hiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aur phir meine uske uper gir gaya aur sustane laga wo bhi apni **** me ungali kerke jhad gayi thi phir me uske saath room me chala gaya aur bistar per usko apne saath lita liya aur dheere dheere uski chuchiyon se maje leta raha jiske karan mera lund phir tan gaya thodi hi der me to wo boli kya aaj hi puri maa chod doge meri meine kaha nahin teri maa ki nahin teri faddd doonga aur uski **** maslte hue usko apne upar chada liya aur phir se pane lund ka supada uski **** per laga diya aur kas ke dhakke lagane lagapura maja aa raha tha aur is tarah meine usko bahut acche se us raat teen baar choda aur 2 baar uski gaand bhi mari wo puri mast ho gayi phir thak ker hum dono chipak ker so gaye. Jab mei sham ko utha to wo nangi mujhse chipki hui thi phir meine usko uthaya is samay 7:30 baj rahe the usne uth ker apne kapde pahne aur boli babu ab jab chahe meri **** aur gaand faad ker mere maje le lena aur jab chahe kisi se bhi mujhko chudwa dena ab mein tumhari rakhel hoon aur puri chudakkad ban ker tumko randi ki tarah maja doongi ab main tumhare sare doston ka lund le loongi apni chudas **** me aur is raand ki gaand me phir wo khana banane chali gayi.Dusare raviwar ko Pushpa aur uski mausi Chanda dono saver 7:30 baje aayee kyonki raviwar ko kaam jyada hota tha hafte bhar ke kapade dhona, press karna saf safai karna, khana bana na etc. Pushpa bath room me jakar kapade done me lag gayee aur Chanda mausi Chai bana kar jab muze usne uthaya to mai dekhata hi raha gaya. Jab wo jhukar muze jaga rahi thi tab uska pallu niche sarak gaya tha aur blouse me se uske bade bade chuchion ki jhalak dikhai dene lagi. Aur mai jab uski chuchion ki golai ko nihar raha tha tab wo zep kar pallu sidhe kar ke mudi aur chali gayee. Pichhe se uski bhari bhari ****ado ko dekh kar to mai aur pagal ho gaya our bathroom me gaya wahan is samay Pushpa nahin thi isliye mai chanda ki chuchion aur uski gaand ke bare me sochte hue apne lund ko ragadne laga tabhi dusare kamare se pushpa ki awaz aayi ki Sahab aap nahaliye to muze towel aur kachhi dhone ke liye dedijiye meine bathroom ka drawaza khol ker usko bulaya aur kaha ki lund ka pani hila hila ker nikal de to wo mere lund ko pakad ker kas kas ke hilane lagi aur meine bhi uski chuchiyon ko haath se masalne laga aur us se kaha hiiiiii siiiiiiiii raniiiii maja aa gaya kya mast gaand dekhi hai subha subha hiiii reeeeeeeeeee majaaaaaaa aa gayaaaaaaaaaaa uiiiiiiiii siiiiiiii hi ri chanda mausi kya chudas maal hai tu teri **** ka bhosada bana dongaaaaa chod chod ker saliiiiii kutiyaaaaaaaaaaa. Pushpa meri baatein sun rahi thi aur ab usne bhi mera lund jor se hilana shuru ker diya meine bhi uska ghagara utha ker uski **** me ungali daal di kal ki chudai se uski **** suji huwee thi lekin mai ungali dal kar uski **** me andar bahar kerne laga full speed me usko bhi maja aane laga siiiiiiii hiiiiiii babu maja aaaaaaaa rahaaaaaa haiiiiiii uiiiiiiii siiiiiiiii mein jhad rahi hoon mein bhi jhadne wala tha hiiiiiii saliiiii haramjdi meraaaaaa bhi nikal raha haiiiiiiii saliiiiiiii uiiiiiii siiiiiii haannnnn mera nikal raha haiiiiiiii siiiiii nikal gayaaa aur usi samay wo bhi jhad gayi phir thodi der wo mera lund yun hi pakde rahi ab mera pura panii nikal gaya aur uska bhi phir wo boli babu maje mujhse le rahe the aur naam chanda mausi ka, kya baat hai usko bhi chodoge kya to meine kaha dekh tu meri rakhel hai to tujhko bata deta hoon ki mein aaj chanda mausi ko chodoonga wo sali chudakkad bahut hai na madercho kutiya tab wo boli agar tum meri mausi ko chodna chahte ho theek hai chod lo lekin uske liye aap ko hi use patana padega par meri **** ko na bhool jana to meine kaha tu to meri rakhel hai aur uskobhi apni rakhel bana loonga to wo boli haan ye theek rahega phir wo almari se kapde lane chali gayi aur mein nahane laga. Nahakar jab aaya to chanda mausi ne muze nasta lakar diya aur jab nasta paros rahi thi tab bhi maine uski chuchion ki golai dekhi muze laga shayad wo jan bhuz kar dekha rahi ho phir wo apna pallu thik karte huwe kamare se gand matkati huyee chali gayee. Mai baniyan aur towel pahane huwa tha. Mai table par nasta kar raha tha aur pepar pad raha tha muze malum tha ki chanda mausi muze chai dene jarur aayegi isliye mai is taraha se baith ki meri jangho se thod toliya sarak jaye aur use mere lund ki jhalak mil jaye. Wo thodi der bad chai lekar aayee maine tirchhi nazaron se dekha wo mere karib ruk kar mere mote lund ko nihar rahi thi. Mai papar padne me mast tha. Phir wo chai table par rakh kar kone se jharu utha kar kamare ko baith kar buhrne lagi lekin uski nazaren mere laude par hi jami thi. Mai bhi jan bhuj kar waise hi baitha raha aur tirchhi nigahon se usko dekh raha tha. Jab wo baith kr jharu mar rahi thi tab uski sari uski ghutano ke upar thi wo sari ko is tarah karke baithi thi ki muze uski **** ki jhalak mil sake. Muze uski **** to saaf najar nahi aarahi thi par **** ke upar ke ghane baal saaf saaf dikh rahe the. Mai samaj gaya ki wo aaj chudawana chahati hai. Kher wo safai kar ke chali gayee aur mai bhi uth kar TV dekhane laga. Karib 1 baje maine 2 bottle beer pee aur karib 2 baje hum tino ne khana khaya. Pushpa ko dusare ghar me kam tha isliye wo chali gayee ab keval mai aur Chanda mausi raha gaye. Khana kha kar mai TV par English picture dekhane laga. Kuchh der bad chanda mausi bhi kamare me aakar jamin par baith gayee kuchh der bad usne apne pairon ko ghutane upar ki aur karke baith gayee uski sari ghutano par thi. Tabhi TV par ek chumban ka jabardast sceen aaya to maine uski aur dekha uska chahara kam vasana se bhara huwa tha aur wo picture dekhate huwe apne sari me hath dal kar khuja rahi thi. Yah dekhate hi maine puchha chanda mausi kya khuja rahi ho wo chouk kar sari se apna hath nikal liya par muze uski **** aur jhante saaf dikhai dene lagi thi. Wo boli kya karun babu jab se maine tumahar dekha mai pagal ho gayee hun yah sun kar mai hairan ho gaya tab wo boli hairan mat ho jab se meine tumhara mota lund dekha hai to meri **** me aag lag gayi hai aur wo tumhare lund se chudwa ker hi shant hogi to meine poocha ki tumne kab mera lund dekh liya to wo boli jab morning me tumko pushpa jab kapad ke bare me puchhane thi to kafi der ho gayi to mein bhi bathroom ke paas aayi thi per dekha ki pushpa tumhare mast mote lode ko kas kas ker hila rahi thi aur tum bhi uski mast moti moti chuchiyon ko masal rahe the tab dekha meine tumhara lund phir tumne masti me bahut kuch bola ki rani teri chuchiyan masal doonga gaand faad doonga teri lekin tumne pushpa ka naam nahin liya balki tumne mera naam liya to meri **** aur bhi gili ho gayi phir tumhara aur pushpa ka pni nikal gaya phir tumne pushpa ko bataya kit um meri **** aur gand fadna chahate ho. Yah sun kar mai uske karib gaya aur uske aur mere kapade nikal kar uski chuchiyon se kafi der tak khelta aur chusta raha wo me mere lund ko pakar kar sahala rahi thi aur muh me lekar chus rahi thi jab hum dono kafi garam hogaye tab. Maine usko kutiya ki tarah khada kiya aur uski gand par der sara tel laga kar uski gand ki chhhed par lauda laga kar pura lund uski gaand me pel diya lund gand me ghuste hi wo chilla rahi thi uiiiiiii maaaaaaaaa faaaatttttt gayiiiiiiiiiiii meriiiiiiii gaandddddddd hiiiiiiii siiiiiiiiiii ummmmmmm hiiiiiiii pel diya re faad diya meri pyari si gaanddddddd koooo hi reeeeeeeeee uiiiiiii mein marrrrrr jaoongiiiiiiiiii siiiiiiiiii koi bacha looooooo uiiiiiiiii siiiiiiii hiiiiiiiiiiii jane do mein mariiiiiiii reeeeeeeeee uiiiiiii siiiiiiiiii hiiiiiii yah sunte hi muze josh aagaya aur uski kamar ko pakad kar lund ko gand ke ander bahar karte huwe bola chup sali kutiya bahan ki lodi mera lund khane ka tuze kafi shok tha na ab le bahanchod ye kah ker maine apni speed aur bhi badha di.Phir maine uski gand se lund nikal kar uski **** me daal diya aur kas kas ker chodne laga ab chanda ko bhi kuch maja aa raha tha aur wo bahut jor se siskane lai hiiiiiiiii siiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaa majaaaaaaaaa gayaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaahaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaha mein marrrrr agyiiiiiii siiiiiiii ummmmmmmmm aur kas ke chod sale kutte faad meri **** siiiiiii mein marrrrrrrr jaoongi siiiiiiiii uiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaa khoob jor se siiiiiiii hiiiiiii faaadddd saleee mader chod kutte bahan chod sale bhadwe gaand faadddddd de meriiiiiii mai bola sali kutiya aaj raat bhar teri gand aur **** ko fad fad kar chithade kar dunga wo boli jo chahe kar lo per aise ho chodte rahi mat jane do mujhe per chodana bahut kas ke hiiiiiii siiiiii bahut maja aa raha hai mere raaajjjjaaa faaaaaaddddd de meriiiiii **** hi siiiiiiiiii ummmmm aaaaahhhhhh ah uiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaa maja aa gaya ban gayi aaj to mein randi haan bana do puri randi bana do aur kas ke faaddd sale kutte kamine maderchod faaaddddd meri ****tt hiiiiiii siiiiiiiii haan hiiii meinnnnnmari uiiiii siiiii kaskeeee marrrrrr jaaongiiiiii siiiiiii hiiiiiiii haaaan ahaaaaaaahhhhhha hiiiii siiiiii jhadne wali hoon aur kaske pel mujhe hiiiiiii siiiiiiiii pel dalo aise hi hiiiiiii aur wo jhad gayi mai bhi 15-20 dakko ke bad uski **** me jhad gaya. Is tarha mai daftar jane se pahal roj subah pushpa ko ya chanda ko bahut choda karta tha.

Boyfriend Of 14 Year Old Girl Revealed As Woman 30

Boyfriend Of 14 Year Old Girl Revealed As Woman 30
The "boyfriend" of a 14-year-old US girl, who lived with her and her family for more than a year, was actually a 30-year-old woman, police said.
Lorelei Corpuz posed as a 17-year-old orphan to gain the family's trust, then beat and molested the teen, hitting her and twice biting her on the back, police in the Washington state city of Everett alleged.
Corpuz was charged with two counts of third-degree child rape and one count of third-degree child molestation and was being held in lieu of $US150,000 ($A183,590) bail.
Everett Police Sergeant Robert Goetz said he did not know whether Corpuz had a lawyer.
Police said Corpuz was arrested on Sunday after an officer checked her vehicle, parked at a petrol station, to see whether it was stolen.
The check pulled up an outstanding traffic warrant under an alias, Mark Villanueva.
The 14-year-old also was in the vehicle.
"She indicated it was her boyfriend," Goetz said.
"That obviously piqued the concern of the officer."
Although Corpuz had sexual contact with the girl, "the suspect never let victim see her/his private parts and victim always thought that suspect was male until officer informed her otherwise," Officer Don de Nevens wrote in a police statement.
The two met at a mall in 2005, police said, and Corpuz, acting as a boy, told the girl that his mother had died of cancer and that his father committed suicide.
They talked on the phone and went on a date, and soon her family let him move in.
"They were all surprised that this individual was not who she said she was, both in name and sex," Goetz said.

लेडी Teacher Had Sex With 5 Boys

Female Teacher Had Sex With 5 Teen Boys
GREENVILLE, S.C. — A 23-year-old former teacher accused of having sex with five teenage boys was released from jail today after her father posted her bail.
Allena Williams Ward will be confined to her home, able to leave only for church and lawyer visits, and must wear an electronic monitor. She also must have no contact with the boys with whom she is accused of having sex.
According to arrest warrants, Ward, who is married, had sexual encounters in the past three months with the 14- and 15-year-old boys at Bell Street Middle School, at a motel, in a park and behind a restaurant. She is charged with sexual misconduct.
Her father paid $11,000 in cash today — the required 10 percent of her $110,000 bail.
She was arrested Wednesday and fired that night. Her defense attorney has declined to comment.
Her next court appearance is scheduled for April 2.

Boyfriend Of 14 Year Old Girl Revealed As Woman 30

Boyfriend Of 14 Year Old Girl Revealed As Woman 30
The "boyfriend" of a 14-year-old US girl, who lived with her and her family for more than a year, was actually a 30-year-old woman, police said.
Lorelei Corpuz posed as a 17-year-old orphan to gain the family's trust, then beat and molested the teen, hitting her and twice biting her on the back, police in the Washington state city of Everett alleged.
Corpuz was charged with two counts of third-degree child rape and one count of third-degree child molestation and was being held in lieu of $US150,000 ($A183,590) bail.
Everett Police Sergeant Robert Goetz said he did not know whether Corpuz had a lawyer.
Police said Corpuz was arrested on Sunday after an officer checked her vehicle, parked at a petrol station, to see whether it was stolen.
The check pulled up an outstanding traffic warrant under an alias, Mark Villanueva.
The 14-year-old also was in the vehicle.
"She indicated it was her boyfriend," Goetz said.
"That obviously piqued the concern of the officer."
Although Corpuz had sexual contact with the girl, "the suspect never let victim see her/his private parts and victim always thought that suspect was male until officer informed her otherwise," Officer Don de Nevens wrote in a police statement.
The two met at a mall in 2005, police said, and Corpuz, acting as a boy, told the girl that his mother had died of cancer and that his father committed suicide.
They talked on the phone and went on a date, and soon her family let him move in.
"They were all surprised that this individual was not who she said she was, both in name and sex," Goetz said.

THE RAPE of a 12-year-old boy by five teenagers

THE RAPE of a 12-year-old boy by five teenagers was not "natural behaviour" for children, prompting fears the attackers may also have been abused, the head investigating police officer told a Darwin court today।
The victim says he was sexually assaulted more than 20 times at Maningrida, a remote Aboriginal community about 500km east of Darwin, by a group of five teenagers and four adults. The youngest alleged attacker was 13, the oldest was 39.The juveniles face a total of 18 charges, including sexual intercourse without consent, deprivation of liberty, aggravated assault and administering a stupefying drug.Their committal hearing in Darwin Magistrates Court today heard detectives seized a jar of vaseline, baby oil, a cannabis wood pipe and five pornographic DVDS from a house where one of the alleged attacks occurred.Titles including Teenage Brother Lovers, Gang Banging Whores, Barely 18 and Ass Eaters were among the collection.The officer in charge of the investigation, Sergeant Travis Wurst, today said the age of some of the accused made him concerned they could have also been victims.“It isn't the natural behaviour of children that age and naturally we were concerned that they may have been subjected to something in the past,” he said.“It could have been anything, we had no idea. However, our concern didn't stop with the fact that they had been charged with these offences.“Our concern was that they might have been involved not as perpetrators but as victims.”But, he said, no evidence had emerged to confirm his suspicions.Investigations into the case started soon after the boy presented to Darwin Hospital in May last year with gonorrhoea. He was later found during a medical examination to have anal fissures.During earlier court proceedings, the crown alleged the victim was bound with shoelaces, drugged and forced to watch porn during one of five attacks that began in April 2006.He was also allegedly held under water, raped with a stick and made to perform oral sex while being sodomised.The men have been charged with a total of 10 offences, including sexual intercourse with a minor without consent and aggravated assault.The second half of their separate committal hearing resumes on April 16.The hearing for the juveniles will continue before Magistrate Dick Wallace on May 11.

Friday, October 3, 2008

ساجد نے مجھے اچھا چوتیا بنایا۔

ساجد نے مجھے اچھا چوتیا بنایا۔ اب اس کے پاس میری آواز کی ریکارڈنگ موجود تھی جس میں میں اس سے خود کو چودنے کے لئیے کہہ رہی ہوں اور اسے دھمکا رہی ہوں کہ اگر اس نے مجھے نہیں چودا تو میں کیا کروں گی۔ مجھے ساجد کے ہاتھوں بلیک میل ہونے کا زیادہ دکھ نہیں ہوا۔ کیونکہ اس بلیک میلنگ کی آڑ میں ساجد نے بار بار مجھے چودا۔ اکثر رات کو وہ گیٹ چھوڑ کر میرے کمرے میں آجاتا اور مجھے چود کر واپس چلا جاتا۔ مگر پرابلم تب شروع ہوئی جب اس نے مجھے ایک دن اپنے ایک دوست کے پاس جانے پر مجبور کیا۔ میں نے اس کی بہت منتیں کیں مگر وہ نہ مانا اور ایک دن میں آفس سے اس کے ساتھ اس کے دوست کے گھر پہنچی۔ مکان دیکھ کر ہی میں سمجھ گئی تھی کہ یہ ساجد کے دوست کا گھر نہیں ہے کیونکہ وہ ایک بنگلہ تھا۔ ساجد نے کسی سیٹھ سے پیسے لے کر مجھے وہاں سپلائی کیا تھا۔ اندر پہنچی تو ایک موٹا خبیث بڈھا میرا انتظار کر رہا تھا۔ بڈھے نے ساجد کو باہر جانے کا کہا تو میں نے کہا کہ اگر ساجد باہر گیا تو میں کچھ نہیں کروں گی اور جو کچھ کروں گی وہ ساجد کی موجودگی میں ہوگا۔ بڈھا بہت خوار تھا فورا مان گیا۔ بڈھے نے مجھے کپڑے اتارنے کو کہا۔ میں نے اپنی شلوار اور کرتا اتارا بریزر کھولی اور بالکل ننگی کھڑی ہوگئی۔ بڈھے نے اپنے کپڑے اتارے تو اس کا دو انچ کا لنڈ بالکل ساکت پڑا تھا۔ میں نے بڈھے کو بیڈ پر لٹایا اور اس کا دو انچ کا لنڈ اپنی چوچیوں کے بیچ میں دبالیا۔ بڈھے کی مرادانگی بالکل زیرو تھی اور میری چوچیوں میں لنڈ آتے ہی اس نے میرے مموں پر ہی منی نکال دی۔ پھر میں نے واش روم میں جاکر اپنا جسم دھویا۔ باہر آئی تو ساجد نے ایک نئی کہانی سنائی کہ اب بڈھا چاہتا ہے کہ ساجد مجھے اس کے سامنے چودے۔ میں تو ننگی ہی تھی ساجد نے بھی اپنی جینز کی پینٹ اور ٹی شرٹ اتاری اور اپنا لنڈ میرے منہ میں دے دیا۔ ہم لوگ بیڈ پر تھے۔ ساجد لیٹا ہوا تھا اور میں اس کی ٹانگوں میں بیٹھ کر اس کا لنڈ چوس رہی تھی کہ بڈھا پیچھے سے آیا اور میری گانڈ کا سوارخ چاٹنے لگا۔ تھوڑی دیر لنڈ چوسنے کے بعد میں لیٹ گئی۔ بڈھے نے فرمائش کری کہ میں اس کے اوپر ایسے لیٹوں کے میری چوت بڈھے کے منہ پر آجائے میں لیٹ گئی تو بڈھے نے ساجد سے کہا کہ اب وہ میری چوت میں اپنا لنڈ ڈالے۔ ساجد نے میری ٹانگیں اٹھائیں اور اپنا لنڈ بڈھے کے منہ پر ٹچ کرتے ہوئے میری چوت میں ڈال دیا۔ بڈھا اپنی زبان سے میری چوت اور ساجد کا لنڈ چاٹ رہا تھا۔ ساجد نے جلدی جلدی مجھے چودنا شروع کردیا اور جب اس کی منی نکلنے والی تھی تو اس نے اپنا لنڈ میری چوت سے نکالا اور میری پھدی پر اپنی منی کا فوارہ چھوڑ دیا۔ میری پھدی سے ہوتی ہوئی ساجد کی منی بڈھے کی زبان پر گری جسے اس نے فورا چاٹ لیا اور میری پھدی بھی چاٹ کر صاف کردی۔ اس کے چدائی کے بعد ساجد سے جان چھڑانا ضروری ہوگیا تھا اور میں نے ساجد سے جان چھڑانے کا طریقہ بھی سوچ لیا تھا۔ میں نے اپنے ایک پرانے ٹھوکو کو فون کر کے اس سے پوچھا کہ کس طرح ساجد سے پیچھا چھڑایا جاسکتا ہے۔ ساجد میرا چوکیدار ہے جسے بلیک میل کرنے کے چکر میں میں خود بلیک میل ہوگئی تھی اور اب وہ میرے جسم کی کمائی کھانا چاہتا تھا۔ میرے دوست نے کہا کہ مجھے ایک سیاسی جماعت کے غنڈوں سے رابطہ کرنا چاہئیے۔میں نے اس سیاسی جماعت کے کارکنوں کا پتہ لگایا اور ان میں سے ایک لڑکے کاشف کو ریستوران میں لنچ پر بلالیا۔ لنچ کے دوران میں نے اسے بتایا کہ میرے چوکیدار کے ہاتھ میری کچھ ثبوت لگ گئے ہیں جن کی وجہ سے وہ مجھے بلیک میل کر رہا ہے اور میں چاہتی ہوں کہ میرے راستے کا کانٹا نکل جائے۔ اس نے کہا کہ وہ میرا کام کردے گا مگر شرط یہ ہوگی کہ مجھے اس کے لنڈ کی پیاس بجھانا ہوگی۔ میں تیار ہوگئی اور اس نے مجھے ایک ایڈریس دیا کہ یہاں پہنچ جانا یہیں ساجد کو بھی بلوالیں گے اور تمہارے سامنے اس کو مار مار کے معافی منگوائیں گے اور تمہاری آواز کا ٹیپ بھی نکلوائیں گے۔اگلے دن میں اس ایڈریس پر پہنچی وہ ایک خالی مکان تھا اور ایک ویران علاقے میں تھا۔ کاشف وہاں چند لڑکوں کے ساتھ میرا انتطار کررہا تھا۔ کچھ دیر بعد ایک کار آکر رکی اور اس میں سے کچھ لڑکے ساجد کو بالوں سے کھینچتے ہوئے باہر لائے۔ پھر انہوں نے ساجد پر خوب لاتیں اور گھونسے برسائے اور اس سے وہ کیسٹ بھی لے لی۔ اس کے بعد کاشف بولا۔ سبین تمہارا کام ہوگیا اب میرا کام کرو۔ یہ کہہ کر اس نے سب لڑکوں کے سامنے اپنی پینٹ کی زپ کھولی اور اپنا سات انچ لمبا لوڑا باہر نکالا۔ میں گھٹنوں کے بل بیٹھ گئی اور اس کا لنڈ چوسنے لگی۔ اس نے کہا نہیں ڈارلنگ پہلے کپڑے اتارو اور پھر میں نے اتنے سارے لڑکوں کی موجودگی میں کپڑے اتار دئیے۔ اور ساجد کا لنڈ چوسنے لگی۔ یہ سین دیکھ کر سب لڑکوں کے لنڈ ان کی پینٹوں میں پھنسنے لگے اور آہستہ وہ سب اپنے لنڈ باہر نکالنے لگے۔ اور مٹھ مارنے لگے۔ تھوڑی دیر بعد کاشف نے مجھے ایک میز پر بٹھایا اور میری ٹانگیں کھول کر اپنا لنڈ میری پھدی میں ڈال دیا اور دھنا دھن میری چوت چودنے لگا۔ کاشف کا لنڈ کسی راکٹ کی طرح کام کررہا تھا وہ پورا لنڈ باہر نکالتا اور پھر ایک جھٹکے سے میری پھدی میں ڈالتا۔ ان جھٹکوں سے میرے ممے اچھل رہے تھے اور میں اپنے ہاتھوں سے انہیں دبا رہی تھی۔آس پاس کھڑے لڑکوں میں سے ایک نے ساجد کے منہ پر گھونسا مارا اور ساجد کے منہ سے خون نکلنے لگا اس لڑکے نے اپنا لنڈ ساجد کے منہ میں ڈال دیا اور ساجد اس کا لنڈ چوسنے لگا۔ اتنے میں ایک اور لڑکے نے ساجد کی پینٹ اتاری اور اس کی گانڈ میں اپنا لنڈ گھسیڑ دیا ساجد پہلے ہی زخموں سے چور تھا بیچارا کچھ نہیں کرسکا۔ایک طرف کاشف مجھے چود رہا تھا دوسری طرف دو لڑکے ساجد کی گانڈ مار رہے تھے۔ اور باقی لڑکے مٹھ مار رہے تھے۔ ان میں سے ایک لڑکے کی منی نکلنے والی تھی اس نے جلدی سے قریب آکر اپنی منی میرے منہ پر ڈال دی جبکہ کاشف بدستور میری پھدی زور زور سے چود رہا تھا۔ باقی لڑکے بھی باری باری آکر اپنی منی میرے منہ مموں اور پیٹ پر ڈالتے رہے۔ اور آخر کار کاشف نے بھی میری چوت میں اپنی منی چھوڑ دی۔ ساتھ ہی میں بھی ٹھنڈی ہوگئی۔ سب لڑکوں اور کاشف نے مل کر ساجد کے اوپر پیشاب کیا اور پھر ہم سب کپڑے پہن کر اپنی اپنی گاڑیوں میں بیٹھ کر ساجد کو وہیں چھوڑ کر چلے گئے۔اس دن کے بعد میں نے ساجد کو پھر کبھی نہیں دیکھا۔ ہاں کاشف اور اس سیایسی جماعت کے لڑکوں کے ساتھ میں اکثر چدواتی رہی اور ان سے اپنے دوسرے کام بھی نکلواتی رہی۔अविअवि

अनल पिसतुरे

Wife Banged By Hubby Business Partner

As the door bell rang, Sandy cursed the visitor. She was halfway through her bath. Just then her hubby john had left and her 5 year old son had gone to her mother's house for vacation for 15 days to Pune. She was all alone in that palatial house. The previous night they had gone for a party and John had really troubled her almost whole night after taking hot rinks. They had attended the official party as John and his partner Vijay had bagged a major contract in Singapore. Since it was a big achievement for John, Sandy also dressed up with interest. That night everyone complimented Sandy for her beauty. She had worn a flowing white gown with a open back. A single thin platinum chain with a big diamond pendant and diamond earrings had increased the glow on her face. Her long hair was covering her white skin on the back. The gown had a slit on either side only up to her knees and her cleavage was slightly visible through the cut on her chest was being covered by the big pendant on her chain. The sleeveless arms were tender looking with a diamond bracelet and white colour fancy watch. She was looking like an actress in that outfit.God had given her beauty and brains together. When John's partner of the firm, Vijay shook her hand, his eyes were wide open, and he had taken little extra time squeezing her hands purposely. He was a tall and strong man in his 30s. She had not got many occasions to see him often. Whenever he came to their house she was busy with their only son and had hardly exchanged greetings. John said Vijay had organized the party fully. It was only for the known circle of the office. It was in the garden of Vijay's big house. There was an attractive floor created surrounding the fountain which had awaked female statue in the middle. Everyone sat around the stage, sipping hot drinks and junk food. There were trees around the place. The party had a dance bay sexy dancer. The dancer had entered the floor with full frilled red colour gown to start with. But as the dance progressed she had stripped slowly. The first one to get out of her body was the velvetyfurr that she was wearing on her gown. She removed it and threw to the audience. There was a huge applaud from everyone. Next Sandy saw 4 strong black men entering the stage. The dancer was pretending to escape from them. After some drama she was carried and thrown in to the fountain water. Her hands were tied above the naked marble statue. Then the water started to flow from the fountain on to her body. The song had got more erotic. In no time the gown got wet fully anther fair skin was visible from the gown. She was wearing a black lacy very small bra and panty inside. Her body was shown inch by inch on the huge screen projected on a side screen. As the camera moved on her full body there was full silence with everyone looking at the stage only. Again the four black men came and in full view of the audience her gown was removed and thrown to the crowd. One man even cut off her shining neck piece and threw it off. The scene got very wild with everyone staring at her marvellous body in two pieces. The bra and panty were too small just covering enough. Again her body was shown from full close up. Sandy could see John getting aroused at that view. John, Sandy and Vijay and their secretary were sitting in place. All the staff of John were seated a bit far around the stage. From four corners drinks were thrown on the dancer's body and the four black men licked her body. She was making all sexy moves and looked like she had personally got involved in the act. Sandy was wondering unto what extent the show will go on. She was surprised also as to how can such parties be held in open. Then the dancer was released from the rope and as the music continued she stripped each of the 4 black men with their colourful trousers and pants. Now even those muscular men were only in their small underwear's. She was being squeezed between them. They did lots of gymnastics together exposing different positions of kamasutra indirectly. In one of the positions she was standing in the middle of the 4 men. Two came from behind and caught hold of her hands on either side. She was pinned to the glittering floor. As everyone saw two other blackish licked her body from head tote, taking more time on her private parts. Though they were doing it on top of her bikini piece it was almost naked to see. One of them took her boob through the bra in his mouth and sucked it erotically. The other spent time on licking her naval. The guys we repressing her boobs too. Everything was shown very clearly on the screen. Suddenly Sandy felt two strong hands caressing her back. To give more effect there was bright light only on the stage. All the lights in the garden, bungalow and near the gate were also switched off. Rest all part of the garden was in utter darkness now. She looked at John, he was busy sipping the whisky and seeing the erotic dance on the floor. He had even forgotten that she was sitting next to him. She tried to turn back and see. It was Vijay who was behind her, at the back of her chair. When she saw him he grinned at her. She wouldn't want to create ascend there so she just removed his hands and sat quietly. After sometime suddenly his hands got inside her gown from behind, through her naked back, slid onto the gown and rested on her boobs, sending waves of shocks inside her body. She just rose up on her chair. As she tried turning John this side, John only shouted at her 'Don't disturb' and continued to see the stage. Smiling at her helplessness, Vijay bent down, kissed her on her cheeks and pressed the boobs once very hard and went off. She was relieved but still her body was trembling with the fear. On the stage, two men had slid their hands inside her bra and two others inside her panty and were squeezing and rubbing her. Looking at that scene anyone could have got aroused. John's hand was pressing his downtick over his pants. but everything was being done with the cloth on. That was more erotic. As the big scene splashed her face from close-up, she looked more sexy enjoying the hand job she was getting. The men had placed their big hands on her boobs and we repressing it in rhythm with the music. While one man licked her naval, the other man slid his fingers inside her pussy and was finger ****ing her in full view of the crowd. Now suddenly they stopped the music and microphone was placed near her mouth. She had lost control on herself. She had half closed her eyes and moaning. Her 'ahhhhhhhhhhhh. .ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ' were too loud now. Sandy saw once all around. Al most all theme had dragged their partners close to them and under the cover of the dresses were busy either squeezing or finger ****ing their partners. She saw that Vijay was sitting right next to her and while looking at Sandy he had slid his hands inside the blouse of their secretary, who was very much drunk and was squeezing her boobs. It was quite dark so nobody could be sinfully. Just then Vijay called one of the guys and said something to him. He nodded his head and went back to that female dancer. As everyone looked they lifted her up and asked her to remove their undoes. She was surprised and said 'No. never I have never got fully naked on the stage…no full sex here. may be in the room. no sorry'. But the four strong men took hold of her and threw her again in the fountain water. Now the skimpy two piece got stuck to her body. One person caught hold of her hair, lifted her head and poured whisky into her throat. As she drank it the crowd started cheering them. Now she was slowly stripped off the remaining two piece from her body and were thrown on Vijay. He took them, while giving a naughty look at sandy, smelt them. She just turned her face the other side. Now the girl was fully naked. They started fingering her and pinching her nipples. In no time she got aroused fully and one by one removed their shorts with her own hands. They spread her legs and placed neither side of the naked statue. She was asked to gather hands to the back of the statue too. As the close-up showed, her boobs were standing out with erect nipples and pink shaven pussy fully exposed to the crowd. The 4 black bodies went close to her and the next moment was the sex act in full swing on the stage. Women placed themselves on her either side and placed their hands on her boobs, started teasing her with the circling and patting of nipples. They were pulling the nipples and leaving. The other two sat down and were licking her legs. Then slowly one tongue reached hiragana as the tongue went inside her sensitive area she let out a loud moan surprising the whole crowd. One man took a chair and rose up, gave his dick in her mouth. It was too much for everyone out there. By now, most of them under the cover of darkness had either started masterburating or had lifted the dresses oftheir partners. John was silently playing with Sandy'pussy from under the table. She was praying thatnobody sees them. But Vijay had seen her beautifullegs almost exposed. On the stage the grunts of the dancer were gettingmore and more louder. Now the two men on her sides hadtaken her each boob in their mouths and were suckingthem loudly. The microphone was clearly giving awaythe sounds. Her full body was occupied with one decking her mouth, two pairs of hands on her either of hobnobs, and a deep tongue ****ing by another man down there. There was another loud noise from her as sheorgasmed to the public view. The man getting the blowjob, caught hold of her hairs, and pressed himselfstill deep inside her mouth and started mouth ****ingher fast. Now the man down got up, standing straighthe entered her pussy in one straight push and kept hislegs on her either side, allowing the others the spacetoo. She was literally sandwitched with these guys.Sandy turned around and saw that now Vijay had pulledoff the sari of his secretary. She was in her smallsleevless blouse, with her petticoat risen to herwaste, legs fully spread and Vijay was pulling out hisfly to enter her. His eyes were fixed on Sandy but. Itwas looking as though he was imagining Sandy and****ing his secretary. Sandy face turned red and shesat back with closed eyes. John with his finger workmade her to come there itself. The female on the stage was getting the rough ****ingin her mouth and pussy, rough pressing on her boobs.The guy in her mouth ejaculated full load in to hermouth and withdrew. The juice flowing down her mouthto her boobs was too erotic. She threw her headsideways and was enjoying the deep ****ing on thestage. There were other ohhhhhhhh and ahhhhhhhhhhhhsin the garden with many more pairs getting into sexact. The area was getting filled with sex. Some hadmoved to the back of the trees. But still only thestage had light rest all in dark. After sometime, theguys brought out that female to the floor from thefountain. She was finding it difficult to stand. Oneof the guys slept down on the floor, she was pushedroughly on him by the others. She was lifted andplaced on him. One guy helped in her pussy slippingdown on the erected dick of the sleeping man. She satfully on him and the man pulled her mangoes roughlyand she fell on him. Two men lifted her waste a bit,and the free man just placed his long and thick toolbehind her and she cried out loudly, as he pushedhimself hard into her ass hole. Only one inch went inand she gave out huge cry. Immediately one man wentinfront of her and forcibly pushed his dick in hermouth, stopping her from crying. The crowd startedclapping for them. Encouraged by this, the man pushedhis monster again inside her. In the third attempt hestabbed her asshole fully and waited for sometime. Nowshe had a dick in her pussy, asshole and mouth. Theylifted her a bit to give full view of her hangingmangoes to the crowd. The fourth man, who had alreadycum once in her mouth sat next to them and startedpulling her nipples, milking them. As they started****ing her with full understanding, the noise startedcoming from them. Bang….bang…bang… it was a fierce****ing in public view. With each banging, her boobswere shaking. Everyone was looking at the giant screengetting the close up of the scene. The huge giantcocks were sliding in and out of her holes. Vijay now roughly pushed his secretary down on thegrass, ripped open her blouse, roughly pulling hertits out, and started ****ing her roughly. He was likea wild animal. That sight of him made Sandy to getcomplete scared of him. Only Sandy and John were closeto them and could see them. John seemed to be carelessabout this. Sandy could hear moans and grunts from thepeople. Vijay was fiercely moulding his lady's breastshurting her a lot. He had not undressed but had onlybrought out his dick through the zipper and was****ing her. John had put two fingers inside Sandy'spanty and vagina and was ****ing her in full speed andhis other hand was inside his pants jerking himself. On the stage, the guy in her mouth came first andwithdrew himself. By now that female was too hot andwas shouting loudly. Now as her mouth got free shestarted talking…'ahhhhhhh… ohhhhhhh…u cheaters…****ingme in public. Yes..**** me more..hard.. harder….u blackmonsters… haaaaaaa…ram my myass…ahhhhhhhhhhh' ..Sandy was feeling too shy with thisscene. The guy who was pressing her boobs came infrontof her, moved a bit front and asked the guy below tohold her boobs together and started boob ****ing her.Her face was pressed against his scrotum. They allwere banging her in full speed. As Sandy neared her orgasm again, she bit her lipshard to control her screaming. Vijay had his partnerin full noise as she supposedly came and there weresimilar grunts from the stage. When sandy saw thestage, the men were ready to erupt in all her holestogether. All the members shouted, creating a bignoise, came one after the other and fell on eachother. John got up and went behind the trees, to shagoff. Vjay had finished as was getting up and finallyzipped back and came and sat again next to sandywiping his face. John was not satisfied. He forcedSandy to get up and said 'bye' to all in a hurry andpushed Sandy into the car. As they passed the dias,Sandy could see that the dancer was thrown on thefloor, fully naked with closed eyes, her hand spreadeagle. As she saw, Vijay was getting up and going nearthe dancer. Many other men too were trying to get nearher. Sandy understood that the poor dancer was in fora more group banging there. May be she will get paidmore too for this extra service.John was so hot from the scene that he did not evenallow Sandy to remove her sandals when they enteredtheir house at around 1 in the night. He closed thedoor and pulled her close to him, giving a wild kiss.Undressing her quickly he had taken her on the livingroom carpet, banging madly, then making her bendagainst the sofa, he had ****ed her hard in doggystyle. That night he had ****ed her three more timesin speed before she slipped into deep sleep at around3 in the morning. Next day John was suppose to fly toSingapore for a conference. His flight was at 5 in theevening.. They both slept till 2 in the afternoonuninterrup ted and when she opened her eyes, she hadJohn's hand on her naked breast, under the blanket ontheir big bed. His long leg pressed against her rightthigh, a satisfied smile on his face. She kissed himlovingly as she tried to get up. He woke up with hermovements and refuse to allow her to get up. Justrolled her up above him and pulled her down to hisface to lock her lips, below his hands adjusted hisrock hard dick against her vagina and pressed it updeep into her cunt. Sandy smiled and said 'Darling …useem to be too much sexed up because of that dancer'.John said 'yes..also I have to starve without sex forthe next three days'. and started jerking under her.She also started co-operating and ended up havinganother wild ****ing session. She never said no to himany time in their married life. Finally at 3 she gotup and wore a nighty. John left home at 4. Sandy's face became red remembering his mischief theprevious night. Leisurely she decided to take a longbath after treating her skin with olive oil and hairwith henna. She was lazily lying in the bathtub withher eyes closed when she heard her door bell ring. Shejust neglected the door bell. It stopped for sometime.But instead her phone started ringing. They had anintercom near the bathtub. It was John. He said he hadleft a file at home which was urgently needed byVijay. He asked her to keep it aside as someone mightcome to pick it up shortly. She said ok. She finishedher bath after sometime. Wrapped herself in a babypink long robe and walked to her room. Her cheeks hadturned a bit red with the hot water bath. She hadremoved all her jewellery except the ring on herfinger. She took cream and applied it all over herslender body and removed the towel from her hair. Thelong black hair fell on her back increasing herbeauty. For sometime she gently combed the wet hairand lightly dried it with the hair drier. As she wasabout to change her robe to a dress, the door bellagain started ringing..but this time continuously. Unable to hear that sound, she jumped to the door andopened it but moved backwards surprised at seeingVijay near the door. Literally pushing her inside,Vijay barged into the house. He sat on the sofa andasked her 'Did John tell u about the file?". Slowlyshe said 'yes, but I forgot to ask him where it is'.Vijay looked at her from top to bottom. With a smilehe said he can find it himself. Oh. God!. She waslooking so fresh like a greek goddess". Thought Vijayto himself. Vijay and John were close friends.and had started thefirm recently. Both had freedom in each others house.But till now Sandy had never faced him alone this way.She had not got many chances to meet him also as shehardly attended the parties. Not knowing what to doshe switched on the TV and went inside the kitchen toget Tea for him. After sometime when she came out withthe cups Vijay came out of their bedroom.. He said hewants her to help in searching that file. She askedhim to have Tea first. She was feeling very awkward asshe was not wearing anything inside the silk robe andVijay was getting the glimpse of her body indirectly.The material was tightly hugging her boobs and flowingdown. They both had Tea in silence and Vijay got upand asked her to follow him to their room. John hadthe files piled up in the shelf. She started searchingone by one. It was already 6:30 in the evening and wasgetting dark outside. Vijay simply sat on their bedand asked her 'looks like you took bath very latetoday..why got up late"?. Her face became redremembering everything. She said 'yes. We got uplate". He was saying 'no' to all the files that sheshowed. Add to the problems electricity went offturning the room in to pitch dark. She got scaredcompletely. She said 'I will get the candle' and triedto turn back, lost her balance as Vijay gave his legin her way to make her fall on the bed.. As soon as shefell, he came over her without giving her time torecover, pinned her hands down to the bed on both thesides and started kissing her madly. She was trying tofree herself. In that fight, her gown got spread outand her legs got exposed fully. Keeping her mouthlocked with his lips, vijay untied the belt on herrobe, and spread the gown fully. Now her naked bodywas on offer on the silky robe platform. His massivebody had overtaken her slender, soft body. After 10mts of deep kissing when she opened her eyes theelectricity had come. Now she was fully naked infrontof him..all fresh from the good bathing session, likea rose on the pink bed. She immediately tried to coverherself. 'Vijay was very fast in undressing himself.She was too scared and did not know what to do at all.The fact that there was nothing to hide from him nowas he saw her fully naked already, made her to looseher strength. She just turned her back and slept on the bed closingher face. Vijay ran his hands on her smooth and silkyback. He realized her whole body trembling. He fell onher back, his strong naked male body pressed hardagainst her back, she jumped back when his rock harddick touched her ass. He bent over forcibly and kissedher cheeks. She was asking him to leave her. 'Noway…yesterday night itself I wanted you very badly.The ****ing I gave that girl was all for you. Butsince John was there I did not do anything. But I sawJohn giving a good finger job to you". Her arms feltthe tight grip as his strong hands pulled her to facehim. She closed her eyes out of helplessness, but wastrying her level best to free herself. Unable totolerate her resistance, Vijay tied her hands to thebed with the blanket and the robe. Took his hanky andstuffed inside her mouth. Still her legs werestruggling to free. He did not get anything to tie herlegs. So he placed his heavy body on her. When hegained full command over her body he went slow on herbody. Still sitting on her legs, he bent down andkissed her forehead, eyes, cheeks, neck and came downto her beautiful, milky boobs. He forgot himselflooking at their beauty. Every part of her body wasperfect. The lovely fragrance of the cream sheapplied, was driving him crazy. The two small rose buds each placed on her melons madehim excited to the tip. He ran his tongue on themslowly. Immediately the nipples got erected. He feltvery happy and took those buds in his fingers,pinching and stroking. He slowly pressed his nose onthose tips and played for sometime. He was looking attheir beauty. Then he cupped them together and put hishead between them and felt their softness. He took histime in playing with them. He knew he had enough timeand being an expert he was not in a hurry to finishthe act. One by one he took in his mouth and suckedthem to his hearts content. He was such an expert thather body was under heavy sensation. There was somequality involved in his each act. Her soft skin wastempting him further. After licking them for longtime, suddenly he got an idea. He got up a bit andpressed her boobs together again and placed his 10'long cock between them. That was completely new toher. Her body started responding to him. Her handstried to reach her own love spot. But since they weretied Vijay was busy boob ****ing her. As her bodyarched out of excitement, the boobs went up more erectand straight. Vijay bent down again and again to suckthem and bite them. After sometime, he withdrew hisdick from there and came down to her cunt. He lookedat her pink cherry for sometime and at once his mouthfell on those sensitive lips. Parting those lovelylove lips he directly hit her clit. She was alreadyexcited. In no time he was able to get her into one ofthe longest orgasms of her life. As her body shook forseconds erupting in his mouth, he drank all her juicehappily. It was then that he realized that she hadstarted responding to him. He removed the hanky fromher mouth and said 'I don't think u need this now' andthrew it aside. She was sweating fully. There weredrops of sweat lined up on her forehead and thecleavage between her love mountains. He licked itpassionately. She closed her eyes unable to face himdirectly. He planted a deep kiss on her trembling pinklips, untied her hands and started squeezing thosesoft hands with his own on to the bed. When his hairybody touched her soft skin, both of them felt athundering sensation all over. The act which appeared to be a rape had become a moresensitive and romantic sexy session. His rubbing madeher body active again. He placed her hands on his backand whispered 'Hug me tightly darling'. Pressing herclose to him, he simply rubbed his strong body to herlovely body. Both of them forgot the time around themas Vijay rolled over the bed hugging her tightly. Nowit was too much for Vijay. He got up, lifted her oneleg up with his hand, widened the pussy lips with hisfingers and with a deep thrust pushed all his 10' atonce into her. Oh….that was such a wonderful feelingfor her..though it pained heavily to take him fully atonce. Her body jumped up with the pain and she huggedhim tightly to bear that pain. With only her one legspread wide, he was able to pin her down with hisenergy and give heavy strokes to her. She complainedof the pain due to that position. But he was gettingimmense pleasure in that position. So he continued tobang her. His hands pressing her soft globes hard, hisballs banging against her buttock, occasionally hebent down to lock her lips with his fierce kiss. Herhands clutched the bed tightly for grip, to stopherself from moving up with his strong thursts. Herbody was paining with his immense strength, deeppenetration and hard pressing of boobs. She told'Please Vijay…be slow, it is paining me..please." . Hedid not listen. 'Noway…since yesterday you havetempted me so much. I could not even sleep properly.John is so lucky to get such a lovely wife'. It wasonly when he decided to change the position that hebrought her leg down, for sometime just ****ed her inthe missionary style, allowing her body muscles torelax a bit. His hands had moved below her back andhad hugged her very tightly to reach her depth in hervagina. His one hand moved down and squeezed her asscheeks roughly. His rough hands were so big and heavy. His bigmoustache hurting her soft skin on her face wheneverhe kissed her on lips or boobs. She once again camewith a shudder. So much was the impact that she almostwent unconscious with that orgasm. He felt very happylooking at her lovely face getting sweat lines. 'Oh..ur such a sweet heart', he kissed her again and again.In that passion he continued to **** her more strongerand deeper, he bit her lovely lips as he ejaculatedheavily inside her. For 3-4 mts his tool keptthrobbing inside her, filling her fully with hisjuice. She was tired, motionless, with drowsy eyes shetried seeing the time. it was showing around 9. in thenight. Tired she just slipped into sleep without herknowledge. After a long time, suddenly she opened hereyes. The room was bright with all the lamps lit. Shehad a blanket on her naked body. May be Vijay hadcourtesy to put it on her. As her eyes turned, she sawhim sitting on their study table infront of thecomputer, looking at something curiously. He had acigarette in his hand. He had only worn the underwearand nothing else. She got up a bit to see what he wasseeing. She was stunned at what she saw. It was thevideo recording of their steamy sex session. May bewhen she was in the kitchen to prepare Tea, he hadfixed it up in their bed room. Oh God!. Her faceturned blue with fear. The scene was clearly showinghis fierce banging with her leg lifted. Her 'ohhhhhhhand ahhhhhhhhhhs could be heard too. The camera wasshowing more of her, and mostly his naked back only.She closed her face with both her hands inembarrassment. Vijay turned back hearing her movementsand came up to her on the bed. 'Never mind,darling. .dont worry, I will not publish this outside.For my own pleasure it will be there with me. But Imust say you are a wonderful piece of meat.' I hadnever ****ed anyone like you'. She was very angry. 'Ur a bastard, how can u trouble me like this for noreason!'. With a wicked smile, Vijay pushed himselfunder the blanket covering her naked body and pulledher to him again. 'I told u Sandy, I wont blackmailyou by using this. But I have never been tempted likethis by any woman in my life. You have given me thebest ever ****ing session of my life. You know I amnot married and will not marry too as I have nointerest in that. So don't worry about anything. Maybe after sometime, I will destroy this clipping. Sonow darling stop crying and fighting with me'. He kepthis cigarette in the ash trey kept on the side tablecarefully. Again his thick smoky lips covered her tender lips,not allowing her to speak further. He was alreadyerect again. She was not ready but, so refusing toopen up, she forced herself to turn backwards. Vijayafter licking and kissing her bare back, her nice asscheeks, put his hands below her waste and lifted herup. She caught hold of the edge to bear his weight onher back. Placing his one hand on her hanging melonstightly with another hand he adjusted his tool andbefore she realized what was happening he had rammedher cunt from behind in one push. This time it tookhim 3-4 pushes to enter her. Since she was dry and notready, his penis literally went stabbing inside her.She almost fainted with that push. 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhno… please' she loudly try to console herself. To bearthe pain she bent her head on to the soft pillow.Vijay also allowed her to adjust for 1-2 mts, whilekissing her neck and pressing her hanging mangoes.Slowly the burning sensation got reduced and Vijayalso got restless and started stroking her again withlong and deep pushes. With his dick still inside her,he lifted her up and turned both of them to face thedressing table.It was giving a fantastic view. Her naked front wasfully exposed to the mirror, her stretched out pussywith his dick fully buried inside her. The dressingtable was hardly 2 ft away. Vijay was at her backresting his hands on her lovely tits. Her fair skinhad turned a bit red all over. Her hair was fallingsideways almost touching the bed. Vijay waited for 5mts to see that beautiful scene. His hand kept oncaressing her soft skin and planting soft kisses onher neck. Her face turned fully red looking at herimage getting wildly ****ed by her husband's partner.Unable to see herself she closed her eyes. 'See howsexy we both look naked in the mirror. Don't u thinkwe are making a perfect love couple. Come on. Openyour eyes and see ur lovely boobs being touched by me.See how I am stretching them. Those small chocolateson them as so sweet right?". Vijay whispered into herear, biting them slowly. His another hand came aroundher waste and touched her clit and started massagingit. Vijay got her aroused with his touch and kissing.He was tall, strong, muscular. She was slim, soft, abit shorter, feminine. It was easy for him to commandher body fully.He caressed her long silky hair lustfully. As thepassion mounted he bent her a bit down, the clearimage of her hanging breasts, being pressed by hisstrong hands gave him further kick. He kept onfingering her nipples hard. His eyes were on the largemirror. Now his other hand on the clit was rubbing hercunt more fast. She could not help herself frommoaning. As she said 'hmmmmmmmmm'… sweatly, as low aspossible, he kissed her neck again and again. Theclock showed 2 in the night. Then slowly he startedhis ****ing. First slowly, then as he picked up speed,she was struggling to catch her breath. Then he pulledout and made her to lie on her back. While he wasstanding on the floor next to the bed, he pulled herto edge of the bed bringing her legs hanging down tothe ground. This way her pussy got wide open for hisfull view. He ran his hands on that love spot forsometime. He half slept over her and screwed her cuntwith his huge erect dick. His hands had spread herhands, her nipples were touching his hairy chest. Asshe was getting irritated with his mustache, she wastrying to escape his kiss. But he forcibly planted adeep kiss, putting his whole weight on her slenderbody, crushing her soft boobs, under his heavy chest,but continued his deep stroking down. In that pin dropsilence of midnight, the room was filled with theirhissing sounds, and the ****ing sound from the unitedareas of cunt and dick. For her it looked never endingas her body started giving up. The friction inside hervagina, brought her to another unplanned orgasm.Though her mind opposed him, her body responded. Hercum made his strokes much easier and deeper. His handswere catching her hands very tightly on to the bed.She was feeling damn thirsty by now. She had not eatenanything the whole of the day, and in the party alsoshe had hardly eaten some junk food. She told him toleave her for sometime as she was feeling too thirsty.But he was fully hot. Looking at her dry lips, helifted her with his dick still inside, made her tocross her legs around his waste for support andcarried her to the kitchen. With one hand he poured the milk instead of water in aglass and gave her to drink. She drank it like ahungry cat. Little life came to her. He carried heroutside the kitchen but did not go to the bedroom,instead sat on the sofa with her on top and made herto ride him. From below he was giving hard pushes.Since she wasn't too cooperative, he lifted her again,and put her down on the carpet on the floor and ****edher for his heart's content. It was more than 40 mtsthat he was ****ing her the second time, but still hehad not come. His nature was to hold on, but as hereached the climax he used to become an animal. As theclimax started building in him, his speed increased.Not caring about hurting her, he went wild with her.She just gave up herself as she knew it was of no use.He had already made her a puppet in his hands. Afterso much of vigorous ****ing finally he cummed insideher in loads, the juice overflowed her love hole andfell on the carpet. He fell on her throwing his fullheavy weight on her body. When he got up, she slowlytried getting up herself. He went to the bathroom toclean up. She managed to throw herself on the sofa andclosed her eyes, unable to move at all. When he cameout and saw her tired face, he came to her and carriedher in his arms to the bed room. Placed her gently onthe large bed and covered her with the blanket. Againwent inside the kitchen and came back with slices ofbread, some fruits and warm milk, woke her up andforced her to eat them. She was damn hungry, sowithout any complaint she ate everything. He himselfwiped her lips with the towel and allowed her tosleep. She slid into a very sound sleep after that. When the bright rays of sun fell on her face, she wokeup to see Vijay fast asleep next to her, holding herin his arms. Her head was resting on his right arm,while his left arm was on one of her naked breasts.His left leg had crossed on her naval, leg touchingher vagina and placed in between her legs. It was onlythen that she saw him from close up. He had a handsomefigure, with rough face and heavy thick, but trimmedmustache. He had a very hairy body. John always toldher how Vijay was a fitness freak. He had a very broadmasculine chest. He still had heavy watch and thickgolden bracelet on his hands. His neck was circledwith very thick and heavy gold chain. But she wasstill scared of him. She saw around the room. The bedwas all crumpled, her silky pink robe was crumpled onthe ground. Vijay's pant and shirt was again cuddledon the floor. John was to come only after 3 days. Shefelt so lonely and helpless. Somehow she felt likecrying. She could not control her sobbing. As hertears fell on his hand covering her, Vijay woke upslowly. When he saw her crying he did not know what todo. He said many things to console her. He promisednot to trouble her when John was there…not to forceher for sex anymore…etc. etc. He also said that shewas very much different than the females he ****edearlier. She knew complaining to John will only createa major problem for all. Though she was a devotedwife, John never understood her feelings.. He alwaysbothered about only his likings. He was so muchbusiness minded that there was no place for real loveor romance in their life. When he was horny he wouldanyway force her. Sandy was a post graduate but wasbasically a soft spoken person. She hated argumentsand fighting with anyone. If this issue comes out whatwill happen to their son's future? As Vijay kissed hereyes and drank her tears, she had no option but tokeep quiet. The next 2 days he visited her when he wanted, ****edher brains out, almost everywhere. Kitchen, living, onthe dining table, bathroom. When he ****ed her underthe shower, he ****ed her atleast 3 times. Such washis sexual urge. Those three days she was hardlydressed up only when he went to the office. She didnot eat properly. Only was trying to sleep to get outof the pain in her body. Her lips, nipples, vagina allwere burning. Since they had an independent bungalow,no neighbor could see him coming and going. Plus hewas using John's car to go and come. When John cameback and saw Sandy's pale face, he thought she was notwell. When he asked her what happened..she only criedand cried but did not say anything. The new firm hadlots of loan in his name. They need time to settle.What to do???. When Vijay presented a brand newexpensive car to John for the new year, John was allpraise for Vijay. But only Sandy knew the reason. But that was the last party that she ever attendedofficially